Was that a great debate or what?

So you wanna call a truce bitch? Cause I hate getting nasty. Not really, but it's a bit annoying getting creative doing morse code on a radio phone limited to 256 characters per send. You wonder why my posts are short and weird? This is my maximum post.256
So you wanna call a truce bitch? Cause I hate getting nasty. Not really, but it's a bit annoying getting creative doing morse code on a radio phone limited to 256 characters per send. You wonder why my posts are short and weird? This is my maximum post.256

lol, truce truce truce. i never even realized that we hated each other. sorry.

good troll btw.
I have 3 kids. A pedophile pisses me off to no end. If I had caught Sundansky(sp?) I would've ripped him apart with my bare hands. The lib teachers didn't care I was bipolar. I "insulted" them. Some caring libs huh? Now you get it?
I have 3 kids. A pedophile pisses me off to no end. If I had caught Sundansky(sp?) I would've ripped him apart with my bare hands. The lib teachers didn't care I was bipolar. I "insulted" them. Some caring libs huh? Now you get it?
Strangely enough, I saw a thing earlier that reminded me of you. 'twas a person proclaiming "Why test on animals when we've jails full of paedophiles?"

How usually relevant was that baked thought?
You belong to the PETA forum?I like that you're trying, but they're assholes.I'd join a group like that,but I'd be too tempted to go back to the dark side rather than listen to their lib hate drivel.Why can't there be more sane vegans like me!
You're pathetic Bucky. It's too easy. You think I forgot your pedophile comment? To get your goat all I needed to do was douse your prophet with pig shit.

dude get the fuck out of here with that affirmative action BS

guy still had to do the work, i dont see you jumping on Mitt's leg up in this world daddys money, to disqualify him . . . . . . .you dont think mitts dads money helped him into social circles or high tier schools . . .get the fuck out of here,
Well the way I see it, O has not said 1 thing different than he has the last 4 years. And some where the ambassator ask for better protection 2 months before the attack. I did not see anyone ask O what his fucking plans for America was before he got elected.
What do you fuckers have against rich people.
I will vote for Romney and believe in America, something I can't see in the O.
Romney will win unless the O can buy enough votes.
What the hell don't you understand about him waiting for the investigation to come up with an accurate report? If this is the only thing you're dead set on, the dude clearly won the debate. Beyond this, a dozen other questions were touched upon and you keep bringing this baseless claim up. He called it a terrorist attack when he KNEW it was a terrorist attack, now shut the fuck up about it. He didn't want to release anything before he knew the situation. If he did, you'd still be in the same position bitching about "he called it a terrorist attack before he knew, he should have waited for the FBI to confirm it! FUCK OBAMA!". So shut the fuck up you partisan asshole.
So he then went on for the next two weeks railing against some idiot film maker, even going so far as to illegally detain the guy? Your deluding yourself, Mr. Terrorist Wanna Be.
yeah, blame it on the liberal media, you sock puppet bitch coward.

Media? no, we can blame it on Candy Crowley cause she is biased.

Why does the republican party have such a serious inferiority complex mixed with a taint of paranoia? could it be that if they are ever forced to admit that they are wrong about anything, ever that their entire ideological house of cards will fall flat?

That is what usually happens when they depends upon their own little echo chamber for their facts and make up what they wish to be real. It's the polls, it's the moderator, its the audience, its the media, its the rules, it is always something.
even the republican pundits are calling the benghazi moment the turning point of that debate. it was teed up for romney, but obama took the responsibility and destroyed romney's "gotcha" moment.

that will be the moment of the debate that hurts partisans like clayton "nigga hater" beennowhere the most. they won't be able to let it go because they have been living in a different world of right wing echo chambers.

that will get played over and over and over again in the next few days, and there is nothing that asshats like clayton can do about it.

i'll be sure to cry some crocodile tears for clayton.

on the bright side, this will still be a tight race and there exist toasters that can also cook eggs.

I agree completely. I personally felt like Romney was getting the better of the debate until that debacle.
That blew up right in his face and hurt everything else he had to say before and after.
Media? no, we can blame it on Candy Crowley cause she is biased.

Why does the republican party have such a serious inferiority complex mixed with a taint of paranoia? could it be that if they are ever forced to admit that they are wrong about anything, ever that their entire ideological house of cards will fall flat?

That is what usually happens when they depends upon their own little echo chamber for their facts and make up what they wish to be real. It's the polls, it's the moderator, its the audience, its the media, its the rules, it is always something.

Its not just Candy. It was that lady last week too. The one that looks like she smokes crystal meth. Always interrupting Ryan all the time.
Its not just Candy. It was that lady last week too. The one that looks like she smokes crystal meth. Always interrupting Ryan all the time.

If someone told me she wasnt a meth head, I wouldnt believe them. She had the exact look of a long time meth user.
Its not just Candy. It was that lady last week too. The one that looks like she smokes crystal meth. Always interrupting Ryan all the time.

Yeah, poor republicans just can't get a break,its a wonder they get anyone elected at all the way everyone is against them.
Obama won this debate. But, not by a landslide.
Wasn't like the slaughter Romney did to Obama on the first debate.
So, we have one more debate to go..... Yippee, go Bears.
Lets see who with win the next one. Till then lets enjoy the next week of spin.