Well-Known Member
.....and now we move on to the argumentum ad hominem portion of our program.
aka the best part.
.....and now we move on to the argumentum ad hominem portion of our program.
I actually fell asleep during the first debate, but I have to say it was much more interesting this time. Obama actually showed up for this one, he just phoned in the first one. The two combatants (yeah, you heard me) really put up a good fight. They were right up unto each others faces. Both nearly told Kattie Crowley to shut up. They came close to blows tonight. It was sort of like a Korean Parliament meeting, except without anyone leaving on a stretcher. Who won? I can't say either way, but us fight fans sure did.
Whoa bucky did I rustle your jimmies? I have seen this recently on the political section that is why I don't know the full story all I asked is your side of the story. More in the line did you in fact snitch on someone on this forum? Who was it and why? Or point me to the discussion and I will read it for myself so I can get the full story.
When MSNBC viewers call it for Romney, You know Obama is toast!
MSNBC Live Poll
Q: Who won tonight's debate?
President Obama 44%
Mitt Romney 56% Total Votes: 8348
When MSNBC viewers call it for Romney, Obama is toast!
I can't really tell if you're this stupid or if you're trolling. It's a freep'd poll, Obama clearly won all the other real polls even with republican leans. It was a bad night for Romney but there is still another debate left.
It was a good night for Goldmann-Sachs.
I didn't dig the CNN moderator who is a known liberal. She had a biased edge to her moderating. .-.
I didn't dig the CNN moderator who is a known liberal. She had a biased edge to her moderating. .-.
Please proceed governor.did it piss you off when she pointed out the facts, thereby destroying romney's (truth-free) trap?
Please proceed governor.
did it piss you off when she pointed out the facts, thereby destroying romney's (truth-free) trap?
Actually, the fact check came out... Romney was truthful about the 2 week thing.
Actually, the fact check came out... Romney was truthful about the 2 week thing.
Nope........Whoever coached Mr. Romney on that question did the candidate no favors. Here’s what the president said in the Rose Garden: “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.” A little purple– and the administration’s subsequent line on what happened was confusing–but he undeniably used the word “terror.”