And there we have it !
You summed up the intent of this thread which was never to DISCUSS , its intent was to draw out members who can then be broken down , reading your initial posts im sure you knew from the start you were being goaded slowly into an argument , since you didnt bite & remained civil the thread didnt turn into the slaughter that was expected , kudos to you brother .
Fyi im a Christian & my wife is Muslim , not that i care to ARGUE the point with Infidels it just didnt feel right leaving you as the lone Christian, like you we know who we are & are not ashamed of who we are .
My use of the word infidel will piss people off for sure.
Pretty sad when you think about it actually .
For all you anti god ( infidels ) members why would you pick religion or religious people to make fun of , especially when all religions are trying to teach people is to be a better man/woman & to do good vs bad , how is this a bad thing ?
In this day & age when 11 year old kids shoot smack & will kill your family for $10 , or as a rite of passage into a gang shouldnt we applaud people who have values instead of making fun of their beliefs ,why try to disprove their beliefs when the other science based side of the argument is just as unproven ?
That last part was a real question , why ?