Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway


Well-Known Member
Some cal pills are dolomite. That high cost Japan sea shell calcium is dolomite. A 5 pound bag of dolomite is less than 5 dollars.
Seems people have a cal/mag thingy too.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha if a site got closed down and I had a grow journal on it I would get scared , destroy the evidence (my computer) , find some people that I know that will help keep my strains alive and leave home for a few months


Well-Known Member
well.... its been fun guys... i got to go and get my day started... clean up, smoke, wash my booty, breakfast, smoke... see yall later


Well-Known Member
Dilute peroxide is good for root problems. needhelp they will (seltzer) hate you. Nobody wants to think outside the box. It is their way or fuck you. Elitist egotistical fucks.


Well-Known Member
you are so right about the thinking outside the box thing..many here are programmed for some reason.. haha.. yeah.. i need to get up with you later.. you keep reminding me all the things i keep forgetting... like the peroxide... i forgot all about that too... i need to start writing things down again....

later guys... be safe


Well-Known Member
i like your avatars.. but i can't mess with those things right now.. my computer has been acting like crap lately and i don't want to mess with codes or anything like that at the moment... (paranoid)