Was Jesus Black?

I'm not religious in any way but this meme is clearly not researched. When Cain was cast out he built a gate to keep others out. He was fearful of the others. Any excuse to bring up incest though right?

is that henry rollins?
jesus.jpg I'm just saying you can imagine Jesus any way you want.

Mary was from Israel, God is/has ALL genetic markers....chances of him being white(submissive gene)is the lowest. Darker African/black skin(dominant gene)next likely. But highest probability Jesus was Brown.
There are several verses in the bible that would tend to indicate that the Hebrews were in fact African aka Black. The book of Enoch not included in but metioned within the bible almost positively confirms this as fact as it duscribes Noah as a white skin white haired baby with blue eye ad that this disturbed his dark colored parents whom compared there son to liken the watchers (aka fallen angels).

I myself feel that yes the true Hebrews are of Africa desent.
This my theory...I think that we are all descendants of Africa, some migrated sooner than others, hence different skin colors. It's all because of the sun. Which would bring us to the first man Adam which in my theory was white,from there some of his offspring migrated ,anyway my theroy would be he could have been a black man...he did say he was the first and last...first being white last being black and so being the first and the last would encompass all skin colors in between...just my theroy