Was that a great debate or what?

I don't give a shit about the Huffington Post. Is that clear enough for you? That poll was a collection of over 500 DIFFERENT polls, NOT FROM THE HUFFINGTON POST, is THAT clear enough for you? It's not like HP went out 500 different times and polled people, that's not how it's conducted. What is so difficult to understand about this? They gathered up all the polls that have been made, INCLUDING FOX NEWS POLLS, and came up with the AVERAGE NUMBERS. Stop bitching about it being from a liberal source simply because it was posted on a liberal website. Jesus fucking Christ. Furthermore, fuck that poll. 7th time (I've asked all three of you), find a more accurate poll and post it. Can you? Speaka English?
I wasn't talking to you.
Was talking to you, wasn't talking to you. Make up your mind. "They gathered up all the polls that have been made". So which one did you want us to post, since you claim you posted ALL of them? Or are you not talking to me? "I don't give a shit about the Huffington Post." So, then why is that your only source" Oh, that's right, you're not talking to me.
Still waiting for that quote of me claiming to be a Nobel Prize winner's assistant. Come on, stupid, put up or shut up.

I think this must be one of their latest strategies. Post a lying quote that nobody can find. It's happened to me, too. You have to expect that from those with no substance, no answers and no self respect.
I think this must be one of their latest strategies. Post a lying quote that nobody can find. It's happened to me, too. You have to expect that from those with no substance, no answers and no self respect.
I disagree, this is one of their oldest strategies.
a poll comprised of all the data from 518 different polls from different sources are skewed . . .says the nobel prize winners assistant bigot . . . makes sense, especially since he has reason to why they are skewed . . i would except a percentage of the list od polls of which were skewed and in what way they leaned to show its just more hot air statistics . . but when you asked him to prove it . . . .pure gold . . .as in silence

Can't even spell a two letter word. He didn't ask shit, he demanded it. He also tried to misrepresent what I said. As are you.
6th time, post a more accurate poll. What's with your continued avoidance to this simple request?

6th time? You said you weren't talking to me. Request? Sounds like a demand to me. I don't bother with the demands of a wanna be terrorist who has to hide behind the internet.
You avoided it because you called the poll I posted (a collection of over 500 different polls) biased, you refused to post one of your own because you know it would have been much more biased than the one I posted and your own argument would have been used against you.

You're not fooling anyone.
You avoided it because you called the poll I posted (a collection of over 500 different polls) biased, you refused to post one of your own because you know it would have been much more biased than the one I posted and your own argument would have been used against you.

You're not fooling anyone.

If you posted "ALL 518 polls" any poll I posted would just be a repeat. I didn't question the validity of the collection of polls, I questioned the neutrality of your source. Quit trying to put words in my mouth, pussy wanna be terrorist.
If you posted "ALL 518 polls" any poll I posted would just be a repeat. I didn't question the validity of the collection of polls, I questioned the neutrality of your source. Quit trying to put words in my mouth, pussy wanna be terrorist.

looks like you were wrong on all counts, miss red.

looks like the huffpo's neutrality has been confirmed in spades by empirical evidence.

i love these threads.