What are your religious beliefs?

Do i believe you will go to hell? Yes.


Religious folks crack me up with this nonesense. "All you gotta do is believe." Doesn't matter if you're Mother Theresa, if you don't "believe" you punch your ticket straight to hell.

Prisons are chalk full of pedophiles, and rapists, and murders...... and the VAST majority of them have all found god. They will all be saved. Hallelujah!

What a crock of shit

Religious folks crack me up with this nonesense. "All you gotta do is believe." Doesn't matter if you're Mother Theresa, if r you don't "believe" you punch your ticket straight to hell.

Prisons are chalk full of pedophiles, and rapists, and murders...... and the VAST majority of them have all found god. They will all be saved. Hallelujah!

What a crock of shit

Hey, believe what you want to believe.
I'm not rude or shove stuff down your throat.

The bible also says not to let evil happen. Those rapist and pedophiles probably didn't find god they just claim to.
I would say they need to be executed.
If you disagree, I was molested at 2 years old, damn near drank myself to death even thought about killing the guy that did it. When I say they are a burden, I have first hand experience

I entered this conversation calmly to discuss.
You guys have images of the radical Christians.
I would say come to a baptist church with an open mind and you may be surprised.
What's gonna happen to you if you stopped believing in god, learned about evolution and reality the best way humans have observed and moved out of the comfort of a 2000 year old book that claims this earth is 6000 years old through the genealogies . I understand it gives you comfort . Gives you hope . In my experience the most hypocritical people are religious ones who pretty much say it's okay to sin and sin and sin as long as I tell The Lord I'm sorry . You probably have met many in your area or throughout life .

I have.
I do take credit for the things I have done. Certificates and awards hang on my walls.
The devil is not the cause. People are despicable creatures capable of horrendous things.
Humans are also capable of great acts of kindness.

For me it all boils down to doing for others. Help the people around you and it comes back 10 fold.
But at the same time I will not let you walk over me.

Thank you for the calm discussion.

Religious folks crack me up with this nonesense. "All you gotta do is believe." Doesn't matter if you're Mother Theresa, if you don't "believe" you punch your ticket straight to hell.

Prisons are chalk full of pedophiles, and rapists, and murders...... and the VAST majority of them have all found god. They will all be saved. Hallelujah!

What a crock of shit
I agree with you stow .!
I have.
I do take credit for the things I have done. Certificates and awards hang on my walls.
The devil is not the cause. People are despicable creatures capable of horrendous things.
Humans are also capable of great acts of kindness.

For me it all boils down to doing for others. Help the people around you and it comes back 10 fold.
But at the same time I will not let you walk over me.

Thank you for the calm discussion.
I believe church is a social gathering for people to gossip and see each other and promote god and read the word of the bible. What sickens me is how every church interprets the word of the bible differently .! It's not uniform and never will be I'm sure you'd agree with me on that . However church to me is no more than a business.A big business . Corrupt IMO . See you see only your god and religion to be the one . That's all you know and conform to . I'm sure between all the major religions in the world you haven't gave them a chance . So hence the question? Why is yours right ? How do you know your god is the only one and that any other religions isn't when you haven't read them at all or given then a chance ? Sorry about what to yahappened as a kid .its unfortunate . But the hatred inside is biological desire to exact revenge . I would of deemed it appropriate to do what you mentioned and to anybody who commits such acts . Unfortunately god forgives and I wouldn't cause I live in reality and scum like him do not deserve to breathe . Just my .02!
I agree with you stow .!

I believe church is a social gathering for people to gossip and see each other and promote god and read the word of the bible. What sickens me is how every church interprets the word of the bible differently .! It's not uniform and never will be I'm sure you'd agree with me on that . However church to me is no more than a business.A big business . Corrupt IMO . See you see only your god and religion to be the one . That's all you know and conform to . I'm sure between all the major religions in the world you haven't gave them a chance . So hence the question? Why is yours right ? How do you know your god is the only one and that any other religions isn't when you haven't read them at all or given then a chance ? Sorry about what to yahappened as a kid .its unfortunate . But the hatred inside is biological desire to exact revenge . I would of deemed it appropriate to do what you mentioned and to anybody who commits such acts . Unfortunately god forgives and I wouldn't cause I live in reality and scum like him do not deserve to breathe . Just my .02!

I agree.
10 people hear a sermon and you get 10 different ideas.

I had to forgive him. Not for his sake, but for mine. It was a burden I had to let go.
I have.
I do take credit for the things I have done. Certificates and awards hang on my walls.
The devil is not the cause. People are despicable creatures capable of horrendous things.
Humans are also capable of great acts of kindness.

For me it all boils down to doing for others. Help the people around you and it comes back 10 fold.
But at the same time I will not let you walk over me.

Thank you for the calm discussion.

I will say this....

Even though I disagree with you 100% on the subject, you carry yourself well and have been very civil. Cudos

I wish more religious folks were capable of the same.
I believe people like you want to force your opinion on everyone else. Isn't that why you started this thread?

What i find odd is that the OP dont communicate his personal beliefs to the community in any posts i see , the thread title says LETS DISCUSS yet all ive seen him discuss is the easterbunny .

If i thought this thread was started with the intent of an adult discussion on various forms of religion vs non believers opinions i'd participate fully ,unfortunately so far all ive seen is 1 member admit to being a Christian , then be insulted & belittled for posting his beliefs , great job guys .

Maybe people believe in god because its more plausible than the absolutely unprovable explaination science has gave us for how we got here & what started it all .

Science says rust particules in the oceans created an atmosphere condusive of life . Rust particules people & if that isnt a leap of FAITH i dont know what would be .

Until i see the op disclose his personal beliefs on religion & participate in the thread be started im out .
I believe in an invisible magic bearded wizard man in the sky who created everything in a few days on his own time who wants everybody to believe in and worship him and be a good boy or girl because he created an underground lake of fire and torture that he will send you to for all eternity if you don't.

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Wow your being thanked for keeping it civil & nobody says anything about the multiple insults you've taken .

Buddy im gonna tell ya this thread is a set up & was never meant for meaningfull discussion of various religious beliefs .

I know but at the end of the day I am fine with who I am. People will always try to break you down no matter what your beliefs are.
People will always try to break you down no matter what your beliefs are.

And there we have it !

You summed up the intent of this thread which was never to DISCUSS , its intent was to draw out members who can then be broken down , reading your initial posts im sure you knew from the start you were being goaded slowly into an argument , since you didnt bite & remained civil the thread didnt turn into the slaughter that was expected , kudos to you brother .

Fyi im a Christian & my wife is Muslim , not that i care to ARGUE the point with Infidels it just didnt feel right leaving you as the lone Christian, like you we know who we are & are not ashamed of who we are .
My use of the word infidel will piss people off for sure.

Pretty sad when you think about it actually .

For all you anti god ( infidels ) members why would you pick religion or religious people to make fun of , especially when all religions are trying to teach people is to be a better man/woman & to do good vs bad , how is this a bad thing ?

In this day & age when 11 year old kids shoot smack & will kill your family for $10 , or as a rite of passage into a gang shouldnt we applaud people who have values instead of making fun of their beliefs ,why try to disprove their beliefs when the other science based side of the argument is just as unproven ?

That last part was a real question , why ?
And there we have it !

You summed up the intent of this thread which was never to DISCUSS , its intent was to draw out members who can then be broken down , reading your initial posts im sure you knew from the start you were being goaded slowly into an argument , since you didnt bite & remained civil the thread didnt turn into the slaughter that was expected , kudos to you brother .

Fyi im a Christian & my wife is Muslim , not that i care to ARGUE the point with Infidels it just didnt feel right leaving you as the lone Christian, like you we know who we are & are not ashamed of who we are .
My use of the word infidel will piss people off for sure.

Pretty sad when you think about it actually .

For all you anti god ( infidels ) members why would you pick religion or religious people to make fun of , especially when all religions are trying to teach people is to be a better man/woman & to do good vs bad , how is this a bad thing ?

In this day & age when 11 year old kids shoot smack & will kill your family for $10 , or as a rite of passage into a gang shouldnt we applaud people who have values instead of making fun of their beliefs ,why try to disprove their beliefs when the other science based side of the argument is just as unproven ?

That last part was a real question , why ?

Oh man you didn't.
Nah I'm just kidding. I was in basic training and also served with some Muslims. Most people hear Muslim and get images in their heads of what they have been shown on tv. Muslims are peaceful people.

All through history people have use the Bible and the Qur'an to start wars. Both teach similar philosophies of being kind and doing for others.

I find the idea of a Christian and Muslim being married intriguing.

I had a preacher once tell that Sundays are the most segregated. Blacks going to black churches, whites going to white churches. It was common place for our church and a black church to invite each other to get togethers.

I think Christians and Muslims need to do the same thing.