Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

I havent changed my argument. The one thing that is different is that I realize that calling a city manager the government drives you batty so I am trying to avoid that...

Again, I didnt put the lead in the water so no reason to be so pissed off at me ;]

drives me batty.......i'm pissed off?? don't flatter yourself ace. i'm just humoring the resident morons
Trust me, NO real water or filter give away till this December! LATE December and it was from Cher - not the state!
Like to know whats going on around me. From city to state to the world!
If you don't know - you should simply not comment......Polite corrections for those who do....
Ahhh yes you know all that went on and when.
December eh? "Trust" you? Here's a "polite correction.


OCT. 2: Snyder announces that the state will spend $1 million to buy water filters and test water in Flint public schools.

FLINT, MI -- The effort to get lead-clearing water filters into homes is about to branch out to more locations, including Flint public housing.

The state Department of Health & Human Services said free water filters will be available to Michigan HHS clients and Flint residents at four locations beginning 9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6, through a partnership between the agency and the Genesee County Community Action Resource Department.

The expansion of the filter distribution comes after Gov. Rick Snyder and state officials acknowledged concerns

Pretty quick work GuvNa! Nice job
I like how he thinks he knows more about the situation and calling people bullshitters that actually live here. Every little factoid he posts up me, my friends and family have actually lived it. For some time now. My best friends neice has lead poisoning from the water. Just found out last week. Yeah Dave you dont know jack shit from shinola pal. And that there is the Truth!!!!
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I like how he thinks he knows more about the situation and calling people bullshitters that actually live here. Every little factoid he posts up me, my friends and family have actually lived it. For some time now. My best friends neice has lead poisoning from the water. Just found out last week. Yeah Dave you dont know jack shit from shinola pal. And that there is the Truth!!!!

This is awful. Lawsuits will take decades and ultimately just bankrupt the city.

What a stupid, senseless tragedy. These people MUST go to prison, just like that Blogoyowich guy who tried to sell Mr Obama's senate seat.
This is awful. Lawsuits will take decades and ultimately just bankrupt the city.

What a stupid, senseless tragedy. These people MUST go to prison, just like that Blogoyowich guy who tried to sell Mr Obama's senate seat.
It is awful but
What a stupid,nonsensical comparison...even for you.
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I like how he thinks he knows more about the situation and calling people bullshitters that actually live here. Every little factoid he posts up me, my friends and family have actually lived it. For some time now. My best friends neice has lead poisoning from the water. Just found out last week. Yeah Dave you dont know jack shit from shinola pal. And that there is the Truth!!!!

Richard, I understand how horrible the tragedy is and to try and put that up against my feeling that you and yours are trying to railroad the governor, whose friends and family are also living it, is pathetic and unfair. I hope for nothing but good health and as fair a compensation as can be produced.

Are you saying that filters did not get handed out in October? Days after the governor called for them which was days before...

OCT. 15: The Michigan Legislature and Snyder approve nearly $9.4 million in aid to Flint, including $6 million to help switch its drinking water back to Detroit. The legislation also includes money for water filters, inspections and lab testing.

NOV. 3: Voters elect newcomer Karen Weaver over incumbent Mayor Dayne Walling amid fallout over the drinking water.
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Ahhh yes you know all that went on and when.
December eh? "Trust" you? Here's a "polite correction.


OCT. 2: Snyder announces that the state will spend $1 million to buy water filters and test water in Flint public schools.

FLINT, MI -- The effort to get lead-clearing water filters into homes is about to branch out to more locations, including Flint public housing.

The state Department of Health & Human Services said free water filters will be available to Michigan HHS clients and Flint residents at four locations beginning 9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6, through a partnership between the agency and the Genesee County Community Action Resource Department.

The expansion of the filter distribution comes after Gov. Rick Snyder and state officials acknowledged concerns

Pretty quick work GuvNa! Nice job

Pretty quick work GuvNa! Nice job

You sound like Bush after Katrina. In your book he must be doing a heck of a job too.

Those folks don't need band aids what they need is for ALL the pipes to be replaced that includes inside the homes.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence Rush! Compassionate conservatism my ass.

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Richard, I understand how horrible the tragedy is and to try and put that up against my feeling that you and yours are trying to railroad the governor, whose friends and family are also living it, is pathetic and unfair. I hope for nothing but good health and as fair a compensation as can be produced.

Are you saying that filters did not get handed out in October? Days after the governor called for them which was days before...

OCT. 15: The Michigan Legislature and Snyder approve nearly $9.4 million in aid to Flint, including $6 million to help switch its drinking water back to Detroit. The legislation also includes money for water filters, inspections and lab testing.

NOV. 3: Voters elect newcomer Karen Weaver over incumbent Mayor Dayne Walling amid fallout over the drinking water.
So, Dave, government buildings in Flint were supplied with safe drinking water in the early part of 2015 yet schools were not supplied with safe drinking water until late September. Would this cause any concern on your part if you lived in Flint? If your kid was poisoned by lead from drinking water from a school fountain that summer, would you not be asking where was the state's leader when this was all going down?
The trihalo stuff was awhile back and they said i only posed a problem with elderly and children. While people were going to council meetings and holding up glasses of colored water that smelled and tasted like a swamp. What really set off the public initially was this coupled with tripling the water rates to pay for an old lawsuit the city got handed.
Sorry, but I missed the cogent details the first time I read this. Trhialos "only posed a problem with elderly and children." Daaaamn.

The gov talking to his head of MDEQ. "Well, as you say, it only is a problem with elderly and children in Flint. That's OK, children don't vote and the elderly will be dead soon anyway. So, how about a round of golf?."
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Richard, I understand how horrible the tragedy is and to try and put that up against my feeling that you and yours are trying to railroad the governor, whose friends and family are also living it, is pathetic and unfair. I hope for nothing but good health and as fair a compensation as can be produced.

Are you saying that filters did not get handed out in October? Days after the governor called for them which was days before...

OCT. 15: The Michigan Legislature and Snyder approve nearly $9.4 million in aid to Flint, including $6 million to help switch its drinking water back to Detroit. The legislation also includes money for water filters, inspections and lab testing.

NOV. 3: Voters elect newcomer Karen Weaver over incumbent Mayor Dayne Walling amid fallout over the drinking water.

how exactly is the governor and his family and friends living it? other than waking up every fucking day knowing dad, husband and best good pal is a retard who's inaction, attitude and policies ended up poisoning an entire american city. the governor is otherwise occupied hiring and consulting with 2 big shot pr firms known for being hired by inept politicians when they fuck up.

any clue as to why snyder has already lawyered up?

his political career is ending just like his time at gateway did..... abject motherfucking failure. he'll be lucky if he avoids prison

have you come up with just one republican/teabagger success story yet?

Richard, I understand how horrible the tragedy is and to try and put that up against my feeling that you and yours are trying to railroad the governor, whose friends and family are also living it, is pathetic and unfair. I hope for nothing but good health and as fair a compensation as can be produced.

Are you saying that filters did not get handed out in October? Days after the governor called for them which was days before...

OCT. 15: The Michigan Legislature and Snyder approve nearly $9.4 million in aid to Flint, including $6 million to help switch its drinking water back to Detroit. The legislation also includes money for water filters, inspections and lab testing.

NOV. 3: Voters elect newcomer Karen Weaver over incumbent Mayor Dayne Walling amid fallout over the drinking water.

No they were not!

They may have got funding BUT, that funding and the filters did not hit the streets till late Dec early to mid Jan.

It takes time for things to actually happen Dave. They say ok spend this BUT the "this" has to actually SHOW UP. Then you have to spend it on what it was for, not to mention, the wait for "it" to arrive. Filters and water did not magically appear to be distributed over night !

Again, your talking this year and we're talking about the lack of action all the way back to over a YEAR AGO!

Why didn't it happen when the V. tech prof exposed the truth of the problem - that Flint residents KNEW of months before THAT?
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Lets take a look AT the lead numbers a sec.

Level of lead in drinking water that the Virginia Tech says to be "Concerning" - Especially for children

5 ppb

Benchmark EPA Lead level for the EPA to require a city to take action to correct the problem

15 ppb (Parts per Billion)

Flints average from 271homes tested in the summer of 2015 by the MI state DEQ

27 ppb !!

Highest test level by the V. Tech study in Flint's 8th ward

158 ppb !!!!!

Highest single level recorded by The V. Tech study in a Flint home or business

13,000 ppm !!!!!!!! yes that's thirteen THOUSAND ppb!

The EPA considers 5,000 ppb to be "TOXIC WASTE"!!!

This is simply mind boggling to consider that our elected state officials actually had quality information like this and still allowed it to happen for a YEAR before stepping up to the plate!

Hey Dave......Bet I can get you home in Flint real cheap!