Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway


Well-Known Member
damn...sorry to hear that...i'm gonna put one in the air for you...hopefully the hydro setup will work out great for you
Thanks man. It's exciting either way.

Watering can be really difficult or it can be very easy. If you aren't sure when your plants need water pick them up right before you water them. If they feel light they need water, if they feel heavy they don't. Of course you're now wondering, "How am I supposed to tell if they are 'heavy' or 'light?'"

Easy, fill up a pot with the same soil you used for your other plants. After about a week the moisture in the soil will evaporate and now you have what a thirsty plant will feel like. After doing this a few times you'll get to know how light a plant is when it needs water.

And you should NOT water all your plants at a time if they don't need it. I know it may suck to have to water on different cycles but you'll end up killing you plants from too much or too little water.

It's natural that your larger plants will need more water than your smaller plants so you just have to deal with it if you want your plants to be healthy. Using clones will help you avoid that but cloning isn't really worthwhile for people only growing a few plants at a time; WAY too much hassle vs. simple seeds.
Don't feel sorry for me. It's funny really. It's all about the learning. Like I said I do lift the pots and such up. It's just I can't sit around waiting for them. Since moving them under a HID, they drink twice as much now, and they are really finicky about when they want it. Like I said, I can't always check on them every 4 or 8 hours which is what it seams to boil down to on their feeding days. But when they droop down, they always perk right back up, so all is good.

I actually started a couple of other seeds in soil for kicks while the hydro room is being built. We'll see what happens with that.


Well-Known Member
i use 3 liter soda containers and wrap the sides so i can look at the roots from the bottom....

so if i see any moisture.... no watering


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you made it back needhelp...lol I was afraid the virus has your sys files and you would be needing an OS,,,


Well-Known Member
haha... i have access to multiple comps...but my main comp needs some healing.... i have to download a firewall and i might have spybots...don't know... but yeah...i'm not able to be online on the weekends like the weekdays.. so thats why it seem like i'm missing


Well-Known Member
kk back on topic, i just wana say i used mg, i burned my plants, i was a noob at the time(still am,not as bad now tho) but im pretty sure mg can be used, u just gotta get the dose right, but i use biobizz now and will never go back to anything else, its ace, all my plants have lush lush deep green leaves,mmmmmmmmmmmmm they look so nice.


Well-Known Member
ok... back on topic

i also was horrible with the MG soil thing... but it was entirely my fault... i was too anxious and was babysitting my plants... so they suffered for it... my lack of understanding did it...

now.... it works out.... for the deep green color, CO2 does that for me

oh yeah... i forgot to mention i mix MG about 50% with this other dirt... forgot the name... just so people don't think i only use MG... and the reason is, so many people said not to use it, but i already had it... so i didn't want to waste it... and it works great.... maybe thats why i like MG


Well-Known Member
Hey, any of you MG'ers have a suggestion on when you start adding additional nutrients when using the pre-ferted potting soil mixes? I have my plants in pre-fertilized MG potting soil. They worked thru some nute burn early on and look pretty good now. But, they've been in there for 3-4 weeks, depending on the individual plant.. seems like enough time to have exhausted the pre-added stuff. They've been vegging under 400W HPS 18/6.. I'm planning to put them on 12/12 late this week.


Well-Known Member
1 month should have the nute situation under control.... since you said 3-4 weeks, it makes me feel like you're not sure... wait another week and start