Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

I don't really know whether Snyder is a victim or not. I just know that nobody here has provided anything that proves that he did anything but be a positive force with the information he was provided. Seriously, the Mayor there should be the one taking the heat.

there was no mayor because snyder appointed an emergency manager you idiot.

and there is a trail of emails with him laughing at the harm caused.

and you suck at growing.
there was no mayor because snyder appointed an emergency manager you idiot.

and there is a trail of emails with him laughing at the harm caused.

and you suck at growing.
Your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your lack of places to put it. Welcome my friend. Done scouting the sewers?

Uncle Ben taught you how to grow. (Teaches)
Oh yes, both you and fukstyyk are unbelievably magnanimous and right there to reach across the aisle at the show of conservative competence. Lol. Talk about delusions.
I don't really know whether Snyder is a victim or not. I just know that nobody here has provided anything that proves that he did anything but be a positive force with the information he was provided. Seriously, the Mayor there should be the one taking the heat.

If I am looking at the timeline correctly it took him over 3 months to figure out that people needed bottled water... Not very competent there. And all it seems they have done is whine to the federal government for help. Again, not very competent.
If I am looking at the timeline correctly it took him over 3 months to figure out that people needed bottled water...
Your'e not. You are assuming the need was evident or requested and if either was brought to his attention. Where was the mayor? HIS city had a horrible water problem and his citizens were thirsty?!?! What was Dayne Walling drinking???
And all it seems they have done is whine to the federal government for help. Again, not very competent.
Wrong again, buzzard breath. He rallied his own legislature as well as tapped state funds at his executive disposal. Not going to the Feds would have been incompetent. Heck the EPA is not without blame here.
Oh yes, both you and fukstyyk are unbelievably magnanimous and right there to reach across the aisle at the show of conservative competence. Lol. Talk about delusions.
I don't really know whether Snyder is a victim or not. I just know that nobody here has provided anything that proves that he did anything but be a positive force with the information he was provided. Seriously, the Mayor there should be the one taking the heat.
Beauty may be skin deep but ignorance goes to the bone.

Seriously, do you care if government is inept?
Come on over Brave Dave and pass out some water with us. Look into the eyes of the people. The people with kids. Shut yer brain and mouth down fer an hour and just listen.....cmon man. I did and i got real humble let me tell ya. The greatest pay it forward anyone can do is ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH ....FEED STARVING BABIES.....AND REMEMBER GOD WHILE YOUR DOING IT. Iam telling ya bro....it will slap ya with a dose of the real....lookin in them babies eyes. The right hand holds the spoon....while the left hand holds the bowl.....all while feeding ONE MOUTH.
It isn't just deny it. You still get billed for the water you can't use - not even to bath with! MINIMUM Flint water bill $140.95 Highest surrounding town water bill (CBS news report) $70.16!

Now how the FUCK can you have the BALLS to bill people for the poison your killing them with? Welcome to Michigan, home of the 4th Reich republican concentration camp!
And they have the audacity to say that folks are now getting the clean water they once had...lake huron.

The corroded service lines need replacing (but are not) so if clean glacial water runs trough nasty ass pipes does that mean its safe to drink? Oh and also now they rather just send a rust inhibitor through the pipes so it can coat it and hopefully make the water safe to drink.

What a FUBAR the pukes commited.

The owner of the Detroit Pistons (a flint native) pleged 10 mil. This could turn out to be something really powerful. Hundredth Monkey type shit.
I am a home inspector by trade. Yes, contact between dissimilar metals causes electrolysis but not calcium buildup. I am also a pool maintenance/repair man. We have very hard water in the desert southwest and the calcium naturally builds up in the pools. Calcium also does not cause blisters on the skin.

You have 2 pieces of evidence but lack the rest and you are just jamming those two pieces together because it is supposed to work like that as all the 30 minute docudrama TV shows have suggested....

By the way, dialectric unions are required on anything with dissimilar metals including newer water heaters as well.

Heat pumps are great for milder climates. I have heat pumps with electric backup, like to have it get warm fast... In fact, the heat is on right now, it is 84 degrees in here and I have a heater blowing directly on me... ;]
I am a home inspector by trade. Yes, contact between dissimilar metals causes electrolysis but not calcium buildup. I am also a pool maintenance/repair man. We have very hard water in the desert southwest and the calcium naturally builds up in the pools. Calcium also does not cause blisters on the skin.

You have 2 pieces of evidence but lack the rest and you are just jamming those two pieces together because it is supposed to work like that as all the 30 minute docudrama TV shows have suggested....

By the way, dialectric unions are required on anything with dissimilar metals including newer water heaters as well.

Heat pumps are great for milder climates. I have heat pumps with electric backup, like to have it get warm fast... In fact, the heat is on right now, it is 84 degrees in here and I have a heater blowing directly on me... ;]
I beg to differ on your explanation that electrolysis does not cause calcium buildup, it most certainly does. Calcium buildup is caused by minirals in the water, especially hard water, and further exacerbated if ANY voltage is present (a short/arc ) in LWCO, temp sensor, heat timer, even low voltage stat...milliamp included.

I've installed hundreds of boilers and hot water tanks because dielectric fittings were not used, most plmbers wont use it because of expense, you said you are a home inspector how many retrofits have you inspected? So saying that dielectric fittings are required when working on 2 different metals, answer me this, how many people even KNOW about dielectric fittings? Let alone use it. I've taken apart thousands of pipe...galvanized steel, copper, black pipe, schedule 40&80... and they all display the same thing heavy buildup of calcium (miniral deposit).

The reason you have buildup on the outside is sweat or a tiny leak caused by electrolosys so the use of a dielectric fitting is a must for a job done right. I agree the reason most HWT have a 5-7 year lifespan is because you have fly by night wanna be plumbers installing HWT, or just everyday folks who own a home and in need to replace a tank, you will never see a master plumber install a tank without that fitting. I did my own tank with that fitting 15 years ago, as long as you do a PM (blow down the tank and boiler you're golden).

I also never said calcium causes blisters, I did say it could be anthing.
I'm not a Dr. So I don't know.

I use "Stay brite" on all my fittings none of that 50-50 or 60-40 crap. Check out the holding strength of all 3.

And heat pumps are all over the north east I have a split system unit what do you have? Incramental, wall or transom? It does make a difference on BTU/hour output.

I also have hard water (well water) but I put in a water softener (water boss). It goes through 2 different units sand filter and then finally a softener salt pellets from home depot, lowes.

They are now just charging 56$ service fee for the water. No charge on actual usage. Found this out this morning. Like a few hours ago. Friend of the family nust told me. This is very new info. Probably be on the news tonight.
They're charging a service fee? And you folks have no service? They really have brass "cojonés".
I beg to differ on your explanation that electrolysis does not cause calcium buildup, it most certainly does. Calcium buildup is caused by minirals in the water, especially hard water, and further exacerbated if ANY voltage is present (a short/arc ) in LWCO, temp sensor, heat timer, even low voltage stat...milliamp included.

I've installed hundreds of boilers and hot water tanks because dielectric fittings were not used, most plmbers wont use it because of expense, you said you are a home inspector how many retrofits have you inspected? So saying that dielectric fittings are required when working on 2 different metals, answer me this, how many people even KNOW about dielectric fittings? Let alone use it. I've taken apart thousands of pipe...galvanized steel, copper, black pipe, schedule 40&80... and they all display the same thing heavy buildup of calcium (miniral deposit).

The reason you have buildup on the outside is sweat or a tiny leak caused by electrolosys so the use of a dielectric fitting is a must for a job done right. I agree the reason most HWT have a 5-7 year lifespan is because you have fly by night wanna be plumbers installing HWT, or just everyday folks who own a home and in need to replace a tank, you will never see a master plumber install a tank without that fitting. I did my own tank with that fitting 15 years ago, as long as you do a PM (blow down the tank and boiler you're golden).

I also never said calcium causes blisters, I did say it could be anthing.
I'm not a Dr. So I don't know.

I use "Stay brite" on all my fittings none of that 50-50 or 60-40 crap. Check out the holding strength of all 3.

And heat pumps are all over the north east I have a split system unit what do you have? Incramental, wall or transom? It does make a difference on BTU/hour output.

I also have hard water (well water) but I put in a water softener (water boss). It goes through 2 different units sand filter and then finally a softener salt pellets from home depot, lowes.


You are right that calcium buildup is caused by minerals in the water, specifically.... CALCIUM ;]

Calcium buildup has nothing to do with electrolysis - two dissimilar metals. You are also correct that a low voltage current will exacerbate calcium buildup as it does in chlorine generators. Also, the PH of the water affects calcium buidup with a PH of 8+ allowing very quick accumulation's.

The calcium I find on the outside of the pipes is caused by tiny leak(s), that is very true as well.

We just disagree whether electrolysis creates calcium buildup. I think the shit you repair primarily has calcium buildup because it is old and/or is in an area with crappy water.
Lots of unsubstantiated hyperbole in this thread. I just read 2 timelines, both from liberal sources and it looks to me the the Governor acted and reacted appropriately.
You up in arms because Hillary and Bernie told you to be. Sheep indeed.
Guess that's why the Pukes don't give a fuck about the poor who suffer. This post says it all.

Guess that's why the Pukes don't give a fuck about the poor who suffer. This post says it all.


You keep trying to make it about democrats and republicans when it was a financial and incompetence issue. The Republican party did not run on the platform of poisoning kids with lead tainted drinking water. If you stepped back, toned down the rhetoric and aimed your anger at the right target maybe things would change.

Right now the politicians have you yelling at a party when governmental city management was the issue here.