I've been inches away from kicking it twice in the last 5 years. Neither brought me any closer to believing in any specific religion or even an almighty "God", although I think there are some good ideas in all of them, just too much bull-shit imo around some of the religions with their cult-like preaching and rituals (I am technically Roman Catholic and think they're one of the worst btw). I don't have a problem with anyone believing in whatever religion they want, but I do have a problem with those who preach and think their religion is "the one", or look down on you for not believing in their version. My sister lives in southern Mississippi (been there many times and experienced this myself), her and her husband are some of the nicest folks on this planet and would literally give you the shirt off their back if you needed it. Yet they're constantly frowned upon and shunned by so-called Christians in that bible thumping state. If that's what religion is about I want no part of it. My youngest brother is a "Christian", and one of those preachers, we don't discuss it much as it never ends well, apparently only his "clan" (or more like cult) will be the only one's allowed into heaven, us sinners (the rest of us not in their specific "Christian" cult) will be sent to hell. My comeback to him is that if that's what I have to look forward to in heaven, then I don't want any part of it, doesn't sound much different than being here on earth imo.
Being that close to death, I lost all fear of it as it didn't feel like the end, only the end of this journey as I know it and that I'm currently aware of. I believe we're all here for a purpose, whether we know it or not and our time here is more or less pre-determined, it just wasn't my time yet. I think I got an extension to finish some things I hadn't done yet in my small role here. I also felt inner peace/spirituality and a sense that we're all connected, I mean all living things. I got a feeling that this journey is only that, one of many and our inner spirit somehow lives on, call that religious or spiritual, whatever it is, it's what I felt and believe. Also felt sadness that we (humans in general) can treat each other and other beings as badly as we do. Perhaps one day we'll evolve beyond the petty things like race, religion, territorial wars and the like, if we don't fuck it up first. In my ideal world we'd just respect, love each other, and appreciate all the wonder around us.