Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

it's not in there but that's not what's proving you wrong. you stated why would the epa care what a state was doing.

let's corrrect one fuck up of yours at a time eh?

eliminate the epa?? good plan rush. let's leave it up to the states! in light of what's occurred in flint it would seem to anyone with at least a brain cell that tighter controls are necessary.

way to stay relevant

Tighter controls are not necessary, people with ethics in government are necessary. The system worked. The lead was detected and reported. The reports were ignored by the government...

More legislation would not have fixed this given the number of laws broken already.

That is what you dont understand, it is the top down massive buracracy that caused the failure of flint in it's budget and now in handling this crisis. They are so incompetent that when it happens they just hold their hands up and out for a donation from mommy fed and help to figure it out. Well fuck, if they cant handle the job why were they appointed?

You say I am fucking up when kids have lead poisoning in Flint. Maybe again your efforts and anger are directed at the wrong person.
Shes the new mayor. Former mayor walling was under emergency managers Kurtz and Early. Appointed by the governor to get flints financial problems in order. We have had emergency managers here off and on for quite sometime. They freeze the pay of the mayor and council members and other things (obviously) to get the budget inline. Laying off police and city workers. Freezing pensions.....all kinds of little tricks. But hey its got to be done right?
This one dork of a mayor.....Williamson....got a huge lawsuit against the city. So what does the city do? Look it up and get back with me with your googleness.
Weak sauce Doc. Coverup? Buying water for state offices just days before starting to provide bottled water for the "ignored" and days before kicking in another couple million to expand the water study hardly shows a coverup. Again, all along Governor Snyder is just reacting to the information provided and within hours of the lead report in September he seemed to jump on the problem and make it his.
Do you expect your governors to be psychic in MI?

No Dave you missed the date difference! It's 1 year ago! They supplied the clean water.....not days ago!
From the "Forth Reich" to "hope". I guess my work is done here. Bottom line is, Snyder will probably do a better job than any replacement as he has been challenged and will have something to prove. If not, that is what elections are for.

End of term limit anyway......2 years and out.
No you missed it. Late January 2015 a bottled water giveaway was started. Nobody was being ignored.

Not true Dave! The below is from this http://thinkprogress.org/health/2016/01/28/3743987/flint-water-state-employees/

The Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget decided to haul water coolers into the Flint state building in January of 2015 out of concern over the city’s water quality, a year before bottled water was being made available to residents, according to documents obtained by Progress Michigan.

Flint switched its water source from Detroit to the Flint River in April 2014, which is now known to have caused lead to leach into the city’s tap water. After two boil advisories were issued in August and September of 2014, the city sent residents a notice that the level of trihalomethanes (TTHMs), which can cause liver and kidney problems, had exceed federal limits, although they were told that it was still fine to use the water and no corrective actions needed to be taken.

But concerns raised over water quality were enough for officials in the state’s capitol of Lansing to decide to give state employees the option to drink bottled water from coolers, rather than from water fountains. Coolers were placed next to the fountains on each occupied floor, according to the documents, and were to be provided “as long as the public water does not meet treatment requirements.”


CREDIT: Progress Michigan

For residents, however, it took researchers uncovering elevated levels of lead in children’s bloodstreams for a lead advisory to finally be issued in September of 2015. Residents were told not to drink the water and a public health emergency was declared by the Genesee County Health Department in October, and Flint’s mayor declared a state of emergency in December. The National Guard was activated in January of this year to distribute water from five fire stations — a full year after water was brought in for state employees out of concern over water quality.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R), whose administration some have said made the decision to switch to the Flint River, has claimed he didn’t know about the water problems until recently. But the plan to use that source was evaluated and rejected by the city’s emergency manager in 2012, according to a deposition. And while the purported reason for making the change in the first place was to save money while another pipeline was being built, leaked emails show that the city could have stayed with Detroit’s water and saved the same amount of money anyway.
Not true Dave! The below is from this http://thinkprogress.org/health/2016/01/28/3743987/flint-water-state-employees/

The Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget decided to haul water coolers into the Flint state building in January of 2015 out of concern over the city’s water quality, a year before bottled water was being made available to residents, according to documents obtained by Progress Michigan.

Flint switched its water source from Detroit to the Flint River in April 2014, which is now known to have caused lead to leach into the city’s tap water. After two boil advisories were issued in August and September of 2014, the city sent residents a notice that the level of trihalomethanes (TTHMs), which can cause liver and kidney problems, had exceed federal limits, although they were told that it was still fine to use the water and no corrective actions needed to be taken.

But concerns raised over water quality were enough for officials in the state’s capitol of Lansing to decide to give state employees the option to drink bottled water from coolers, rather than from water fountains. Coolers were placed next to the fountains on each occupied floor, according to the documents, and were to be provided “as long as the public water does not meet treatment requirements.”


CREDIT: Progress Michigan

For residents, however, it took researchers uncovering elevated levels of lead in children’s bloodstreams for a lead advisory to finally be issued in September of 2015. Residents were told not to drink the water and a public health emergency was declared by the Genesee County Health Department in October, and Flint’s mayor declared a state of emergency in December. The National Guard was activated in January of this year to distribute water from five fire stations — a full year after water was brought in for state employees out of concern over water quality.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R), whose administration some have said made the decision to switch to the Flint River, has claimed he didn’t know about the water problems until recently. But the plan to use that source was evaluated and rejected by the city’s emergency manager in 2012, according to a deposition. And while the purported reason for making the change in the first place was to save money while another pipeline was being built, leaked emails show that the city could have stayed with Detroit’s water and saved the same amount of money anyway.
Its worse than I thought. That the city stayed with Flint River water throughout last year in spite of the Trihalomethane warning is stunning. Oh and switching their own work place to bottled water so early in the game was nice. But not the schools, I would guess.
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Not true Dave! The below is from this http://thinkprogress.org/health/2016/01/28/3743987/flint-water-state-employees/

The Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget decided to haul water coolers into the Flint state building in January of 2015 out of concern over the city’s water quality, a year before bottled water was being made available to residents, according to documents obtained by Progress Michigan.

Flint switched its water source from Detroit to the Flint River in April 2014, which is now known to have caused lead to leach into the city’s tap water. After two boil advisories were issued in August and September of 2014, the city sent residents a notice that the level of trihalomethanes (TTHMs), which can cause liver and kidney problems, had exceed federal limits, although they were told that it was still fine to use the water and no corrective actions needed to be taken.

But concerns raised over water quality were enough for officials in the state’s capitol of Lansing to decide to give state employees the option to drink bottled water from coolers, rather than from water fountains. Coolers were placed next to the fountains on each occupied floor, according to the documents, and were to be provided “as long as the public water does not meet treatment requirements.”


CREDIT: Progress Michigan

For residents, however, it took researchers uncovering elevated levels of lead in children’s bloodstreams for a lead advisory to finally be issued in September of 2015. Residents were told not to drink the water and a public health emergency was declared by the Genesee County Health Department in October, and Flint’s mayor declared a state of emergency in December. The National Guard was activated in January of this year to distribute water from five fire stations — a full year after water was brought in for state employees out of concern over water quality.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R), whose administration some have said made the decision to switch to the Flint River, has claimed he didn’t know about the water problems until recently. But the plan to use that source was evaluated and rejected by the city’s emergency manager in 2012, according to a deposition. And while the purported reason for making the change in the first place was to save money while another pipeline was being built, leaked emails show that the city could have stayed with Detroit’s water and saved the same amount of money anyway.
First, Think Progress is about as biasedl left as you can get So nice source. How about WaPo instead...
The trihalo stuff was awhile back and they said i only posed a problem with elderly and children. While people were going to council meetings and holding up glasses of colored water that smelled and tasted like a swamp. What really set off the public initially was this coupled with tripling the water rates to pay for an old lawsuit the city got handed.
First, Think Progress is about as biasedl left as you can get So nice source. How about WaPo instead...
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Maybe it's just to far to see the truth from your right side?
Kinda brief ain't it? So some one gave out 200 case's. It did not continue nor was it a result of any state based program!

I live here in the state. We have heard about this almost daily for OVER a year!
Trust me, NO real water or filter give away till this December! LATE December and it was from Cher - not the state!
Yep, schools were still using tap water through the most of the year. They stopped using tap water Sept 28, 2015. What a twisted scenario. The government switched to bottled water in its own buildings because "public water does not meet treatment requirements" yet schools were left to their own devices.

FLINT, MI – The Flint School District is seeking donations for bottled water for students following last week's decision to stop using tap water at the schools, the superintendent said.