Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

Come on over Brave Dave and pass out some water with us. Look into the eyes of the people. The people with kids. Shut yer brain and mouth down fer an hour and just listen.....cmon man. I did and i got real humble let me tell ya. The greatest pay it forward anyone can do is ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH ....FEED STARVING BABIES.....AND REMEMBER GOD WHILE YOUR DOING IT. Iam telling ya bro....it will slap ya with a dose of the real....lookin in them babies eyes. The right hand holds the spoon....while the left hand holds the bowl.....all while feeding ONE MOUTH.
First, I am willing to bet that I have been more involved in more charitable actions than anyone flapping their gums here. I am with you that you and your city got a raw deal and should first be compensated. .
You are right that calcium buildup is caused by minerals in the water, specifically.... CALCIUM ;]

Calcium buildup has nothing to do with electrolysis - two dissimilar metals. You are also correct that a low voltage current will exacerbate calcium buildup as it does in chlorine generators. Also, the PH of the water affects calcium buidup with a PH of 8+ allowing very quick accumulation's.

The calcium I find on the outside of the pipes is caused by tiny leak(s), that is very true as well.

We just disagree whether electrolysis creates calcium buildup. I think the shit you repair primarily has calcium buildup because it is old and/or is in an area with crappy water.
No crappy water here (or there) I moved to another state, but I worked out of New York City which has a ph level of 6.8-7.2. It is in the top 5 best water levels for a large city in the world.

I've taken apart 10 year old pipe that was done with dielectric and it was 90-95% clear. Southwest and northeast are worlds apart. With different problems but water is not one of them up here.

I'll stick to my professional findings here in the northeast and you can stick with yours down in the southwest.

I'm installing a water chiller with hot gas recovery, or what people might otherwise call a dual circuit heat pump. I plan to use my 'waste heat' for home heating, domestic hot water (on a separate circuit), dehumidification and even heating my garage, thawing circuit under my driveway, hot tub maintenance heat, etc, etc.

That's MY heat! I've already paid for it once, why throw it away?
I built a similar system for my bathroom (it's all tile gets cold in winter) it circulates hot water in plastic tubing called PEX underneath my tile flooring.

The chiller is actually a heat exchanger in the winter with a hot water circulating pump connected to a low voltage stat and chiller/heat exchanger. Are you going to use it all year round? You could you know.
In a chiller/heat exchanger you have 2 circuits (refrigerant and water) just connect the pumps electrical system to a relay and stat (make sure the stat is for a heat pump...with electric heat) to the RH power and O which is the reversing valve. Heat pumps are nothing more than air conditioner with a reversing valve. Good luck!

You're siding with a jerk for a Governor who gives a shit about the folks in Flint especially when he ignored warnings and now it is reported that he had bottled water delivered to his officials in the city of Flint but the residents be dammed.

You don't know shit. You add to the bullshit. Suggesting the governor did more than bullshit slingers like yourself portray says nothing about how I feel the residents should be treated, brainiac
You keep trying to make it about democrats and republicans when it was a financial and incompetence issue. The Republican party did not run on the platform of poisoning kids with lead tainted drinking water. If you stepped back, toned down the rhetoric and aimed your anger at the right target maybe things would change.

Right now the politicians have you yelling at a party when governmental city management was the issue here.
I call it as I see it and from where I'm standing a puke administration fucked up big time and if I come off as someone who dislikes the puke party well I do have my reasons, maybe it had to do with president (Republican) Ford telling the folks of NYC to drop dead of which I was a resident (Brooklyn).

I guess that's why that dumb fuck only stayed in office 28 months.
He made W look like a rhode scholar.

What difference does it make if the pukes ran on a platform to injure kids or not, what matters to me is how they respond to a crisis when minorities are involved and in this case, hardly at all. W had Katrina and now Snyder has Flint, with W it was a natural disaster but the Flint disaster could have been prevented and that makes it even worse. It was a state goverment who fucked up and not city government (there was none Snyder had dissolved it and appointed an EM).

So enlighten me who should I aim my anger towards...I know, Obama.

You're an inspector, if my home service line (made of lead) was corroded would you tell me to use a water filter, hand me bottles of water or replace the service line?

No crappy water here (or there) I moved to another state, but I worked out of New York City which has a ph level of 6.8-7.2. It is in the top 5 best water levels for a large city in the world.

I've taken apart 10 year old pipe that was done with dielectric and it was 90-95% clear. Southwest and northeast are worlds apart. With different problems but water is not one of them up here.

I'll stick to my professional findings here in the northeast and you can stick with yours down in the southwest.


Fair enough. Our tap water is the same PH level 6.8-7.2 as yours. When I am referring to 8+ PH it is our pool water out here that naturally rises in PH and also in calcium. I used to drive around with 8-12 gallons of acid in my truck to throw in the pools. Every few years it was recommended to drain them and refill them due to the calcium buildup as part of evaporation of the pool.

I know that the northeast is acidic and you need to take other measures to balance pools and likely deal with the byproducts of the water.
I call it as I see it and from where I'm standing a puke administration fucked up big time and if I come off as someone who dislikes the puke party well I do have my reasons, maybe it had to do with president (Republican) Ford telling the folks of NYC to drop dead of which I was a resident (Brooklyn).

I guess that's why that dumb fuck only stayed in office 28 months.
He made W look like a rhode scholar.

What difference does it make if the pukes ran on a platform to injure kids or not, what matters to me is how they respond to a crisis when minorities are involved and in this case, hardly at all. W had Katrina and now Snyder has Flint, with W it was a natural disaster but the Flint disaster could have been prevented and that makes it even worse. It was a state goverment who fucked up and not city government (there was none Snyder had dissolved it and appointed an EM).

So enlighten me who should I aim my anger towards...I know, Obama.

You're an inspector, if my home service line (made of lead) was corroded would you tell me to use a water filter, hand me bottles of water or replace the service line?


His party platform is not the reason for the issue. I know a lot of people do this but if we want to actually make progress in America again we need to focus on the problems. The city government was incompetent, that is the problem, not what party they belong to.

Your anger should be directed toward the management, not the managements party affiliation. When you call people pukes you turn off anyone who is a Republican that is reading it immediately.

FYI, I am an independent and more disgusted by the Republicans right now than the Democrats even though I am a conservative libertarian by nature. This one isnt a political issue.
Your'e not. You are assuming the need was evident or requested and if either was brought to his attention. Where was the mayor? HIS city had a horrible water problem and his citizens were thirsty?!?! What was Dayne Walling drinking???

Wrong again, buzzard breath. He rallied his own legislature as well as tapped state funds at his executive disposal. Not going to the Feds would have been incompetent. Heck the EPA is not without blame here.

No, I looked at the time line and saw the administration knew there was a problem and then saw that they started distributing water 3 months later. So yeah, it was brought to his attention and nothing was done for months. HENCE MY POST ABOUT IT....

The EPA is blameless here IMO. The state has a water control division. I am not really paying much attention to this but it appears that they notified the state but did not take other action. Why should the EPA be worried about a state issue like this? Hey, lets just build another layer of buracracy on top of the already useless ones so we feel better!!! Someone should pass a law making lead in the water illegal... LOL!!!!
Lots of unsubstantiated hyperbole in this thread. I just read 2 timelines, both from liberal sources and it looks to me the the Governor acted and reacted appropriately.
You up in arms because Hillary and Bernie told you to be. Sheep indeed.

Ok then Dave. How about the FACT [now reported by CBS,NBC and ABC 1-29-16] that the STATE put water coolers in it's state buildings IN Flint ON 1-7-15 for it's employee's? I quote from a memo from the State to it's local workers in Flint,
"Clean drinking water will be provided as long as the public water does not meet treatment requirements."
Our Gov. KNEW and things were done to protect the state workers all the while ignoring the people! This was OVER a year ago!
The cover up and responsibility go to the top!

While the people of Flint were LIED to and whitewashed. The same reflects to the rest of us living in this state! Our elected "officials" and their inept "appointee's" have "fucked" us all! OUR [the rest of the state] hearts are with our flint brothers and sisters and just because it wasn't "our town" doesn't mean we don't worry about the hows and whys of this totally avoidable cluster fuck!
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His party platform is not the reason for the issue. I know a lot of people do this but if we want to actually make progress in America again we need to focus on the problems. The city government was incompetent, that is the problem, not what party they belong to.

Your anger should be directed toward the management, not the managements party affiliation. When you call people pukes you turn off anyone who is a Republican that is reading it immediately.

FYI, I am an independent and more disgusted by the Republicans right now than the Democrats even though I am a conservative libertarian by nature. This one isnt a political issue.
THERE WAS NO CITY GOVERNMENT stop saying there was. In order to have a city Government the people of Flint have to elect them instead elected city officials were replaced/appointed by the governors cronies, got it!

Democracy be damned!
His party platform is not the reason for the issue. I know a lot of people do this but if we want to actually make progress in America again we need to focus on the problems. The city government was incompetent, that is the problem, not what party they belong to.

Your anger should be directed toward the management, not the managements party affiliation. When you call people pukes you turn off anyone who is a Republican that is reading it immediately.

FYI, I am an independent and more disgusted by the Republicans right now than the Democrats even though I am a conservative libertarian by nature. This one isnt a political issue.

Just so you know as I gather you don't live here (MI).
Flint was under the direction of what is called here an, "emergency manager". He was appointed BY the governor! It was HIS decision to move Flint off the Detroit water system and to the Flint river. The emergency manager's decisions overrule any local governments elected officials!

BTW, There has been filed a new bill in the state house to make "emergency managers "illegal" under state constitution.
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THERE WAS NO CITY GOVERNMENT stop saying there was. In order to have a city Government the people of Flint have to elect them instead elected city officials were replaced/appointed by the governors cronies, got it!

Democracy be damned!
We were both on that!
Just so you know as I gather you don't live here (MI).
Flint was under the direction of what is called here a, "emergency manager". He was appointed BY the governor! It was HIS decision to move Flint off the Detroit water system and to the Flint river.

BTW, There has been filed a new bill in the state house to make "emergency managers "illegal" under state constitution.
Ok now lets see if he picks up on what I and now you are saying about Flint.

I hold on to the hope that he'll get now.

Ok now lets see if he picks up on what I and now you are saying about Flint.

I hold on to the hope that he'll get now.


There were people governing the city of flint. It is known as the government. Saying an emergency manager is not part of the government is silly.... If you want to separate the mayor or governor or whoever, fine but there was still a city government operating at the time this fuckup was happening.
There were people governing the city of flint. It is known as the government. Saying an emergency manager is not part of the government is silly.... If you want to separate the mayor or governor or whoever, fine but there was still a city government operating at the time this fuckup was happening.

From my posting above - "Flint was under the direction of what is called here an, "emergency manager". He was appointed BY the governor! It was HIS decision to move Flint off the Detroit water system and to the Flint river. The emergency manager's decisions overrule any local governments elected officials!" This guy came in and gutted the Police and Fire departments, didn't or better said, ignored replacement of street lighting, care for the parks and local road repair designated as city responsibilities. All to save money and reduce the towns debt.

Why in hell can't these "elected" republican AND democrat politicians realize that it's time to stop reducing tax's and be truthful and say "As much as we don't want to. it's time to raise tax's as we can not cover even the basic needs of our cities, counties and even the state!"

I have no problem with a fair and justified tax increase! I'll pay my fair share! Why can't those who can afford it most?
There were people governing the city of flint. It is known as the government. Saying an emergency manager is not part of the government is silly.... If you want to separate the mayor or governor or whoever, fine but there was still a city government operating at the time this fuckup was happening.[/QUOT
You call Emergency Manager Government? Really? but if that's what you call government, whatever, fine.

Governments, be it city or state are elected...emergecy managers are not. Governments, be it city or state answer to the people, emergency managers do not they only answer to the Governor.

From my posting above - "Flint was under the direction of what is called here an, "emergency manager". He was appointed BY the governor! It was HIS decision to move Flint off the Detroit water system and to the Flint river. The emergency manager's decisions overrule any local governments elected officials!" This guy came in and gutted the Police and Fire departments, didn't or better said, ignored replacement of street lighting, care for the parks and local road repair designated as city responsibilities. All to save money and reduce the towns debt.

Why in hell can't these "elected" republican AND democrat politicians realize that it's time to stop reducing tax's and be truthful and say "As much as we don't want to. it's time to raise tax's as we can not cover even the basic needs of our cities, counties and even the state!"

I have no problem with a fair and justified tax increase! I'll pay my fair share! Why can't those who can afford it most?

The budget has been mismanaged at least as badly as the water problem in the city. The solution is not throwing more money at incompetent bureaucrats. But hey, go ahead and give them a benefit for making their citizens sick. I am sure it will never happen again after that kind of example!!!
From my posting above - "Flint was under the direction of what is called here an, "emergency manager". He was appointed BY the governor! It was HIS decision to move Flint off the Detroit water system and to the Flint river. The emergency manager's decisions overrule any local governments elected officials!" This guy came in and gutted the Police and Fire departments, didn't or better said, ignored replacement of street lighting, care for the parks and local road repair designated as city responsibilities. All to save money and reduce the towns debt.

Why in hell can't these "elected" republican AND democrat politicians realize that it's time to stop reducing tax's and be truthful and say "As much as we don't want to. it's time to raise tax's as we can not cover even the basic needs of our cities, counties and even the state!"

I have no problem with a fair and justified tax increase! I'll pay my fair share! Why can't those who can afford it most?

Why was flint under the direction of an emergency manager? Would it have anything to do with the city budget?
The budget has been mismanaged at least as badly as the water problem in the city. The solution is not throwing more money at incompetent bureaucrats. But hey, go ahead and give them a benefit for making their citizens sick. I am sure it will never happen again after that kind of example!!!

This shows the fact that we should all be very careful of who we vote for and why!
Flint now has a mayor that looks to really care and be on top of things with out corruption or cronyism!
There IS hope!