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Well-Known Member
i feed my plants fizzy water so they dont h8 co2 that much.
yeah, thats why i was going to try it...i did it twice just to see how it would react and nothing happened...

after i read a study that was done between two houseplants... one had rain water the other had no sodium seltzer water... the one with the seltzer water grew bigger and healthier than the other plant during watering periods and a dry period.... but thanx for letting me know you do it, knowing that someone does it and having good results helps my confidence


Well-Known Member
yeah...thats what i read... it said the bubbles loosened the dirt around the roots....

it was wierd...it said the plants were SMARTER...haha...it really did...when they did the dry period experiment... both plants lost some leaves.... but the new growth was wierd.... while the plant with rain water tried to grow new growth at the top like the plant usually does...the one with the seltzer water concentrated on making new leaves at the bottom... they didn't expect that


Well-Known Member
not sure if thats good or bad, i think i shall carry on til i see something bad happen, you realize you are stuck withthe name needhelp even when you no longer do lol


Well-Known Member
i 12-12 my own seeds now, used to clone but lost my touch, got about 600 bubblebomb seeds, should last a while.


Well-Known Member
you bet, i really aint bothered about cloning now, just guna do seeds and breed when need, all good fun


Well-Known Member
yeah i just picked a good bubblegum male and good thc bomb lady and let them have some time together , the rest is history,only took a little pollen


Well-Known Member
MG has seed starting soil... so people are really using the wrong soil for starting their seeds in....suppose to transplant to the slow release potting soil after...ha...didn't know....but it still worked out


Well-Known Member
hopefully i'll be in the position to make a mix like that one day... but i'll talk to yall later...get to go...be safe