What are your religious beliefs?

I'm the easter bunny, and I don't even believe in Easter because it has been proven by social science to be fake.
I have done many rigorous tests over the years to debunk the Easter bunny myth. Yet it still exists year after year.
And now they have me planting eggs. And I'm left wondering, but what came first the Easter or the egg?


Have you even tested the theory of logictivity? Or maybe I'm thinking of fuzzy logic.
Easter bunnies are fuzzy.

The Easter Bunny was, in fact, a true creature. The Bunny went extinct about 80,000 tears ago after humans started to collect their eggs for ceremonial events.These events usually involved a lot of fucking and spraying semen everywhere. Scientist have found copious amounts of Bunny egg shells in the middens of ancient people starting around 90,000 years ago and soon after no shells and no Bunny running gaily across the plains. And there was a lot less fucking too. I think that explains a lot.
The Easter Bunny was, in fact, a true creature. The Bunny went extinct about 80,000 tears ago after humans started to collect their eggs for ceremonial events.These events usually involved a lot of fucking and spraying semen everywhere. Scientist have found copious amounts of Bunny egg shells in the middens of ancient people starting around 90,000 years ago and soon after no shells and no Bunny running gaily across the plains. And there was a lot less fucking too. I think that explains a lot.
You left out how scientists have discovered how they mated, one of the most important aspects of Easter Bunny proliferation..

The female had an egg sac on her back that was subject to the harsh sunlight emitted by the sub saharan climate, she had a shady shield that prevented UV from entering the womb, ensuring survivability.. Over time, the womb itself developed UV protection. Her speed helped her reach shaded areas outside the harsh climate.

The male developed an overly thick penis to ensure the temperature didn't seed into the procreation process ensuring viable offspring. Males tend to operate near high brush, stable temperatures, and safe paths away from humans..

They are a nuisance, especially in Switzerland (their main strategic outpost since they've been discovered..)
Why do Jewish people not hand out candy on Halloween but they don't turn off their lights?
I think it's a matter of pride but I don't know. I just assume they are proud and refuse to hide in the dark while others are out being festive. I respect this.
I only knew of one house in the neighbor hood when I was growing up that they were home but.
Left the lights on and everything seemed like any other house, But they were a little angry when we went to the door to trick or treat. I didn't think they were angry with us specifically, at the time it seemed more like they were disturbed because of so many kids coming to their door.
I didn't understand this and I'm still wondering. As I got older I stayed home. I wasn't interested in trick or treating. Even when I was still out trick out treating
I didn't always have such a great time. I dressed up as big bird one year in a store bought costume with a yellow plastic covering and mask so I
could be yellow just like big bird. No one listened when I said I was getting hot and feeling sick. I was told that money was spent to buy the costume
and that people took the time to go to Kmart with me so I could pick out a costume and I was damn well going to wear it. Till I fell over in a yard down
the street. Someone later said it was heat stroke. Someone else at the time it happened. Came running down the street yelling which _____ candies had I already eaten and which mother _____ god ____house did it come from. Or some dialog of the sort. So instead of trick or treating we started doing a haunted house theme with friends and family. We had a coffin we made from a large cardboard box. If a young kid came up we had someone tell the kid for the candy knock one time on the coffin. If it was a older kid they would be told knock twice. If it was someone we really wanted to scare they knocked three times. That way we didn't scare anyone too much. I scared the snot out of a kid who bullied me in school. It was great. Then I got older and older till even doing the haunted house theme in the front yard wasn't even fun anymore. So we just handed out candy like most of the neighbor hood. Our neighborhood and street got less and less people every year out trick or treating. Neither me or any of my siblings has had kids, we are all older so we don't partake dressing up in costumes. We just quite handing out candy at some point. A lot of other people in the neighbor hood stopped handing out candy long before we did because so few came out anymore. One year I came home from being out getting some errands done, and a group of kids walks up before I could even get inside, and they start asking for candy. One kid even said that I owed him candy. I say I don't have any sorry we don't partake. Then I am called a Jew and our house is egged and pumpkins smashed everywhere the yard is tp'ed. It made me think back about that house with the Jewish family. Our lights were turned off like the other homes that don't hand out candy, if they cant afford extra expenses or whatever. Halloween for me has a lot of bad memories. Halloween was my grand mothers favorite holiday, she loved candies. This is ironic because when she passed away it was on Halloween. We had a service for her shortly after the passed. I saw the body. She looked about like smeagol from Lord of the rings. If I remember right it was just the following night after her service, and someone hit and killed my cat. I sat in the street petting his dead body. My grandmother was old and crusty and it was her time, but the cat. I was more upset about the cat than my grandmother. But yeah Halloween is kind of a fucked holiday anymore.
When I was a young kid I made a discovery about Santa. When I slept in dads room that night, which I had sleeped in dads room plenty of other nights too when I got scared. Dads room used to be mom and dads room so to me this was the room I was used to going to when I got scared, dads room was just down the hallway. Moms room was on the far side of the house and I was scared so I went to dads room, dad would protect me for sure. Mom and dad were always fighting so mom sleeped in a different room. One of those nights something weird happened in dads room. It was in the dark and afterward dad does a reach around to see why mom didn't feel right. He says oh sorry son I thought you were your mother. I was hyperventilating and think I passed out even because of what was happening till it was near the end and dad does a reach around, I recall being awake for that. I thought I was being punished for something that happened earlier that day. It only happened once that I'm aware of anyway, guess he thought mom was coming to bed to save the marriage. I never told anyone till my early 20's when dad died after suffering multiple strokes. I still loved him, I didn't want to see dad go to prison where naughty things would happen to him.
I didn't want to be taken away and sent to a foster home, someone told me this would happen if I told. I felt like I was the glue that held the family together by not talking. I believed dad, he said he thought I was mom and that he didn't mean to. But yeah on this other night it was xmas eve, my xmas story wasn't the same night that dad sealed his fate. But anyway this one year on xmas I'm told to sleep in dads room I got thirsty so I walk down the hallway where the bathroom is but I look over into my room. I saw some elves building something in my room. There was a bunch of explanations as to why they were building something. I was barely able to even get that drink of water I wanted, not sure I ever did get anything to drink I was rushed back into dads room. The following morning when it was time to celebrate and we started to exchange gifts. That is when the surprise in my room was presented to me. It had a tag on it that said it was from Santa. But I saw the elves who built it and I knew it didn't seem like it came Santa considering I knew the elves who I saw building it. The elves started to explain some other things. Santa never came back the same every again, I was pretty young when Santa stopped coming around. I quit leaving him cookies or going outside on xmas eve to see if it was reindeer I could hear. After that year I knew Santa wasn't wasn't what they said. One of those years when I was young our father walked out on xmas eve. Our parents didn't finally get divorced till 4 years later but dad quit living with us after that xmas. Mom was pissed but it had to happen sometime. Things didn't go over so well xmas morning. We were told at high volume meet your new mother as gifts were thrown at us. The few gifts we got. Santa was obviously a cheap skate and didn't make it to everyone's home when I was growing up. haha I recall kicking dads ass as I got bigger, the older I got the better I got at it. I kicked dad in the nuts at a boyscout meeting once. Another scouts father saw dad griping my collar and I told dad to back off or I'd tell what he did to me. The other scouts father was getting closer, so that's when I kicked dad in the nuts as hard as I could. Then I ripped all the buttons down my shirt and took off running. The other scouts dad never even asked what was going on it just looked like I was a brat. But I also looked like a mini bad ass and this other scouts father told another scouts dad what I had done. It made me feel a little better knowing that these men knew I took him on and I felt I won. They didn't know why though. One of those other scouts dads still lives down the street. I still visited dad after the divorce, tried to forget about that thing that happened one time. Dad was allowed to come stay at the house on week ends while mom stayed at a friends house and dad stayed with us. When dad was in a rage yelling at my sister through the bathroom door I told him that's enough. He keeped going. Dads face and teeth hit the framing of the door shortly after due to a good shove. I don't remember what happened when he turned around and came at me, I went down in the hallway. Another tussle with dad was when I was in my teens and we went out with dad and his girl friend for the day. Dad was being fuck tard all day. Pissed me off I felt demoralized and was trying to just look at the ground and not say anything just ignore him. Till we get in the car to go home. Dads driving and I'm behind him in the back seat his girl friend was front passenger and my sister was in the back seat on the other side. Dad was starting in at me again. I ignored him, but then he made the mistake to say. Fine you want to act like your mother be that way then. What went through my mind was, my moms a saint mother fucker and a far better person than you, now you die. So dads driving down the road talkin shit, and while hes driving I start choking him. Those large veins on the side of the neck.
^ more to add ^ I pushed my pointer finger and middle finger as hard as I possibly could on those veins on either side of his neck. He could barely say anything but I could hear faintly get your fuckin hands off me. I said you're lucky I'm a nice enough guy I'm going to let you go. Some years later not even a decade later dad had surgery right there in that same spot on either side of his neck. I think they called it a stent in each of his carotid artery. Then dad had a major stroke, which happened one year on xmas when we went to visit dad and I told him this might be our last xmas together because I was going to join the military. He flipped out like he couldn't handle the thought of me going in the military, this was post 9/11. Which I never did join, the military said I was too big and they only wanted shorter stocky guys. Sucks they wouldn't take me I would of killed the fuck out of everyone on the other side, I was full of rage. It wasn't even a week later after telling the old man that I was trying to join the military when dad had that first major stroke. This is when I was 18. He lingered on for years. My sister and I had to basically become the parents and take care of him, even my mother helped do his laundry and bath him, feed him, give him a place to live so he wouldn't be homeless. Instead he got to live in a shitty run down RV. It was in my early 20's when he finally died at the age of 59. I was kind of left wondering if it wasn't me who ultimately caused his death from when I choked him out. Remembering back to the time I kicked dad in the nuts, this was obviously a good defense maneuver. But I had to learn the hard way that this is the wrong maneuver to use. A friend of mine was being a punk one day and I was playing with matchbox cars or maybe it was hot wheels. I was dinging in the dirt and making tunnels to play with the cars. My friend and his mother came over and he came out to the backyard to play. He saw I was making tunnels but he jumped on the tunnels I made in the ground and smashed everything I was working on and playing with. I got up and tried to kick him in the nuts from the side, but I went too high and got him in the stomach flat with the top of my foot from the side, made a good whapp sound when I got him. He grabbed himself low and fell to the ground crying like a little bitch. Again it was me who was being a brat. I walked away and went to go back inside but his mother came out yelling what did you do. I said I kicked him in the nuts. She rushed over to me put her hands in my pants and grabbed as much of my sac and dick as she could. She only got a hold of my left nut, but then began twisting and pulling yanking upward till I was being lifted up off the ground, this was a large woman and I was just a kid. Again I told no one, I thought I was punished accordingly and wasn't expecting any sympathy considering I just tried to do nearly the same type of damage to someone else so I didn't even ask for ice, or to go to a hospital. I didn't want to see her arrested. I saw this as a you hurt my baby I hurt you type of mothers reaction. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. It never did stop hurting. Over two decades later and it still hurts. The pain got better over time, but never fully went away. I've also had my testosterone level tested multiple times and its on the lower range, just a few points into the normal range so I can't get a prescription for steroids. I'm also diabetic because with lower testosterone there's a whole mess of health issues. What dad did was small potatoes compared to what this woman did. I still have these testicle pains and yet when I tell my doctors I want it removed after years of them not being able to figure out why it hurts. I figured if they remove the one that hurts. Then my testosterone range should drop those few points so that I fall below the normal range and I would then qualify for a legal prescription of testosterone, which would help with my diabetes and some other issues. Defiantly gives me a boost in confidence and I'm even able to start looking people in the eye again while I am on steroids. But my doctors refuse to remove the testicle that hurts. I don't recall what the excuse was. Something about they can't legally prescribe steroids because I was still in the normal range by a few points, and they could lose their doctor license or whatever if they just write out a script. Won't remove it because they can't figure out why it hurts and they don't believe me or whatever their trip is, again worried about losing their license to practice medicine. But years later I read a article about a man who sold one of his testicles to science in trade for a Nissan Z. Nothing was even wrong with his testicles. So wtf. As far as I know I could get up to ten years for possession of steroids. And Obama had to go and sign something into law where anyone who buys Asia Pharma steroids can face even more time. https://thinksteroids.com/news/president-obama-asia-pharma-mihael-karner-kingpin-act/ So now that I can't order from where I used to. I go looking someplace else and I'm about to do the billing for my order but the billing is about to go to someone in Ukraine. I'm not about to order anything from that region, because it is Ukraine where that drug Krokodil is popular, and I'm not fixing to inject myself with anything ordered from Ukraine. One of the reasons I don't much care that Putin wants to invade Ukraine. If Putin's actions can contain Krokodil anyway. I feel like Obama caused more problems making steroids less available. This makes it to where there are fewer places to order them. I feel like if I lived in Mexico I could be healthier because I could simply walk into a pharmacy and buy whatever I want.
Halloween is fucked, xmas is fucked, I was fucked, Obama is fucked, Russia is fucked, that guy who traded a testicle for a Nissan Z is fucked, society is fucked, and then there is people saying garbage such as, you will know when Jesus touches you. I don't expect to ever see Jesus to suddenly start caring and I can just live out the rest of this great life because Jesus has saved me. Maybe one day I will get libido enough to want to mate with some woman as we have rabbit sex but this is doubtful too. If it ever happens for me then I might have something to look forward to and something to lose, but for years now I have felt that I have nothing to look forward to and nothing to lose. Part of me thinks I don't want to make the same mistakes that I feel my parents did, obviously I wouldn't fuck up as epic as dad, but there was plenty of other things wrong and fucked up that were mistakes anyone could do wrong. I'm not ready for the responsibility of a little one. I don't know that I like this world so much to where I would even want to bring a life into this world. I don't even know that I can. Maybe all the bad stuff that happened to me when I was a kid are all reasons that I say fuck the Easter bunny, fuck Santa, Halloween is fucked, pretty much everything else is fucked. I feel like if I had a kid. I would never want to lie to the kid ever. Always tell the truth no matter what. Teach the kid many things but never be sarcastic. If the kid asks a question no matter how silly the question is I would do my best to answer it as truthfully and best that I could. I've noticed that when a kid is learning if you teach them something or answer a question about something they want to know with a lie or false information. The child can grow up believing it. I don't see the point in hurting the child with the truth once they learn what is real, or causing the child to be hurt by another child or adult when they are corrected about what someone being sarcastic has taught the child. I would raise a child to partake, but skip the lies. I even thought that I could just join a church and get baptized and start a new life, maybe meat a nice woman who goes to church. Just go along with everything and things would be good. I don't see this happening. I've been hurt too many times by too many people.
I wanted to join the military to get training on being a prison guard at a military prison over seas.
I wanted to get training so I could use the skills to become a prison guard state side.
Also when I was 15 dads girl friend the same one that was there the day I chocked him. She got drunk and tried to give me head one night and she drew all over me with a sharpie. She was telling me that I'm ready and that I need to eat a lot of pussy before I find they right lay. Pretty sure dad knew he fucked me up and told her to do it as he was trying to make up for it and wanted to fix me. Dumb bitch was sucking the back of my hand as I put my hand on my lap, she thought she was blowing me.
hahaha, I just started to train a couple young plants so they will be better mothers.
I used some lengths of insulated solid copper wire. I tried to use them bend into a U shape,
but I cut them too short. So I just bent a hook in the end and this allowed for more length to go in the soil.
The funny part, and I wasn't even planning this. Now it looks like if just used candy canes to train my plants.
Even the marijuanica wants to be festive.

And please, enlighten me on how you know. I bet I know one way you know god touches your life- when the religious leaders touch all the little boys. Hah. No, but seriously how do you know?
Being an ignorant atheist will get you no where. I'm an atheist yes I hate these so called pathetic brains that succumb to a 2000 year old book. However, if your ever going to change someone's mind it won't be by name calling . I however challenge these Christians on their very own bible and simply lay out evidence to why I'm an atheist . The bible claims the earth is only roughly 6000 years old following the genealogies from Adam to Christ . So whitebb2727, how do we explain million year old fossils or should we dive into carbon dating?
I never said I believed in organized religion.
Pathetic mind. I have been to college got a degree in electronics. I believe in science.

See I'm not the one being so rude.
Being an ignorant atheist will get you no where. I'm an atheist yes I hate these so called pathetic brains that succumb to a 2000 year old book. However, if your ever going to change someone's mind it won't be by name calling . I however challenge these Christians on their very own bible and simply lay out evidence to why I'm an atheist . The bible claims the earth is only roughly 6000 years old following the genealogies from Adam to Christ . So whitebb2727, how do we explain million year old fossils or should we dive into carbon dating?
Well, I tend to call things what they are. If the sky is green I will call the sky green. But you are right, ignorance should be frowned upon. I can't stand ignorance. Therefore, I can't stand religion.
Well, I tend to call things what they are. If the sky is green I will call the sky green. But you are right, ignorance should be frowned upon. I can't stand ignorance. Therefore, I can't stand religion.
I hear ya .. I was that way as well for a long time. I want you to call it like you see it . But in a manner full way . Questions ones beliefs with reality . Facts . You'll get a lot further than just plain calling them every name in the book . And always let them know their an atheist as well . They don't believe in any other god but their own . And that you just happen to believe in one less than them . :bigjoint:
Being an ignorant atheist will get you no where. I'm an atheist yes I hate these so called pathetic brains that succumb to a 2000 year old book. However, if your ever going to change someone's mind it won't be by name calling . I however challenge these Christians on their very own bible and simply lay out evidence to why I'm an atheist . The bible claims the earth is only roughly 6000 years old following the genealogies from Adam to Christ . So whitebb2727, how do we explain million year old fossils or should we dive into carbon dating?

The bible does not say the age of the earth. It gives lineage and certain christians take that to be the age.
I believe in science and dinosaurs and carbon dating as do most chritians I know.
Creationist are the people you are referring to.

Do I believe we evolved from monkeys? No.
Do I believe that there was Neanderthal? Yes. The bible says there were giants in those days.

The bible speaks of "they" before it mentions Adam and Eve. Who is they?

On top of that, if I were to believe no one else was around but Adam and Eve, I would have to believe that their kids procreated. I don't believe that.

There are books of the bible missing, even verses in the bible speak of other books of the bible that are not there.
The bible does not say the age of the earth. It gives lineage and certain christians take that to be the age.
I believe in science and dinosaurs and carbon dating as do most chritians I know.
Creationist are the people you are referring to.

Do I believe we evolved from monkeys? No.
Do I believe that there was Neanderthal? Yes. The bible says there were giants in those days.

The bible speaks of "they" before it mentions Adam and Eve. Who is they?

On top of that, if I were to believe no one else was around but Adam and Eve, I would have to believe that their kids procreated. I don't believe that.

There are books of the bible missing, even verses in the bible speak of other books of the bible that are not there.
I wonder why their missing as I'm sure they were just taken out by the church . The bible gives the lineage which traces back 4000 something years at their time . Yes it doesn't state it outright but if you do the math I'm sure you'll get roundabout 6000 years old according to your scripture . Well as we know today that's false . Out of curiousity my friend, why do you believe in god . Rather than beat around the bush I just want 1 reason . Your main reason for believing . I'm not going to pick it apart but I like to ask theists why ?
I wonder why their missing as I'm sure they were just taken out by the church . The bible gives the lineage which traces back 4000 something years at their time . Yes it doesn't state it outright but if you do the math I'm sure you'll get roundabout 6000 years old according to your scripture . Well as we know today that's false . Out of curiousity my friend, why do you believe in god . Rather than beat around the bush I just want 1 reason . Your main reason for believing . I'm not going to pick it apart but I like to ask theists why ?

It is a combination of things.

Living my life by what the Bible says and what I believe to be right has served me well.
I have never heard God right out speak to me but he leads me. If I listen then my life is the better for it.
It is a combination of things.

Living my life by what the Bible says and what I believe to be right has served me well.
I have never heard God right out speak to me but he leads me. If I listen then my life is the better for it.
Ok fair enough . To each his own my friend . I just think in my mind I have and create my own set of instructions for my life . I would argue that you've made your life what it is without the help of god but you may feel different . I'll believe the day when humans can observe , see, and communicate to your belief of a "god" . Wouldn't you say that's fair . ? Or do you still believe bad things are going to happen to me because of the bible says so? Another question I'd like to address is do you think all atheists are the result of devil ? Or devils work ?
Ok fair enough . To each his own my friend . I just think in my mind I have and create my own set of instructions for my life . I would argue that you've made your life what it is without the help of god but you may feel different . I'll believe the day when humans can observe , see, and communicate to your belief of a "god" . Wouldn't you say that's fair . ? Or do you still believe bad things are going to happen to me because of the bible says so? Another question I'd like to address is do you think all atheists are the result of devil ? Or devils work ?

No, not the devil.
We all have free will. That was the whole point.
God can not force you to love or believe in him.

Do i believe you will go to hell? Yes.
Will I look down my nose at you or judge? No.

How can I see the splinter in your eye for the stick in mine?

No, not the devil.
We all have free will. That was the whole point.
God can not force you to love or believe in him.

Do i believe you will go to hell? Yes.
Will I look down my nose at you or judge? No.

How can I see the splinter in your eye for the stick in mine?
Ok let's explain free will . This term is used frequently among the religious crowd and bit confusing . But maybe you can address in a manner that's understandable. Humans have always had free will . Why is the devil to blame for all the bad or wrong things people do ? Why is his name thrown out time and time again when people do cruel things or bad things happen or people knowingly sin !? It's the blame of the devil . Yet we have free will . Why is the devil doing all this bad stuff in the world and yet is not prevented by lord savior all mighty ? I almost would like to say the devil has more control than god even though I don't believe in either . Yet you will sit here and say your success in life is not your doing it's the lords . I'll disagree with all of it . I think you've created your own success lived the life you've made without any help or god. Why can't you take credit for your success In life and why does everything bad get blamed on the devil ? Beats me
What's gonna happen to you if you stopped believing in god, learned about evolution and reality the best way humans have observed and moved out of the comfort of a 2000 year old book that claims this earth is 6000 years old through the genealogies . I understand it gives you comfort . Gives you hope . In my experience the most hypocritical people are religious ones who pretty much say it's okay to sin and sin and sin as long as I tell The Lord I'm sorry . You probably have met many in your area or throughout life .