Suspended? Freezing increases is not the same thing as suspending wages. I call bullshit. One post you sing wallings praises and now you pretend to know that he sat on his hands at these meeting. I don't believe you have a fucking clue.Mayor Walling wasnt doing much but speaking to the public and sitting in meetings. The emergency manager was calling all the shots. Walling had his pay suspended.
Damn your an idiot. I do know Walling. He is a good person. His pay was suspended and he didnt make any decisions on his own without emergency manager leaderships approval. Your fukin clueless. You think you know whats up with my really dont. You should quit while you're behind.
Tighter controls are not necessary, people with ethics in government are necessary. The system worked. The lead was detected and reported. The reports were ignored by the government...
More legislation would not have fixed this given the number of laws broken already.
That is what you dont understand, it is the top down massive buracracy that caused the failure of flint in it's budget and now in handling this crisis. They are so incompetent that when it happens they just hold their hands up and out for a donation from mommy fed and help to figure it out. Well fuck, if they cant handle the job why were they appointed?
You say I am fucking up when kids have lead poisoning in Flint. Maybe again your efforts and anger are directed at the wrong person.
Evidence of what? The evidence clearly shows an interested Governor reacting to the information he was provided.
Never claimed to have an inside track. I am just commenting on the KNOWN facts. It is you and yours that are inventing knowledge about authority, agenda, and who knew what when. Sorry kids but the Governor has many cities and issues to deal with and none are experts in every facet of the job. You all want to pretend the Democrat Mayor did not exist even though it was HIS city for the duration and before. Did the people go running to one of the emergency managers to report their problems? Do you think he was kept in the dark as decisions were made around him?
Bottom line is if I had been Mayor I would be pushing to get the problem proper attention and would be out there arguing about any decision made for my city that I disagreed with. Where are his emails?
Again, I am simply repeating what can be found in the news. Right. Flints water issues were not on his radar 2yra agi because it had not reached him. I understand he is a busy guy.snyder is interested now? where was he 2 yrs ago? if you had any of the known facts we wouldn't be having a discussion.
Linky, or its bullshitSuspended city councils pay too.
Truth is aggravating...Damn your an idiot. I do know Walling. He is a good person. His pay was suspended and he didnt make any decisions on his own without emergency manager leaderships approval. Your fukin clueless. You think you know whats up with my really dont. You should quit while your ahead.
Wow, sure takes alot of you to take on an idiot. Thanks i apologize I was wrong or confused I thought it had something to do with the water crisis. It doesn't.
He didn't make the decision inn Flint. But Snyder is responsible. He should resignEmergency Manager and the Governor of the State of Michigan is directly responsible for making decisions regarding Flints water supply.
no, i'm saying you're fucking up when you keep changing your arguments. your claim on the epa is just one