weather modification! chemtrials very real

beans davis

Well-Known Member
@sheskunk That doesn't prove anything honey co....Doc K will take a pic of a gutted plane and say some stupid shit like "This 1 is empty so whats that prove" LOL

How do you deal w these socially engineered mindless zombies on a daily basis? I coudnt take it...they give me a headache LOL.



Well-Known Member
@sheskunk That doesn't prove anything honey co....Doc K will take a pic of a gutted plane and say some stupid shit like "This 1 is empty so whats that prove" LOL

How do you deal w these socially engineered mindless zombies on a daily basis? I coudnt take it...they give me a headache LOL.

You have a really small penis.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Like i said you cant fix stupid LOL.

And i'm not trying to prove a damn thing to you...i couldn't care less what you think.

I'm done dealing w brain dead mindless zombies!
which is Assholese for
"i cant support my claims because i am either lazy or lying, so fuck you!"

nice work there, you totally showed your NOT brain dead, and NOT a zombie as you crouch in the shadow of alex jones, gulping down every turd he expells from between his broad buttocks.

what you really wanted was to charge in here, spray your drivel all over the place, and be lauded as a hero for your bold and uncompromising declarations of BULLSHIT, but if any dare ask you to support your claims, well, they are being mean.

you didnt "do the research", you took somebody's word for it, and now you expect everyone to take YOUR word for it, second, third or fourth hand, because you said so.

it is true, you cant fix stupid, but that doesnt prevent me from making the attempt.
i was hoping you were just misled, or ignorant, but clearly, you ARE very stupid, as demonstrated by your belligerent response to, what was, i must say, the most polite request for citations i ever wrote.

yep, your stupidity is irreparable, your damaged brain requires a full rebuild, and thats gonna cost more than the job is worth.
your brain is totalled.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
No homie what really happened was you come on here trying to bully the op and make him look like a fool in front of your cronies.

Only its on a subject you know nothing about...and you look like the fool.