weather modification! chemtrials very real


Well-Known Member
Maybe Chemtrails cause diminutive genitalia? Or maybe it's like math?
When I have uncontrolled erections developing, I think about math... it kills boners lickety-split.
Binary math is an easy go to remedy...1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 that point, most blood will be diverted to the brain...


Well-Known Member

so they dont spray things from planes ? according to you retards its just preposterous and doesnt happen, and everything is just picture perfect and corruption doesnt exist....ill be the first to say that maybe im just a paranoid stoner and its just science that i dont understand but theres are tons of patents and tests where they have been finding unusually high amounts of barium and other heavy it just doesnt make sense, you guys are as dismissive as it gets!!!! "NO, impossible, thats crazy, your crazy, dick joke*, dick joke*, troll thread untill nobody cares about it*, more dick jokes*" thats you!!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
No homie what really happened was you come on here trying to bully the op and make him look like a fool in front of your cronies.

Only its on a subject you know nothing about...and you look like the fool.
no, i had this same discussion with the OP on this subject before, and i reminded him of the previous discussion.

imaginary beliefs are no more valid if they revolve around shadowy conspiracies, than those that revolve around an omnipotent supposedly benevolent diety who could stop all suffering, but decides not to.

if the OP could support his claims he would have, if you could, you would have, but you cant. so you throw a tantrum.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

so they dont spray things from planes ? according to you retards its just preposterous and doesnt happen, and everything is just picture perfect and corruption doesnt exist....ill be the first to say that maybe im just a paranoid stoner and its just science that i dont understand but theres are tons of patents and tests where they have been finding unusually high amounts of barium and other heavy it just doesnt make sense, you guys are as dismissive as it gets!!!! "NO, impossible, thats crazy, your crazy, dick joke*, dick joke*, troll thread untill nobody cares about it*, more dick jokes*" thats you!!
so a patent claim is proof that some nefarious shadowy organization has suborned the entire aviation industry, in every nation, military and civilian, to do.... something...

who is paying for it?
whats the end game?
why do they feel the need to do it?
how do they keep it secret?
why havent their ninjas slain you yet?

surely they have ninjas...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Chem trails is a turd that wont flush.

no matter how many times tobinate et al are faced with the same simple questions, which should be EASY to answer, they throw a tantrum, and then start a new thread to make the same claims all over again

if that horse is dead, it sure does keep showing up in the pasture a lot.

ill stop beating this horse when tobinate stops reanimating it with his necromantic powers

(necromancer image to ensure nobody thinks im talking about "Negronomists" cuz thats racist...)