As usual, you always have to take things where they shouldn't be....
My quote used the phrase "there are problems" yet you turn that into THE PROBLEMS...
See the difference? Of course you do, since I see you do childish things like that all the time.
Playing dumb to twist a point, not effective to any normal person in the world.
Of course, 95% of my life is inside the worst neighborhoods in America, so I am sure I have absolutely no perspective, while people in places like super black California and Colorado have all kinds of insight.
You are also a perfect example of why the people in the communities cannot be helped, because there is always someone with no clue, who of course thinks they know everything, that are so quick to jump up and make comments like this. Which of course, doesn't help address the FIXABLE problems in the community. You are not a help to the minorities you look down upon.