Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

OMG. I doubt you would be saying this if it was your child drinking lead water. One word to help you understand, but first you might have to look it up...ACCOUNTABILITY
His did not "respond" 8 days after the water was "deemed" save. are you fucking crazy ? The people of Flint are still waiting for this problem to be corrected after more than a year. The water is still not safe.
When you have those bonding moments with your child, please be sure to make him/her aware that you care very little about other peoples child
He responded 8 days after the doctors said it wasn't safe.

Try rereading my post.

First the EM said it was safe. Governor listened to the employee.

Then doctors showed it wasn't safe. So he investigated.
He responded 8 days after the doctors said it wasn't safe.

Try rereading my post.

First the EM said it was safe. Governor listened to the employee.

Then doctors showed it wasn't safe. So he investigated.
ok maybe I can reach you this way. How did he respond ? What did he do. When did he find out. Don't comment until you know and can answer all three questions
I know one thing....it toom the actions of the citizens of this town with the help of scientists and doctors (some from all over the country) to get the truth out. Snyders administration all the way down to the emergency managers Kurtz and Early were convinced the water was fine. Although a nasty color and taste they thought the city hall protestors were just trying to get water rates reduced. All of them crooks looked at us with the herd mentality. I dont think it was some big conspiracy to poison children but if given the chance to cover it all up to save thier asses they would have. We beat them to it. We were right all along and now they are eating crow. Fukers. Even Snyder said hes anticipating much more children testing higher in lead blood levels in the near future. Whats really messed up is lead is a tricky bastard in that after a month or so its hard to even detect it in the body. It shows up as the kids grow with slower learning and comprehension ablility. Really this is fukt up. It all goes back to a flawed political ideaology really. Cut corporate taxes in the hopes that this will entice them to create jobs. And tax the regular people and cut services to make up the difference. Trickle down economics. That shit dpesnt work. Its had a 30 year run. Enough!!! Regular folks with spending money (purchasing power) create the real jobs. Look into former president Clintons economist and what he has to say about the truth and consequence of trickle down economics. He knows whats up. And he knows its bullshit whipped up by Rand worshippers and pushed through biased media sources to get people to believe in it.
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I know one thing....it toom the actions of the citizens of this town with the help of scientists and doctors (some from all over the country) to get the truth out. Snyders administration all the way down to the emergency managers Kurtz and Early were convinced the water was fine. Although a nasty color and taste they thought the city hall protestors were just trying to get water rates reduced. All of them crooks looked at us with the herd mentality. We were right all along and now they are eating crow. Fukers. Even Snyder said hes anticipating much more children testing higher in lead blood levels in the near future. Whats really messed up is lead is a tricky bastard in that after a month or so its hard to even detect it in the body. It shows up as the kids grow with slower learning and comprehension ablility. Really this is fukt up. It all goes back to a flawed political ideaology really. Cut corporate taxes in the hopes that this will entice them to create jobs. And tax the regular people and cut services to make up the difference. Trickle down economics. That shit dpesnt work. Its had a 30 year run. Enough!!! Regular folks with spending money (purchasing power) create the real jobs. Look into former president Clintons economist and what he has to say about the truth and consequence of trickle down economics. He knows whats up. And he knows its bullshit whipped up by Rand worshippers and pushed through biased media sources to get people to believe in it.

Are are you saying they lie too?:lol:
And just think.....Sanders gets called a socialist nut job for wanting a program to help rebuild Americas crumbling infrastructure. This whole deal with poisoned water just showed up in Flint first helped along with politicians with an absurd agenda. This WILL happen in some other town.....soon if we dont overhaul the old pipes and sewer systems. Roads and bridges too. And we got the fukin money. Or come hell or high water we can damn sure get it. Taxing Wall Street speculators is one good step.
Sanders gets called a socialist nut job for wanting a program to help rebuild Americas crumbling infrastructure.

and the GOP was pushing so hard for Keystone XL and the thousand or so temp jobs it would create. think of how many jobs would be created if you just pick one state and fix all the roads and bridges in it. and then fix the other 49 states. would be jobs out the wazoo for a decade easy
and the GOP was pushing so hard for Keystone XL and the thousand or so temp jobs it would create. think of how many jobs would be created if you just pick one state and fix all the roads and bridges in it. and then fix the other 49 states. would be jobs out the wazoo for a decade easy

And that's where the campaign donorship money comes into play..when you owe corporate America favors for getting you elected then obvi you are no longer working for the people.

Which is why CU needs to be overturned and we need to go back to the beloved days of Eisenhower 90% on the wealthy..sayyyyyyyyy wasn't he a republican?

That's why life and the economy were better.
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If Snyder was being told everything in Flint was fine, that was the end of it for him. He takes reports and responds to them. If no problem is reported than he takes no action.
Looks like the governor was supplied wrong information and told the water was safe.

Also looks like he responded in 8 days after the doctors proved the water wasn't safe.

If your employees lie to you there is no way to know the truth.
What response are you referring to when you say "8 days"? Perhaps you are making the same mistake that Dave makes when he drags up some of the early misinformation put out there in Sept-Oct.

So, if the governor totally fails the citizens of Flint and a generation in Flint is afflicted with lead poisoning because he was "given bad information", you'd still trust him to to lead the government? I'm not aware of a conspiracy to keep the governor out of the loop.

Excuses are for losers. Snyder has all the authority to bring in anybody he wants to ask questions. A crisis in Flint perked along for two years and you say he was "given bad information". Its up to leadership to get it right. No excuses.

This is not a red vs blue political issue. Its about the need for competent government. Replace those in charge if or when they prove they can't run an effective government. It happens all the time in this country.
If Snyder was being told everything in Flint was fine, that was the end of it for him. He takes reports and responds to them. If no problem is reported than he takes no action.
This is pretty much clueless.

Again let me ask, if the governor totally fails the citizens of Flint and a generation in Flint is afflicted with lead poisoning because he was "given bad information", you'd still trust him to to lead the government?
And just think.....Sanders gets called a socialist nut job for wanting a program to help rebuild Americas crumbling infrastructure. This whole deal with poisoned water just showed up in Flint first helped along with politicians with an absurd agenda. This WILL happen in some other town.....soon if we dont overhaul the old pipes and sewer systems. Roads and bridges too. And we got the fukin money. Or come hell or high water we can damn sure get it. Taxing Wall Street speculators is one good step.

But he's a Jew.. I'm sure there will be SOME fiscal responsibility:lol:

I know one thing....it toom the actions of the citizens of this town with the help of scientists and doctors (some from all over the country) to get the truth out. Snyders administration all the way down to the emergency managers Kurtz and Early were convinced the water was fine. Although a nasty color and taste they thought the city hall protestors were just trying to get water rates reduced. All of them crooks looked at us with the herd mentality. I dont think it was some big conspiracy to poison children but if given the chance to cover it all up to save thier asses they would have. We beat them to it. We were right all along and now they are eating crow. Fukers. Even Snyder said hes anticipating much more children testing higher in lead blood levels in the near future. Whats really messed up is lead is a tricky bastard in that after a month or so its hard to even detect it in the body. It shows up as the kids grow with slower learning and comprehension ablility. Really this is fukt up. It all goes back to a flawed political ideaology really. Cut corporate taxes in the hopes that this will entice them to create jobs. And tax the regular people and cut services to make up the difference. Trickle down economics. That shit dpesnt work. Its had a 30 year run. Enough!!! Regular folks with spending money (purchasing power) create the real jobs. Look into former president Clintons economist and what he has to say about the truth and consequence of trickle down economics. He knows whats up. And he knows its bullshit whipped up by Rand worshippers and pushed through biased media sources to get people to believe in it.

They should bring glasses of water to all those mentioned above lay it on their desks and ask them to take a drink..how many would before they were 'convinced'?

I guarantee you those fuckers knew.