weather modification! chemtrials very real


Active Member
Well to be fair to the mods it was more over the top then this. No nudity or actual porn but more suggestive even.

They will probably delete this but unsure if the signature is enough to cause deletion or if it was some of the more provocative photos I should have left off in the first place. Either way I will know soon.


Well-Known Member

so when will you people out there realize that chemtrials are not a conspiracy , but something to be taken seriously? do CNN and Fox need to do a story on it to make it believable and easy to digest for you guys?

the same people that deny this will also tell you 2 planes brought down 3 buildings on 9/11 and they all looked shockingly similar to controlled demolitions ! the same people that deny this will side with the Government that tells us Marijuana is more dangerous and has a higher potential for abuse than cocaine, meth, and OxyContin...yeah.....and ill be called racist and anti semitic if i tell you that Jews run the media and worlds banks even though its the guys dominate the rap game ! o look im still not racist just stating the obvious



Well-Known Member
Maybe Chemtrails cause diminutive genitalia? Or maybe it's like math?
When I have uncontrolled erections developing, I think about math... it kills boners lickety-split.
Binary math is an easy go to remedy...1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 that point, most blood will be diverted to the brain...
At a certain point in life you will knock off that boner killer shit. :)

At a certain point you could be crying for blood to flow from your brain!

beans davis

Well-Known Member
Australia & New Zealand Against Chemtrails & Geoengineering Protest 15.2.14

Please join us at the - Australian & New Zealand Geo-Engineering Protest on facebook -

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Australia & New Zealand Against Chemtrails & Geoengineering Protest 15.2.14

Please join us at the - Australian & New Zealand Geo-Engineering Protest on facebook -

youtube videos of crackpots venting their spleens in a protest against a fictional phenomena is so compelling.

their evidence is overwhelming, and i am now convinced.

Chemtrails Crackpots are Retarded.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
@Doc K what makes you think this post was trying to convince you of anything or had anything to do w you period?

Maybe it was for people w a brain that might want to do a lil research instead of chasin people around on riu spewin non sense.

You don't need anybody to make you look like a do a good job of that yourself LOL.


Well-Known Member
youtube videos of crackpots venting their spleens in a protest against a fictional phenomena is so compelling.

their evidence is overwhelming, and i am now convinced.

Chemtrails Crackpots are Retarded.
I thought the girl in purple was hot and had a great accent. What was she talking about again?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
@Doc K what makes you think this post was trying to convince you of anything or had anything to do w you period?

Maybe it was for people w a brain that might want to do a lil research instead of chasin people around on riu spewin non sense.

You don't need anybody to make you look like a do a good job of that yourself LOL.
and what "research" was to be found in that video, or your plea for "facebook likes"?

your cause is LESS supportable than creating a nature preserve for bigfoot

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I don't know a thing about face book.I don't have an account.

You don't give a damn about the just like to play uncle bucky on the web LOL.
then why did you post This?

Please join us at the - Australian & New Zealand Geo-Engineering Protest on facebook -
and what does one see as soon as your "citation" (HA HA HA HA HA!) loads?
"Stop Aerial Spraying Facebook Page"

your story gets more shaky every time you open your gob.

i perused a little of your "citation" (ha ha ha ha ha ha!!, ohh it still gets me!) and what does one find in their "serious scientific testing" page?

"Recently, a reader sent me data on air tests performed in the Phoenix area. These charts show a number heavy metals are present in the environment at levels far exceeding the safe toxic level standards for human health. The person who performed the air sampling had it analyzed by a professional laboratory, and has asked for confidentiality. Exact location in Phoenix of the samples collected and names involved will not be disclosed in this report.

I have personally seen the actual report with the name of the person who and location where air was sampled and the name of the testing laboratory, and certify that the report appears authentic."

ohh you cant see it, but it looks really real to me, no, nobody else has seen it...
no, you cant see it.
it's seekrit

like joseph smith's golden plates.
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