Was that a great debate or what?

The statement below was made prior to Obama saying " No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

"Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts."

It's quite obvious he is trying to sell the American people a bill of goods that is an outright lie.
The "no acts of terror" line is a generalization, he is not calling the Libya terror attack, a terror attack.

If it makes you people feel better swallowing this lie with a smirk, so be it. Nothing will change the fact our president took almost two weeks to come clean with the American people, this is not going to be forgotten.
The statement below was made prior to Obama saying " No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

"Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts."

It's quite obvious he is trying to sell the American people a bill of goods that is an outright lie.
The "no acts of terror" line is a generalization, he is not calling the Libya terror attack, a terror attack.

If it makes you people feel better swallowing this lie with a smirk, so be it. Nothing will change the fact our president took almost two weeks to come clean with the American people, this is not going to be forgotten.

What the hell don't you understand about him waiting for the investigation to come up with an accurate report? If this is the only thing you're dead set on, the dude clearly won the debate. Beyond this, a dozen other questions were touched upon and you keep bringing this baseless claim up. He called it a terrorist attack when he KNEW it was a terrorist attack, now shut the fuck up about it. He didn't want to release anything before he knew the situation. If he did, you'd still be in the same position bitching about "he called it a terrorist attack before he knew, he should have waited for the FBI to confirm it! FUCK OBAMA!". So shut the fuck up you partisan asshole.
even the republican pundits are calling the benghazi moment the turning point of that debate. it was teed up for romney, but obama took the responsibility and destroyed romney's "gotcha" moment.

that will be the moment of the debate that hurts partisans like clayton "nigga hater" beennowhere the most. they won't be able to let it go because they have been living in a different world of right wing echo chambers.

that will get played over and over and over again in the next few days, and there is nothing that asshats like clayton can do about it.

i'll be sure to cry some crocodile tears for clayton.

on the bright side, this will still be a tight race and there exist toasters that can also cook eggs.
What the hell don't you understand about him waiting for the investigation to come up with an accurate report? If this is the only thing you're dead set on, the dude clearly won the debate. Beyond this, a dozen other questions were touched upon and you keep bringing this baseless claim up. He called it a terrorist attack when he KNEW it was a terrorist attack, now shut the fuck up about it. He didn't want to release anything before he knew the situation. If he did, you'd still be in the same position bitching about "he called it a terrorist attack before he knew, he should have waited for the FBI to confirm it! FUCK OBAMA!". So shut the fuck up you partisan asshole.

LMAO You must get your news by telegraph dude.

It was confirmed the day after that there was no protest at Benghazi and it was a planned TERRORIST ATTACK! Where the hell you been?
LMAO You must get your news by telegraph dude.

It was confirmed the day after that there was no protest at Benghazi and it was a planned TERRORIST ATTACK! Where the hell you been?

and obama denounced it as an act of terror.

do you need a scientist to dictate this to you?
even the republican pundits are calling the benghazi moment the turning point of that debate. it was teed up for romney, but obama took the responsibility and destroyed romney's "gotcha" moment.

that will be the moment of the debate that hurts partisans like clayton "nigga hater" beennowhere the most. they won't be able to let it go because they have been living in a different world of right wing echo chambers.

that will get played over and over and over again in the next few days, and there is nothing that asshats like clayton can do about it.

i'll be sure to cry some crocodile tears for clayton.

on the bright side, this will still be a tight race and there exist toasters that can also cook eggs.

You're worse than Obama trying to sell this crap, who the fuck do you think you're going to convince? LMAO Keep telling yourself this shit, pretty soon even you will believe it. LOL
LMAO You must get your news by telegraph dude.

It was confirmed the day after that there was no protest at Benghazi and it was a planned TERRORIST ATTACK! Where the hell you been?

A day after isn't enough time to confirm shit. Had he come out and said it was a terrorist attack, idiots like you would have bitched and moaned how he's claiming false shit before he has any evidence. So shut the fuck up.
You're worse than Obama trying to sell this crap, who the fuck do you think you're going to convince? LMAO Keep telling yourself this shit, pretty soon even you will believe it. LOL

i'm going to go ahead and have a rare moment of softness for you, clayton.

despite the fact that you are a racist bag of shit, i'm going to lay off. because in the next few days, as it gets replayed over and over and over again, that will be punishment enough for your dumb ass.

i agree with padawan here. shut the fuck up. you are out of your element.
Obama took the responsibility?All this time I though Obama was a little girl and a real man stepped up to the plate.That's why we need liberals in this world to set me straight.Obama had a handicap advantage no draw.I keep forgetting affirmative action.
Just stating the facts.Everywhere I looked said it was a tie.Even Cnn and MSNBC.But Bucky said Obama won and Bucky is never wrong.So the only conclusion is if two equal applicants tie and one is "black,"affirmative action in place.Mich fire fighters agree.
Just stating the facts.Everywhere I looked said it was a tie.Even Cnn and MSNBC.But Bucky said Obama won and Bucky is never wrong.So the only conclusion is if two equal applicants tie and one is "black,"affirmative action in place.Mich fire fighters agree.

even krauthammer gave it to obama. so did ingraham. it was not a tie. obama came out ahead.

but very nice job at injecting an ugly racial reference into this out of nowhere.
Just stating the facts.Everywhere I looked said it was a tie.Even Cnn and MSNBC.But Bucky said Obama won and Bucky is never wrong.So the only conclusion is if two equal applicants tie and one is "black,"affirmative action in place.Mich fire fighters agree.

Nationality has absolutely nothing to do with his win this debate.

Romney couldn't provide evidence why his plan would be better, and kept dancing around the issue. "If you elect me, I promise I'll reduce the deficit!", "how?", "by dismantelling this program and that program, (but WHICH PROGRAMS?)! Dude is blowing smoke up our asses. He doesn't know wtf to do! It's obvious!

I'd be bitter too if my "man" was losing to Mr. Monopoly,wearing magical underwear,thinks blacks have the mark of Cain and to top it off is the white devil. The only way to make this race tighter is if Hitler ran against your savior. Obama sucks that much.
You're pathetic Bucky. It's too easy. You think I forgot your pedophile comment? To get your goat all I needed to do was douse your prophet with pig shit.
I'd be bitter too if my "man" was losing to Mr. Monopoly,wearing magical underwear,thinks blacks have the mark of Cain and to top it off is the white devil. The only way to make this race tighter is if Hitler ran against your savior. Obama sucks that much.

"Mr. Monopoly" - telling...

See ya Nov. 6th..
Fight fight fight fight!

lol. yes. this is the purpose of this section.

You're pathetic Bucky. It's too easy. You think I forgot your pedophile comment? To get your goat all I needed to do was douse your prophet with pig shit.

let me understand this correctly: you noticed how i latched onto the sock puppets and known racists for using that ugly "affirmative action president" canard, and you made such an outright incredible stretch of logic to troll me with it?

i believe that. nice trolling.

i honestly believe you are too articulate and intelligent to stoop to that level, and even smarter and more detail-oriented to notice that the AA canard was one of those things that we take as exhibit B in ugly, racial politics.

also, rhythm rhythm basketball part time lazy sleepy rhythm.