weather modification! chemtrials very real

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
K you talk fancy on the web and intimidate the kiddies like uncle bucky does but you don't have much common sense.
do tell.
explain to me then
WHO is doing it
WHAT are they doing
WHERE they are doing it
WHEN does it happen
WHY does it happen

these are the basics of any story.
flesh it out with facts, not conjecture, not "some say" or "rumor has it" or "i know a guy, who knows a guy, who swears on a stack of bibles that...."

without concrete facts your claims are just WORTHLESS CLAIMS.

I know exactly what they are they have been chemtrailing us hard since last fathers day weekend.Its killed a lot of plants in this area corn tomatoes ect..I've seen whole fields of corn dead from it..My friend a member of the chamber of commerce called the airport to find out what they spraying and the airtraffic controllers say they aren't any planes flying over us..and we are watching them lol.Anyway these people spent money and looked into it the jets are taking off from military bases 1 in this state 1 base in the state to the east. They are spaying barium & aluminum oxide among other things.
again, demonstrate the basics:
Who, What, When, Where and Why, or your just blowing smoke.

They say they have GMOs that will grow good in that chem soil.
who are "THEY" who say such nonsense. who are "THEY" who possess such GMO technology, and you have yet to establish the existence of "That Chem Soil"

I watch them every day you would think I lived by LAX but this is a small area w 1 small airport. They aren't contrails I was in a carrier battle group air traffic and watched jets from carriers for years. They are nothing a like...not even close.We have pics up the ass of the sky just covered in tic tac toe chemtrail patterns.What are they doin?Where are these jets goin? Just back and forth tic tac toe? LOL. Lot of people here know what it is and are getting cant not see it if you look up in the sky.
i refer the gentleman to my remarks of moments ago.

You are being bamboozled man...I know you're smarter than some real research its out there...and for God sakes stay away from alex jones b.s.
"do some research" is not an answer to your lack of evidence to support your claims.
since you purport to have already DONE said "research", why are you withholding it from those of us who are willing to look at it and see if it's true, if youre being deceived, if youre wrong, or if you are just plain crazy

i await your presentation with bated breath

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
another stinking peanut riddled duece in the punch bowl.

if you cant dominate it, you must destroy it!

and then, when all is in ruins, your glorious Helter Skelter army will ride out of the desert and impose a New Order upon the shattered remnants of mankind.

nice job charlie, now write us another shitty song in the style of the beach boys.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Oh look, kynes wants to dominate a discussion about chemtrails.
nope, i postulated explanations, posed questions and await responses, YOU are posting retarded memes and trying (poorly) to troll this discussion because you have no substantive remarks in hand.

perhaps Chomp Chomp will write a little screed on this subject so you can weigh in.

until then, you are just a fart in an elevator.


Well-Known Member
@Doc K you talk fancy on the web and intimidate the kiddies like uncle bucky does but you don't have much common sense.

I know exactly what they are they have been chemtrailing us hard since last fathers day weekend.Its killed a lot of plants in this area corn tomatoes ect..I've seen whole fields of corn dead from it..My friend a member of the chamber of commerce called the airport to find out what they spraying and the airtraffic controllers say they aren't any planes flying over us..and we are watching them lol.Anyway these people spent money and looked into it the jets are taking off from military bases 1 in this state 1 base in the state to the east. They are spaying barium & aluminum oxide among other things.

They say they have GMOs that will grow good in that chem soil.

I watch them every day you would think I lived by LAX but this is a small area w 1 small airport. They aren't contrails I was in a carrier battle group air traffic and watched jets from carriers for years. They are nothing a like...not even close.We have pics up the ass of the sky just covered in tic tac toe chemtrail patterns.What are they doin?Where are these jets goin? Just back and forth tic tac toe? LOL. Lot of people here know what it is and are getting cant not see it if you look up in the sky.

You are being bamboozled man...I know you're smarter than some real research its out there...and for God sakes stay away from alex jones b.s.


beans davis

Well-Known Member
@Doc K You cant fix stupid.Do your own damn research I aint your mama.

Heres a lead classic of classic seeds sent me a pic from Cali where a chemtrail jet went down and all the chems spilled and they tested them... they show the insides of the plane and the tanks.The pilot said they have been spraying the west coast since the 90s.It was on their local news.

Now youre good at runnin stuff down on the web to prove people wrong...haul ass... & take bucky w you.


Active Member
can we "Meet In The Middle" to reconcile the objective reality everyone else sees with the mad delusions of a schizophrenic off his meds?

crazy people are crazy because they see shit that is NOT REAL, believe shit that is UNBELIEVABLE and shout mad things in empty rooms shortly before they hack up children to appease the voices in their head.

psychosis and madness are not reconcilable.

Thanks for the laugh man I needed that.

But maybe you're right, people better stay away from those who hold unpopular beliefs (like that nutcase back in the day who claimed the world was round lmfao) because these people are out there ready to chop you to pieces and eat you the second they catch you off guard. That's how it goes in Hollywood so it must be so.

Everyone who thinks the government and corporations sometimes lie or keep secrets better be locked up before they chop your head off and put you through a blender. They are conspiracy theorists and I heard they like that type of thing.

Absolutely, don't even question what you know is the truth because people who believe differently are violent psychopaths who will probably kill you.

I kind of like that. I don't ever have to question my beliefs or make any logical argument to support them because anyone who believes differently is obviously a nutcase. Cool I'm gonna go to church now so I don't burn in hell for eternity.

I know some people don't agree with that but there is SOMETHING WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE, THEY ARE WEIRD DIFFERENT AND PLAIN NOT NORMAL so why even entertain their silly notions about us creating our own hell. Sure sign of violent psychopathy if you ask me!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the laugh man I needed that.

But maybe you're right, people better stay away from those who hold unpopular beliefs (like that nutcase back in the day who claimed the world was round lmfao) because these people are out there ready to chop you to pieces and eat you the second they catch you off guard. That's how it goes in Hollywood so it must be so.

Everyone who thinks the government and corporations sometimes lie or keep secrets better be locked up before they chop your head off and put you through a blender. They are conspiracy theorists and I heard they like that type of thing.

Absolutely, don't even question what you know is the truth because people who believe differently are violent psychopaths who will probably kill you.

I kind of like that. I don't ever have to question my beliefs or make any logical argument to support them because anyone who believes differently is obviously a nutcase. Cool I'm gonna go to church now so I don't burn in hell for eternity.

I know some people don't agree with that but there is SOMETHING WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE, THEY ARE WEIRD DIFFERENT AND PLAIN NOT NORMAL so why even entertain their silly notions about us creating our own hell. Sure sign of violent psychopathy if you ask me!

mmm hmmm... tell me more abut how persecuted you are for the Troofs you express without any evidence to support it...

and how does this make you feel?

mmm hmmm...

tell me more about how very much like Gallileo you are...

mmm hmmm...

now tell me about your mother, did she withhold affection?


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
K You cant fix stupid.Do your own damn research I aint your mama.

Heres a lead classic of classic seeds sent me a pic from Cali where a chemtrail jet went down and all the chems spilled and they tested them... they show the insides of the plane and the tanks.The pilot said they have been spraying the west coast since the 90s.It was on their local news.

Now youre good at runnin stuff down on the web to prove people wrong...haul ass... & take bucky w you.
so, you have no proof to support your claims...


also, "my momma" would have provided citations for her claims.

apparently Your Momma didnt teach you that simple courtesy.


Well-Known Member
@Doc K You cant fix stupid.Do your own damn research I aint your mama.

Heres a lead classic of classic seeds sent me a pic from Cali where a chemtrail jet went down and all the chems spilled and they tested them... they show the insides of the plane and the tanks.The pilot said they have been spraying the west coast since the 90s.It was on their local news.

Now youre good at runnin stuff down on the web to prove people wrong...haul ass... & take bucky w you.

I find this very interesting. I would love to see some of your pictures. Could you please post some?


Active Member
mmm hmmm... tell me more abut how persecuted you are for the Troofs you express without any evidence to support it...

and how does this make you feel?

mmm hmmm...

tell me more about how very much like Gallileo you are...

mmm hmmm...

now tell me about your mother, did she withhold affection?

All that troubles me is how easily people are dismissed as crazy and called a bunch of names when their theories don't match the official story.

At least I'm humble enough to say I DON'T KNOW what the truth is. I don't judge the "skeptics" or the "conspiracy theorists."

All I judge are the childish tactics used by BOTH SIDES to make the other side seem not worthy of being considered for example when you said:

"crazy people are crazy because they see shit that is NOT REAL, believe shit that is UNBELIEVABLE and shout mad things in empty rooms shortly before they hack up children to appease the voices in their head."

To me that's just arrogant and divisive not to mention the fact that you are not nearly as well versed in psychology as you pretend to be LOL

Don't get me wrong you fail to offend me but some of what you say does make me laugh.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
All that troubles me is how easily people are dismissed as crazy and called a bunch of names when their theories don't match the official story.

At least I'm humble enough to say I DON'T KNOW what the truth is. I don't judge the "skeptics" or the "conspiracy theorists."

All I judge are the childish tactics used by BOTH SIDES to make the other side seem not worthy of being considered for example when you said:

"crazy people are crazy because they see shit that is NOT REAL, believe shit that is UNBELIEVABLE and shout mad things in empty rooms shortly before they hack up children to appease the voices in their head."

To me that's just arrogant and divisive not to mention the fact that you are not nearly as well versed in psychology as you pretend to be LOL

Don't get me wrong you fail to offend me but some of what you say does make me laugh.
if you are so convinced. why not share the information that you found so compelling?

surely it must be powerful stuff indeed.

dont be stingy.

i wanna know the Troof too.

{hint} i have been down this rabbit hole many times.
Troofer Proof is invariably based on some guy, who heard some guy, who knows a guy, who swears he heard a guy, who knows shit say some shit, shortly before he died under suspicious circumstances and all evidence of his claims were deleted from the interwebs!

but i am always open to new ideas.

gimmee what you got.
if i cant poke holes in it with evidence, ill put on a foil hat myself.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
@Doc K use your own brain research look at all the facts and use critical thinking to draw your own conclusions.

Damn these people are lazy... and brain dead.

@sheskunk i'll get you some pics after while I gotta go get em off a private forum i posted them on. Let me call Classic and see if he has a link or something to the news story of the downed plane. I don't mind getting the info for you in the least.

Hell i could go take some more right now.I just went to the credit union and they are spraying us heavy today...and flyin really low. Let me look on my camera and see whats on there........

@Doc K yeah these are just a bunch of contrails LOL..... too f n funny.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Look at all the chemicals they are dumping on us!
a bunch of pictures of CON TRAILS does not prove your assertion.

shouting "Do Your Own Research!" does not absolve you of the requirement that you support your assertions.

look at all these pictures WITHOUT con trails!!

this must mean con trails dont exist!

no, it doesnt.

provide the evidence you find so convincing or you are just blowing smoke.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
Like i said you cant fix stupid LOL.

And i'm not trying to prove a damn thing to you...i couldn't care less what you think.

I'm done dealing w brain dead mindless zombies!