Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

I went 300 feet with mine but watch out for hard water you should get a perc test done before drilling.

I don't have to go deep. The sump pumps in my basement have water year round. I probably wouldn't have to 100 feet. The water is safe I'm sure. I've used it for fish tanks. Fish are sensitive to toxins. I will to be safe though.

I already have 600 gallon rain catch for my vegetable garden.
First, I am willing to bet that I have been more involved in more charitable actions than anyone flapping their gums here. I am with you that you and your city got a raw deal and should first be compensated. .
Its not what ya did .....its what ya doin' .

Corporations and those who own and run them worship money!
Those elected worship donations from them!

They wash each others hands while pissing on the public!
And they secretly back people like Ruppert Murdoch to start 24 hour network news (so called) with a bias towards a certain ideaology. To influence people. And get them in line witb thier agenda. They have to do it this way bacause they know that regular folks have absolutely nothing in common with the rich and powerful corporate types.
And they secretly back people like Ruppert Murdoch to start 24 hour network news (so called) with a bias towards a certain ideaology. To influence people. And get them in line witb thier agenda. They have to do it this way bacause they know that regular folks have absolutely nothing in common with the rich and powerful corporate types.

Remember the reports of "older" house bound folks getting "addicted" to mail order TV channels (QVC) and buying stupid amounts of products from them?

Did you know Murdoch DESIGNED the "look and feel" of them for the screen format for Fox er,,eh FAUX news on that basis? REALLY! NO shit!
It's even been said by psych people that it's a major factor in "shut ins" watching for hrs and hrs on end!
The way the news is delivered with things like emotional tones and exclamations from other reporters during the story delivery, have MAJOR mental effects on the viewer and this is factual findings from university studies......I've got to look that up again and keep that to post the reports on it....Anyway - BRAINWASHING!
Dielectric unions/fittings (the way I do it) I put a fitting on the cold in and hot out. Get 2 3/4"x 3" long galvanixed steel nipples, then the dielectric fittings, another short nipple, then globe valves (dont use gate valves they suck) people buy them cause they're inexpensive

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Here is a quick sketch of what I speak of.

BTW You're not talking about getting a wall mounted tankless heater are you? The ones that give you instant heat? You did say chiller so I assume you know what is what. Are you going to pipe this in yourself? If not then don't get talked out of putting these valves in otherwise the two metals will turn on you in less than 5 years. Are you on well water? If so the closer to 7 on the ph scale the longer the life.


Do I need a dielectric fitting on the copper water to water heat exchange loop inside my hot water storage tank with natural gas backup?
Remember the reports of "older" house bound folks getting "addicted" to mail order TV channels (QVC) and buying stupid amounts of products from them?

Did you know Murdoch DESIGNED the "look and feel" of them for the screen format for Fox er,,eh FAUX news on that basis? REALLY! NO shit!
It's even been said by psych people that it's a major factor in "shut ins" watching for hrs and hrs on end!
The way the news is delivered with things like emotional tones and exclamations from other reporters during the story delivery, have MAJOR mental effects on the viewer and this is factual findings from university studies......I've got to look that up again and keep that to post the reports on it....Anyway - BRAINWASHING!

Yes, that is every channel out there. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. They also know what the answers are to questions they ask each other so the reporters look prepared and well informed. Shocking isnt it?
No, I looked at the time line and saw the administration knew there was a problem and then saw that they started distributing water 3 months later. So yeah, it was brought to his attention and nothing was done for months. HENCE MY POST ABOUT IT....

The EPA is blameless here IMO. The state has a water control division. I am not really paying much attention to this but it appears that they notified the state but did not take other action. Why should the EPA be worried about a state issue like this? Hey, lets just build another layer of buracracy on top of the already useless ones so we feel better!!! Someone should pass a law making lead in the water illegal... LOL!!!!

federal water laws

There were people governing the city of flint. It is known as the government. Saying an emergency manager is not part of the government is silly.... If you want to separate the mayor or governor or whoever, fine but there was still a city government operating at the time this fuckup was happening.

if you call one man in charge being a government, you might have a point. problem here is the man in charge was appointed to run flint by snyder. he had total power and control of all operations.

then you have the deq, a dept under snyder, who dropped the ball completely

last but not least is snyder himself who knew months ago there was a problem

try some facts rush
THERE WAS NO CITY GOVERNMENT stop saying there was. In order to have a city Government the people of Flint have to elect them instead elected city officials were replaced/appointed by the governors cronies, got it!

Democracy be damned!
You don't know of which you speak. There was and is a Mayor who is an integral player in this story.
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Ok then Dave. How about the FACT [now reported by CBS,NBC and ABC 1-29-16] that the STATE put water coolers in it's state buildings IN Flint ON 1-7-15 for it's employee's? I quote from a memo from the State to it's local workers in Flint,
"Clean drinking water will be provided as long as the public water does not meet treatment requirements."
Our Gov. KNEW and things were done to protect the state workers all the while ignoring the people! This was OVER a year ago!
The cover up and responsibility go to the top!

While the people of Flint were LIED to and whitewashed. The same reflects to the rest of us living in this state! Our elected "officials" and their inept "appointee's" have "fucked" us all! OUR [the rest of the state] hearts are with our flint brothers and sisters and just because it wasn't "our town" doesn't mean we don't worry about the hows and whys of this totally avoidable cluster fuck!
Weak sauce Doc. Coverup? Buying water for state offices just days before starting to provide bottled water for the "ignored" and days before kicking in another couple million to expand the water study hardly shows a coverup. Again, all along Governor Snyder is just reacting to the information provided and within hours of the lead report in September he seemed to jump on the problem and make it his.
Do you expect your governors to be psychic in MI?
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Remember the reports of "older" house bound folks getting "addicted" to mail order TV channels (QVC) and buying stupid amounts of products from them?

Did you know Murdoch DESIGNED the "look and feel" of them for the screen format for Fox er,,eh FAUX news on that basis? REALLY! NO shit!
It's even been said by psych people that it's a major factor in "shut ins" watching for hrs and hrs on end!
The way the news is delivered with things like emotional tones and exclamations from other reporters during the story delivery, have MAJOR mental effects on the viewer and this is factual findings from university studies......I've got to look that up again and keep that to post the reports on it....Anyway - BRAINWASHING!
Insert eye roll smiley here.
Da boogie mans gonna getchew.
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This shows the fact that we should all be very careful of who we vote for and why!
Flint now has a mayor that looks to really care and be on top of things with out corruption or cronyism!
There IS hope!
From the "Forth Reich" to "hope". I guess my work is done here. Bottom line is, Snyder will probably do a better job than any replacement as he has been challenged and will have something to prove. If not, that is what elections are for.

Could you point out in that regulation where it says the federal government is responsible for the negligence of the state governing board? I am sure it is there somewhere if you look hard enough...

95% of the time I am against the Feds. We should eliminate the EPA. But they are not liable for a city manager making several bad decisions and disregarding treatment requirements along with a negligent state water department. I am not sure why you are attempting to put it on them.
Projection son. Don't get mad just because I pointed out that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

weak sauce? lol wtf??

the evidence is literally all over the place. to ignore it while claiming you have the inside track on the details says there's alot going on with you that lead (no pun son!) to mental retardation.
Could you point out in that regulation where it says the federal government is responsible for the negligence of the state governing board? I am sure it is there somewhere if you look hard enough...

95% of the time I am against the Feds. We should eliminate the EPA. But they are not liable for a city manager making several bad decisions and disregarding treatment requirements along with a negligent state water department. I am not sure why you are attempting to put it on them.

it's not in there but that's not what's proving you wrong. you stated why would the epa care what a state was doing.

let's corrrect one fuck up of yours at a time eh?

eliminate the epa?? good plan rush. let's leave it up to the states! in light of what's occurred in flint it would seem to anyone with at least a brain cell that tighter controls are necessary.

way to stay relevant
I don't have to go deep. The sump pumps in my basement have water year round. I probably wouldn't have to 100 feet. The water is safe I'm sure. I've used it for fish tanks. Fish are sensitive to toxins. I will to be safe though.

I already have 600 gallon rain catch for my vegetable garden.
Great you don't have to go deep low cost to you.

I have flexible downspouts so I just fill my coolers (8) I live on a mountain so rain is pretty much clean, That's all I use for my plants.

weak sauce? lol wtf??

the evidence is literally all over the place. to ignore it while claiming you have the inside track on the details says there's alot going on with you that lead (no pun son!) to mental retardation.
Evidence of what? The evidence clearly shows an interested Governor reacting to the information he was provided.
Never claimed to have an inside track. I am just commenting on the KNOWN facts. It is you and yours that are inventing knowledge about authority, agenda, and who knew what when. Sorry kids but the Governor has many cities and issues to deal with and none are experts in every facet of the job. You all want to pretend the Democrat Mayor did not exist even though it was HIS city for the duration and before. Did the people go running to one of the emergency managers to report their problems? Do you think he was kept in the dark as decisions were made around him?
Bottom line is if I had been Mayor I would be pushing to get the problem proper attention and would be out there arguing about any decision made for my city that I disagreed with. Where are his emails?