Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

Recall efforts are underway. http://www.freep.com/story/news/loc...sider-snyder-recall-petitions-today/79449966/
LANSING — Citizens outraged over the lead contamination of Flint's drinking water continue to submit petitions to recall Gov. Rick Snyder, but so far, none has cracked the code of a toughened 2012 state law that requires every stated reason for a proposed recall to be clear and factual.

On Thursday, during a meeting at the Lansing Center, the Board of State Canvassers rejected two efforts to start recall petitions against Snyder.

In all, the board rejected eight recall petitions in 4-0 votes. But seven of the petitions were filed by the same person, Angelo Scott Brown of Detroit, who has had several previous recall petitions rejected on the grounds that they did not clearly and factually state the reasons for the proposed recall. Brown did not attend Thursday's meetings, where his latest petitions were also rejected.

The other petition was from Flint resident and community activist Quincy Murphy. He wants to recall Snyder for "failing to protect the health and safety of the citizens of Flint, which has resulted in a state of emergency for Genesee County due to toxic lead levels in the drinking water."
The emergency manager all the way to Lansing Administration was more concerned about shutting down the people bitching about the jack in rates to the disgusting water than actually doing something about it. This was way back before that pediatrician started seeing a lead spike in childrens blood. Then they still told her she had a hidden agenda and get lost for awhile after that. They were convinced the people of Flint were just trying to get thier water rates lowered or for free. They even accused some protesters early on at city hall of coloring and adulterating the tap they were showing to the cameras. And also accused left wing outside agitators of coming into Flint and stirring up the angry mobs outside City Hall. I know....i was there. This was months ago. Damn near a year ago. Probably before that. I didnt start to get fired up and paying attention about it until 8 or 9 months ago though. This shit has been stewing for some time. You all are just hearing it recently through big news media all over the country. They were saying the water is fine and issued boil advisories at the very beginning for the elderly and children. This whole deal from the very beginning is quite a fukin story.
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That would be the voters in Michigan FTW!!!

no dumbass. the voters in michigan turned down the emergency manager law. due to the republicunts control of michigan's government the people got overruled. the emergency manager who oversaw the water source switch got reappointed to the emergency manager of detroit public schools, who after 13 years of state control are now in debt to the tune of $515 million and are weeks away from insolvency. detroit public schools had a surplus until the fucking state took over and installed dictators.

taxes just got raised by the republicunts ($1.8 billion, which coincidentally matches the tax cut snyder gave business) for the "roads" but work isn't to begin until 2017. seems to me it's like 2 free yrs of tax increases with no benefit.

snyder also taxed pensions in michigan for the first time. all this fuckwit has done is raise taxes on the middle class

no matter how much you and the rest of the mouth breathing apologists want to deflect, the republicunts own this thing 100% and the only point you may have, other than the one on the top of your fucking head, is we somehow elected republicunst to be the majority in both houses of congress as well as the governor's office.

the good news? the republicunts are dead in this state for years.

you ever think of one republicunt success anywhere in the u.s.? one??
I am not here defending the egregious decisions made by stupid people along the way, but the inane attempt to lay it all at the governor's feet and expecting a resignation because of it. I first posted because of the increasing rhetoric and bullshit culminating with you
going Godwin.

Yes, it is a tragedy the officials handling things in 2014 did not heed the advice of Va. Tech, but by all evidence the Gov. Snyder was not involved in these decisions. Flint was one of a thousand blips on his screen and he was relayed the same false conclusions of the water being safe and the Flint blip faded...Up until the summer of 2015, unfortunately, but expectedly because he is not a psychic and like many, including the worthless Mayor he believed the managers.

The article i posted is not a lie. Over 4000 filters were handed out in 0ct 2015. And according to this they were verified for lead removal.


Lower income families were targeted by the initial giveaway. Just because Richard1991 did not see them does not make the many articles about the giveaway, untrue.

If one can assume that Snyder, up until the lead report in late summer 2015, was getting reports from the emergency managers that things were being effectively handled then it certainly seems he has done a credible job of things once it was discovered they were not.

You and yours do not believe that assumption even though the emails he released (which he didn't have to) at this point have shown nothing but that.

letting stupid fucks explain the actions of stupid fucks is a bit much. how bout just shutting the fuck up, have a seat and play with yourself. it'll be the most worth while effort of yours today.

since you're half of the retard tag team......you have one republicunt success you can point to? anywhere?
oh, hey, did you know that your attempt to blame this on the flint mayor is dumb because flint had no mayor?

you kinda ran away and failed to address that earlier, coward.
Its blatantly obvious he didnt even know about the emergency manager situation just by reading his earlier texts. He called bullshit when i told him yes and the EM suspended the mayors pay and city councils pay.
Dave be honest....i have with you. You didnt really know much at first with your posts about Flints water and government problems did you? At least give me that much. All the factoids you were posting you were just kinda finding along the way werent you? Suprised at mayor pay being suspended werent you? Suprised at the Emergency Manager situation huh? You never even heard of a local government being taken over by a Governor Appointee have you? Virginia Tech study was a revelation wasnt it? Dont lie...be honest.
Its much easier and safe for you to see "us" as "those left wing liberal wackos". Lump us all together nice and neatly in your head so you can go about your Fox News watching day.
i'd start posting videos of rachel maddow predicting the problems that emergency managers would cause before they were even implemented, but the righties here are immune to any facts that contradict their delusional worldviews.
I seen quite a few of her predictions come true to the letter. I seen a few things she said about emergency managers....spot on forecast actually
Why are you mad, blowjob? Did I embarrass you somewhere? Hard to keep track of all you Super Heroes when they put you together in the same comic book.
I don't have to be angry to recognize a Republican cocksucker and call him one. And now, you've demonstrated how much you have lost the argument. You can't even cite silly unimportant timelines. That gun of yours is dry but you manage to keep your mouth full just the same.
i'd start posting videos of rachel maddow predicting the problems that emergency managers would cause before they were even implemented, but the righties here are immune to any facts that contradict their delusional worldviews.
you might as well the next time BD starts spewing garbage. Its all well and fine if we are actually trading facts but he's lost it. At least for the time being. I can almost smell the Jack Daniels coming off his breath in his latest posts. Spam him with Maddow, I say.
There was s time the folks from Detroit wanted to sell off the land where Pontiac Silverdome is to help the city of Detroit's financial crisis but the EM installed by snyder overruled the people and sold off the "Dome" to a Canadian investment firm for $500k and now that same firm is asking for $30 million.

I'm sorry I'm confused, wasn't Obama suppose to be the one who subverts the will of the people? The problem I see it's the party on the right who does that. Snyder just wanted a larger kickback. That "Dome" was built with taxpayer funds.

I am not here defending the egregious decisions made by stupid people along the way, but the inane attempt to lay it all at the governor's feet and expecting a resignation because of it. I first posted because of the increasing rhetoric and bullshit culminating with you
going Godwin.

Yes, it is a tragedy the officials handling things in 2014 did not heed the advice of Va. Tech, but by all evidence the Gov. Snyder was not involved in these decisions. Flint was one of a thousand blips on his screen and he was relayed the same false conclusions of the water being safe and the Flint blip faded...Up until the summer of 2015, unfortunately, but expectedly because he is not a psychic and like many, including the worthless Mayor he believed the managers.

The article i posted is not a lie. Over 4000 filters were handed out in 0ct 2015. And according to this they were verified for lead removal.


Lower income families were targeted by the initial giveaway. Just because Richard1991 did not see them does not make the many articles about the giveaway, untrue.

If one can assume that Snyder, up until the lead report in late summer 2015, was getting reports from the emergency managers that things were being effectively handled then it certainly seems he has done a credible job of things once it was discovered they were not.

You and yours do not believe that assumption even though the emails he released (which he didn't have to) at this point have shown nothing but that.

I salute you for at least looking to Mlive for info..

Yup a hand full of filters went out in Oct 15.
Every single one was from public donations! 0, zip, nada involvement of the state or Fed.

BTW, Snyder KNEW! If the rest of the people IN the state new from the first news report.
Why the FUCK didn't the Gov. ? He, just like ya'alls whipp'in boy Obama.....WATCH'S the news.....

He turned his head. He ignored. He thought some lackey had control! SLOTH!
ANY GOOD GOV. worth their salt would have been ON TOP of this problem the day after the release to the press of the V. Tech report! TAKE CHARGE! Their your people for gods sake! You want to further a political shot for higher office? BE ON TOP OF THINGS!

If he's SOOO stupid to have not "known" about it........The politics for him are over...They are anyway....The thing is though Dave, Snyder is not dumb......HE KNEW = HE FAILED!

We the people OF the state of MI should be able to say......"YOU'RE" FIRED! GET OUT!"

He failed the people of Flint! He REALLY failed the children of Flint! Preschool teachers are already reporting issues with children that are attributed to lead poisoning! NBC, CBS.

This whole argument on your part for the "poor" Gov. of MI is well,,,,,BLINDNESS of a sort! Re read what I wrote above again and do it without thinking the right is right all the time! Do it with out thinking politics......Think about the people effected and then ask WHY did it take SOOOO LONG for the State Governor to actually ACT!

He was never in the public eye UNTIL he had to defend himself and his administration!
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Your string of denials and lazy questions all are great examples of what's wrong with right wingers. I don't call them conservatives any more because you guys are about as radical as anybody can be.

In any case, do you recall what Truman kept on his desk? It said "the buck stops here". But he was a Democrat. Snyder should on your recommendation have "the buck passes here".

If you want, here is a good read:
DEQ: Flint water fix should have come by 2014

Ok, so I'm not going to spoon feed you any more links that you won't read. But I will recap what I've found with relatively little effort in a few hours of digging around on the internet. In 2011, when the first conversations were had regarding using Flint water, a report commissioned by Flint public works recommended treating the water with phosphates. For water treatment professionals, the reason for using phosphates is clear, it was necessary because river water is tends to be more corrosive than lake water. When, in 2013, the then emergency manager for Flint ordered the use of Flint river water, no treatment of the water with phosphate was included. The plan was approved by the Michigan DEQ. The man in charge of MDEQ was the governors man. In April 2014, Flint started using water from the Flint River. The following is a timeline from that point:

August and September 2014
City officials issue boil-water advisories after coliform bacteria are detected in tap water.

October 2014
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality blames cold weather, aging pipes and a population decline.

“The city has taken operational steps to limit the potential for a boil-water advisory to re-occur.”
Stephen Busch, a district supervisor for the state’s Department of Environmental Quality

October 2014
A General Motors plant in Flint stops using municipal water, saying it corrodes car parts.

January 2015
Detroit’s water system offers to reconnect to Flint, waiving a $4 million connection fee. Three weeks later, Flint’s state-appointed emergency manager, Jerry Ambrose, declines the offer.

February 2015
In a memo for the governor, officials play down problems and say that the water is not an imminent “threat to public health.”

“It’s clear the nature of the threat was communicated poorly. It’s also clear that folks in Flint are concerned about other aspects of their water — taste, smell and color being among the top complaints.”
Memo for the governor

Feb. 18, 2015
104 parts per billion of lead are detected in drinking water at the home of Lee Anne Walters. Ms. Walters notifies the Environmental Protection Agency. Even small amounts of lead can cause lasting health and developmental problems in children. The E.P.A. does not require action until levels reach 15 parts per billion, but public health scientists say there is no safe level for lead in water.

The tale of woe goes on. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/21/us/flint-lead-water-timeline.html?_r=0
Looks like the governor was supplied wrong information and told the water was safe.

Also looks like he responded in 8 days after the doctors proved the water wasn't safe.

If your employees lie to you there is no way to know the truth.
Looks like the governor was supplied wrong information and told the water was safe.

Also looks like he responded in 8 days after the doctors proved the water wasn't safe.

If your employees lie to you there is no way to know the truth.
OMG. I doubt you would be saying this if it was your child drinking lead water. One word to help you understand, but first you might have to look it up...ACCOUNTABILITY
He did not "respond" 8 days after the water was "deemed" save. are you fucking crazy ? The people of Flint are still waiting for this problem to be corrected after more than a year. The water is still not safe.
When you have those bonding moments with your child, please be sure to make him/her aware that you care very little about other peoples child
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