Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

Flint Michigan is the EPAs fault.
If they didn't have those stifling regulations about water standards.
You wouldn't even hear about it

The state department of environmental quality has water standards too but it appears they disregarded them. Hey, maybe if we made another law that people can disregard the situation will be better eh?
The state department of environmental quality has water standards too but it appears they disregarded them. Hey, maybe if we made another law that people can disregard the situation will be better eh?
Guess who oversees the state department of environmental quality in Michigan? He's a republican named Snyder.
The EPA is trying to fix a problem the state caused

What was said in the article Dave posted turned out to be untrue. The filters were made available -- 16,000 filters shy of the necessary amount -- and the statement Dave hangs so tightly to was made on Oct 3, 2015. Better information has been made available to the media since then, again, what Dave posted is out of date. The filters were never intended for water with such high levels of lead. An examination of specs for that filter would have revealed this. The population of Flint deserved better than this.
Read the article I linked to as it disputes what you say.
I am not here defending the egregious decisions made by stupid people along the way, but the inane attempt to lay it all at the governor's feet

you mean, the stupid person whose egregious decisions caused this?

rachel maddow called out the stupidity of these "emergency managers" before the guy was even elected, by the way.

just thought you'd like to know how a liberal lesbian has more foresight than you have hindsight.
The state department of environmental quality has water standards too

republicans in texas are also fond of sporting that "states can handle their own business" line as well.

until they get ravaged by tornadoes or floods or fires or drought and go begging the federal government for help.


I was actually feeling rather jolly, Mr. Puke. It also makes me Jolly that admin has neutered you here. I laugh every time I see one of your posts now. Nobody pays any attention to you. I now feel safe to put you on ignore, but I don't as I use you for comic relief. Uncle Ben teach you anything lately? Satified? Snaps? How's the job going?

Oh wait, you still have a few monkeys. @ttystikk, doesn't your arm get tired with all your back patting. Just how light ARE your loafers?

had no idea i was neutered.

anyhoo, have fun espousing white supremacy, growing shitty weed, and being all bitter.
I am not here defending the egregious decisions made by stupid people along the way, but the inane attempt to lay it all at the governor's feet and expecting a resignation because of it. I first posted because of the increasing rhetoric and bullshit culminating with you
going Godwin.

Yes, it is a tragedy the officials handling things in 2014 did not heed the advice of Va. Tech, but by all evidence the Gov. Snyder was not involved in these decisions. Flint was one of a thousand blips on his screen and he was relayed the same false conclusions of the water being safe and the Flint blip faded...Up until the summer of 2015, unfortunately, but expectedly because he is not a psychic and like many, including the worthless Mayor he believed the managers.

The article i posted is not a lie. Over 4000 filters were handed out in 0ct 2015. And according to this they were verified for lead removal.


Lower income families were targeted by the initial giveaway. Just because Richard1991 did not see them does not make the many articles about the giveaway, untrue.

If one can assume that Snyder, up until the lead report in late summer 2015, was getting reports from the emergency managers that things were being effectively handled then it certainly seems he has done a credible job of things once it was discovered they were not.

You and yours do not believe that assumption even though the emails he released (which he didn't have to) at this point have shown nothing but that.
There were filters handed by local organizations, businesses who serve the community residents, United way, Universty of MI-Flint, Home Depot. They donated those 4000 filters in the absence of ANY action by the Government of MI, read that article again the Governor did squat.

4000 filters does nothing for the other 16000 without anything.

Nice try!

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From the guy who 6 pages in didn't even know who the mayor was. So your puny swipes carry very little weight.
WTF, boy you really need to comprehend what you read I have been on top of this before it hit national news, Racheal Maddow has made this front page news didn't hear Rush, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Marc Levin, Ann Coulter mentioning it.

Just like the Canadian tar sands pipeline oil spill in Kalamazoo MI, they never mentioned that either took 5 years of cleanup and billions spent and still not up to par.

Lol. Again, such a silly bunch. Dave is holding onto nothing tightly.
So the filter viability is my fault or something? You are quite the wanker.

Also, blowjob, just because you say it, does not make it true. Unless of course you have lived in Flint your whole life.
Dave you've been sucking Republican cock since you got onto this thread. Backwards and forwards you can't seem to navigate the situation clearly. A four year timeline is too much for you. What happened on Oct 3 is just as valid as any other date to you as long as it satisfies your urges to curry favor with your masters. I look forward to your next time capsule from the internet. I'm interested in seeing your next attempt to use what remains of that garbage dump you call a brain.

The article you posted was refuted later on but like a true Republican lackey, your filter worked great and it kept you safe from the truth.
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That would be the voters in Michigan FTW!!!
umm well, just to be clear, in 2014, Snyder won the state vote, 51% Snyder (R) to 47% Schauer (D). By your incredibly dense statement that the voters of MI are at fault for putting incompetents into office, does that mean even the 47% that voted for Schauer are to blame for the completely inept performance of the head of Michigan's government?

Also, in Genesee county, 61% Schauer (D) to 37% Snyder (R). So, what does that mean according to your theory that the voters in "to blame" for this crisis? They saw Snyder as the slithering skank that he is.

In any case, the electorate put people into office to run the government, legislate and manage the justice system according to the laws of the land and their will. With the responsibility also comes accountability. At least that's what the electorate expect. Apparently you don't.
The state department of environmental quality has water standards too but it appears they disregarded them. Hey, maybe if we made another law that people can disregard the situation will be better eh?
Actually, you are right about this. The Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality headed by Gov. Snyder's appointee did disregard test standards and water quality standards. You are also right, if we don't enforce a law it stops being one.

So, who knew what, when, and were these laws deliberately broken? We'll find that out once we get to the other side of this crisis. Right now, concern should be put onto ensuring nobody else gets poisoned by this fuck up and treat the ones that were poisoned.