Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

You don't know that it may or may not have to do with the dirty water, however the preponderance of evidence points to it being the culprit.

There were no cases of blisters on folks skin before the water crisis, it all happened after the crisis. So in the face of the evidence at hand, what do you think might be the cause?


I havent followed the story close enough to know how many people have gotten blisters. Given the scrutiny the issue has already gotten if there was any other contaminate in the water I would be really surprised that it was not discovered already.

The fact is that lead poisoning does not typically cause skin issues.

You are doing one of the most common human mistakes by jumping to immediate conclusions.
You don't know that it may or may not have to do with the dirty water, however the preponderance of evidence points to it being the culprit.

There were no cases of blisters on folks skin before the water crisis, it all happened after the crisis. So in the face of the evidence at hand, what do you think might be the cause?


The water became much more acidic after the switch, leading to the lead leaching issues, but it needn't stop there. Some people could be reacting from other things leached into the water.
Wow u peole are something else. Do any of you live here?

I do not live there, but I'm interested in how this story plays out in terms of getting those affected proper care, that government follows up appropriately and that those responsible are held accountable for their crimes. Frankly, I don't see a lot of that happening, but I'd love to be proven wrong.
I havent followed the story close enough to know how many people have gotten blisters. Given the scrutiny the issue has already gotten if there was any other contaminate in the water I would be really surprised that it was not discovered already.

The fact is that lead poisoning does not typically cause skin issues.

You are doing one of the most common human mistakes by jumping to immediate conclusions.
Jumping to conclusions? No just making a choice based on evidence.

Who knows it might turn out to be something in the pipes leeching besides lead and may have nothing to do with whats in the water but until proven otherwise folks affected by this crisis will blame the water and so will I.

Just ignore this fool. Hes looking to get a rise out of people because hes bored with life. Dont even respond.
Jumping to conclusions? No just making a choice based on evidence.

Who knows it might turn out to be something in the pipes leeching besides lead and may have nothing to do with whats in the water but until proven otherwise folks affected by this crisis will blame the water and so will I.


good heavens. We/ve gotten a couple of very ignorant posts here. Denying that Flint water is poisoned with lead are they? Wow

You were right in the first place. It is lead. It is coming from the pipes. It is caused by corrosion. It started when Flint switched away from Detroit water.

I havent followed the story close enough to know how many people have gotten blisters. Given the scrutiny the issue has already gotten if there was any other contaminate in the water I would be really surprised that it was not discovered already.

The fact is that lead poisoning does not typically cause skin issues.

You are doing one of the most common human mistakes by jumping to immediate conclusions.
You don't know shit.
He removed his posts i think. Oh well. Iam going to go downtown tommarow with my girl and sister to help pass out bottled water. You all stay cool. I will try and avoid republicans and meth heads.....or are the two one and the same. Later folks!!!
I am a pipefitter/plumber by trade. Boilers, especially in older homes, have intake water lines made of cast iron or steel require a special union called dielectric, to be able to join cast Iron/steel with copper otherwise the metals will "turn" causing electrolysis calcium buildup which conducts electricity and salt water (river) makes it worst aint no telling what that salty water disolved calcium that is burning residents skin.

That's why I have a Heat Pump. No worries of fuel delivery, no combustion, no smells of oil, low cost.

Fact of the matter.....these government people look at us....the citizens with utter contempt with this whole situation. There going to keep fucking around with the "let them eat cake" attitude until we wake up and rage. Like France....tar and feather these assholes in the middle of the city. Guillotines will be a flyin'. There only making their own noose. Especially when you have contempt for our children and deny us basic drinking water....a necessity for survival. People will not care. Shit could easily hit the fan.

It isn't just deny it. You still get billed for the water you can't use - not even to bath with! MINIMUM Flint water bill $140.95 Highest surrounding town water bill (CBS news report) $70.16!

Now how the FUCK can you have the BALLS to bill people for the poison your killing them with? Welcome to Michigan, home of the 4th Reich republican concentration camp!
The water became much more acidic after the switch, leading to the lead leaching issues, but it needn't stop there. Some people could be reacting from other things leached into the water.

Well, now they've found an alarming rise in Legionnaires disease in the area and that has been found in the water at higher then normal rates now too. Been ALL over the news here on the west side of the state. Made the NBC national news the other night too.
Jumping to conclusions? No just making a choice based on evidence.

Who knows it might turn out to be something in the pipes leeching besides lead and may have nothing to do with whats in the water but until proven otherwise folks affected by this crisis will blame the water and so will I.


Oh no! They quite well DO know what the cause is! The extreme pH difference from the old Detroit water system and the Flint river.
I am a pipefitter/plumber by trade. Boilers, especially in older homes, have intake water lines made of cast iron or steel require a special union called dielectric, to be able to join cast Iron/steel with copper otherwise the metals will "turn" causing electrolysis calcium buildup which conducts electricity and salt water (river) makes it worst aint no telling what that salty water disolved calcium that is burning residents skin.

That's why I have a Heat Pump. No worries of fuel delivery, no combustion, no smells of oil, low cost.


I am a home inspector by trade. Yes, contact between dissimilar metals causes electrolysis but not calcium buildup. I am also a pool maintenance/repair man. We have very hard water in the desert southwest and the calcium naturally builds up in the pools. Calcium also does not cause blisters on the skin.

You have 2 pieces of evidence but lack the rest and you are just jamming those two pieces together because it is supposed to work like that as all the 30 minute docudrama TV shows have suggested....

By the way, dialectric unions are required on anything with dissimilar metals including newer water heaters as well.

Heat pumps are great for milder climates. I have heat pumps with electric backup, like to have it get warm fast... In fact, the heat is on right now, it is 84 degrees in here and I have a heater blowing directly on me... ;]
Oh no! They quite well DO know what the cause is! The extreme pH difference from the old Detroit water system and the Flint river.

That is not the cause, that is the contributing factor.

The cause is the lead in the pipes, the extreme PH is the contributing factor to cause the lead to leach into the water (which could have been treated to change the PH) - Any pool flunkie can tell you that.

Maybe the legionarres disease causes blisters...
Deny? Read my post again, of course lead poisoning has/is occurring, I was refering to what might be causing skin blisters aside from LEAD POISONING!

I was referring to other posts when replying to yours. Sorry I didn't make that clear. There are a host of other health problems coming up in Flint that may be due to the water source. Like Legionnaire's disease and the skin blistering problem.
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They are now just charging 56$ service fee for the water. No charge on actual usage. Found this out this morning. Like a few hours ago. Friend of the family nust told me. This is very new info. Probably be on the news tonight.
They are now just charging 56$ service fee for the water. No charge on actual usage. Found this out this morning. Like a few hours ago. Friend of the family nust told me. This is very new info. Probably be on the news tonight.

Gotta love paying that much money for water that might kill you.

For the record, that 'service fee' is higher than MY WHOLE WATER BILL, and I live in the arid West! WTF are these people thinking?!

I think LOTS of lawsuits are in order, including a class action against the utility for attempting to charge money for unsafe drinking water, 'service fee' my ass.
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Gotta love paying that much money for water that might kill you.

For the record, that 'service fee' is higher than MY WHOLE WATER BILL, and I live in the arid West! WTF are these people thinking?!

I think LOTS of lawsuits are in order, including a class action against the utility for attempting to charge money for image drinking water, 'service fee' my ass.

Be looking for that in the news.

Glad I live rural - pump and clean my own and that's free but for the yearly filters/membrains... Hell we're surrounded by water and everyone has high water costs other then us rurals. Here we have a state government that has reduced tax's so far (even eliminated the personal property tax = how municipalities got up to 80% of their operating funds) that they can't pay for shit! Some of the worst road conditions in the country (ranks in the 3 worst) and they took almost 2 years to settle that (how to pay for road repairs) and it's mainly at the "cost" of the middle and lowest class. Raised the gas tax and yet, that's already said to not be able to cover even half of what needs to be done.
No politician has the balls to say "Look good people of MI. Our past leaders have lied to us and we DO need to raise tax's across the board to fund our normal operations. We need to back away from attempting to rely on the courts and jails through fines and costs to fund our state and local governments. This legal based reliance on funding is failing miserably. I know, all of you, WANT school funding and WANT good roads and infrastructure. The status of our roads and bridges are some of the worst in the nation!
While we understand your concern. We as your elected officials, propose that we only restore the removed tax rates to what they were, when we could actually operate our schools with fair class room size, drive on safe roads and bridges, not to mention run state operations without having months of meetings and votes to attempt to "find" money that is not there OR, better put. Finding a new way to get it out of you without calling it a tax increase! The whole time our governmental operations are spent doing this. We reduce the actual time our government is doing the real job you elected us to do!"

Hmm, I just read that back......Not going to happen! The words "tax increase" can not be spoken by a politician! Just like the truth!

Sad part is.....many of us sitting in our bars and gatherings DO believe it's time to simply DO the tax thing and quit trying to pick our pockets when you THINK we have our heads turned!
Oh yes. Lawsuits are rolling in. They raised the water rates to astronomical levels just a couple years ago. About the time they made the switch to the Flint River. Used to be like 40-50$ a couple of months. Never a big deal. Landlords used to include it with the rent. Not anymore. And if you start renting a house and want water turned on in your name? 400$ deposit connect fee. Thats when people started bitching. Then the brown swampy tasting water started to flow. Then that snowballed. Now the lead. Its all pretty messed up. They raised the rates to pay for an old lawsuit settlement this one time jack ass mayor got into years ago. They passed it off on the water customers. Pissed alot of people off. Were pretty broke here as it is. Didnt help the Detroits broke ass kept raising the bill on Flint. That pipeline is the farthest north it goes. Everyone is piss poor here. Everyone scrambling to do whatever to get by. Including city and state officials. Every since the automakers pulled the plug on this state its been crazy. Flint was the model city every other city tried to aspire to for decades. Especially after ww2. This town was flowing with cash. I remeber back when i was a kid in the seventies and eighties when some Union in some corner of the country went on strike the whole nation stood up in solidarity. It was all on the news and shit. Us working class folks had the power to shut these fat cat rich fucks down. I see a direct correlation between the decline of organized labor and the state of working class people now. And iam not buying that whole manufacturing is so automated now that they dont need workers. Bullshit. It has made an impact but not as much as they would like you to believe. Every since Reagan took office and especially since NAFTA working people everyehere have been getting screwed. Something needs to happen. And it can only come from us standing up and saying ENOUGH. Its too bad you got alot of fox news watching brainwashed idiots who believe in that free market everyman is his own individual less regualtion trickle down crap.
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