Warning from a very smart black woman - "time to wake up White America!"

i could sail an aircraft carrier thru the divide blindfolded . i guess the white and black relations will be like the sunni and shia relationship , no visible improvement in 800 yrs . i aint blaming one side or the other its just the way it is and will continue . the chinese immigrents built the railroad thru forced labor. i guess they got over it ,the irish immigrent was forced into the civilwar because they were poor and hungry and too uneducated to understand what they signed up for . i guess they got over it .

if you want to talk about a group of peoples that got fked lets talk about the american indian .
"Wake up, white people. The aim is the end of your race and civilization, and they are about to get it done. "

Not where I live. "They" don't stand a chance. We're locked into old timey American traditions and it'll never change. ;)
Religion has nothing to with the issues going on. Yes my fellow black people are really putting shame to themselves and all other African Americans in this country. It's sad but most people don't even know what it's like to live in the ghetto barely surviving everyday and still having to go through racism and prejudice ways. This country does not care what goes on in urban areas where poor blacks and whites live. They would rather send aid to other foreign countries when they could help everyone no matter what color skin they have. This way this country is ran is not made to let people in urban areas come up and do good and that's what they(Government) want. It is what it is. People need to focus on coming together waking everyone up who's sleep to what's really going on. Soon who will have any rights as the Government is steady going against what the Constitution states and everyone all races need to worry about this.
It's sad but most people don't even know what it's like to live in the ghetto barely surviving everyday and still having to go through racism and prejudice ways. This country does not care what goes on in urban areas where poor blacks and whites live.

Pity party is over. Rise above and start making choices that benefit, not hurt YOU.

ISIS just horrifically beheaded another journalist and Obama has no strategy (for anything that doesn't benefit him personally). That's real, and it is political, period.
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Policing is a dangerous occupation and given the police officer's task of confronting crime and protecting the rest of us from criminals, sometimes violence and killing is necessary.

Sadly, although many many people actually believe that policing is about serving and protecting, it really isn't.
Police have no duty to prevent a crime, nor are they responsible for protecting people. The Supreme court has already ruled that the police have no duty to serve and protect at all, even if a court issued protection order was being violated that very moment, police have no duty to respond. The police have no duty to do anything until AFTER the crime has happened.
Pity party is over. Rise above and start making choices that benefit, not hurt YOU.

ISIS just horrifically beheaded another journalist and Obama has no strategy (for anything that doesn't benefit him personally). That's real, and it is political, period.
the israeli mossad is behind it , the world is horrified at the indiscriminate bombing of gaza , talk of war crimes at the UN , then flash-bang the world looks away for some dumbass journalists getting killed in place they shouldnt have been in the first place. while israel has killed over 2000people and a hell of a lot of children .
Pity party is over. Rise above and start making choices that benefit, not hurt YOU.

ISIS just horrifically beheaded another journalist and Obama has no strategy (for anything that doesn't benefit him personally). That's real, and it is political, period.

No pity party over here Uncle Ben I'm just speaking facts. This country focuses more on what's going on in other countries than its own.

I am not a Obama supporter and never will be and you are certainly correct that he doesn't care unless it benefits him. I haven't been focusing on world issues and things like that for a while as I'm focusing on taking care of my family and I so I don't know if the journalist that was beheaded was an American or not but if the journalist is something needs to be done.

IMHO it just seems like people who run the world behind the scenes are looking for reasons to go to war again so they're pockets can get lined with cash like it was when we went to war in Iraq. This has been a practiced technique for hundreds of years and will continue to be used until people rise up, wake up and see what's going on. IMHO the USA needs to stop being the world police, stop trying to implement the way they run government into all these countries, stop building military bases everywhere and just focus on trying to make the country a better place for its current and future citizens. A lot of countries DO NOT want us in their business and we have to realize it, and that's real.
Pity party is over. Rise above and start making choices that benefit, not hurt YOU.

ISIS just horrifically beheaded another journalist and Obama has no strategy (for anything that doesn't benefit him personally). That's real, and it is political, period.
What would your strategy be.
And would you announce it to the world before implementing it?
No pity party over here Uncle Ben I'm just speaking facts. This country focuses more on what's going on in other countries than its own.

I am not a Obama supporter and never will be and you are certainly correct that he doesn't care unless it benefits him. I haven't been focusing on world issues and things like that for a while as I'm focusing on taking care of my family and I so I don't know if the journalist that was beheaded was an American or not but if the journalist is something needs to be done.

IMHO it just seems like people who run the world behind the scenes are looking for reasons to go to war again so they're pockets can get lined with cash like it was when we went to war in Iraq. This has been a practiced technique for hundreds of years and will continue to be used until people rise up, wake up and see what's going on. IMHO the USA needs to stop being the world police, stop trying to implement the way they run government into all these countries, stop building military bases everywhere and just focus on trying to make the country a better place for its current and future citizens. A lot of countries DO NOT want us in their business and we have to realize it, and that's real.
So exactly how does Obama benefit from doing somethign as president?
Does he have secret Bank holdings and Stocks?
Is he looking to get elected to a third term?
Are you the black version of the self loathing jew?
So exactly how does Obama benefit from doing somethign as president?
It's all about legacy at this point. From what I've seen and heard from him I think he takes the same stance I do about military action but who wants to be the president blamed for WWIII? I wish he would do what he thinks is best instead of what the pollsters want. I'm sure with his position he's infinitely more informed than we are, I still feel military action is his least preferable action. I like this about him. I believe he has surrounded himself with people who do not share our reality, and the noise from the right is to blow shit up so I don't envy him at all.

Does he have secret Bank holdings and Stocks?
What he's shown to this point is he doesn't have to if his campaign contributors do, it's the same thing. It goes back to Chicago style politics.

Is he looking to get elected to a third term?
He's just playing team ball. If getting dems elected wasn't a concern of his, he wouldn't still be fundraising 6 years in.

Are you the black version of the self loathing jew?
You must be seeing something in that post that I'm not. I saw no self loathing, maybe a bunker mentality that we all revert to when necessary, but that's preservation, not loathing. Is it because he's black and not a fan of Obama? as Buck would say, that's racist!
So exactly how does Obama benefit from doing somethign as president?
Does he have secret Bank holdings and Stocks?
Is he looking to get elected to a third term?
Are you the black version of the self loathing jew?

Self loathing Jew? Don't know how you came up with that but you got me all wrong buddy. Go watch the Obama Deception and learn some things about him fareal. I personally do don't know if he has secret bank holdings and stocks and quite frankly I don't give two fucks but I surely wouldn't doubt it. He's the President so no one truly knows what they do behind the scenes unless you're behind the scenes. Obviously you haven't heard he's been trying to pass a law so he can get elected a 3rd term. Me not supporting Obama has nothing to do with me being black or him being black, its how he's said I'm gonna do this and that and all the other bullshit that's come out his mouth. You must love you some Obama lol
Self loathing Jew? Don't know how you came up with that but you got me all wrong buddy. Go watch the Obama Deception and learn some things about him fareal. I personally do don't know if he has secret bank holdings and stocks and quite frankly I don't give two fucks but I surely wouldn't doubt it. He's the President so no one truly knows what they do behind the scenes unless you're behind the scenes. Obviously you haven't heard he's been trying to pass a law so he can get elected a 3rd term. Me not supporting Obama has nothing to do with me being black or him being black, its how he's said I'm gonna do this and that and all the other bullshit that's come out his mouth. You must love you some Obama lol

Directed byAlex Jones
Produced byAlex Jones
Written byAlex Jones
companyAlex Jones Productions
Distributed byAlex Jones Productions
Release date(s)
  • March 12, 2009 (2009-03-12)
Running time122 minutes
Mainstream sources have described Jones as a conservative,[37][38][39][40] a right-wing conspiracy theorist,[41][42][43][44] and a libertarian.[45] Jones sees himself as a libertarian and rejects being described as a right-winger.[46] He has also called himself a paleoconservative[47] and an "aggressive constitutionalist".[48][49]
Jones has been the center of many controversies, such as the controversy surrounding his actions and statements about gun control after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.[9] He has accused the U.S. government of being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing[10] and the September 11 attacks.[11] Jones was in a "media crossfire" in 2011, which included criticism by Rush Limbaugh, when the news spread that Jared Lee Loughner, perpetrator of the 2011 Tucson shooting, had been "a fan" of the 9/11 conspiracy film Loose Change, of which Jones had been an executive producer.[34]
In January 2013, Jones was invited to speak on Piers Morgan's show after promoting an online petition to deport Morgan due to his support of gun control laws.[50] The interview turned into "a one-person shoutfest, as Jones riffed about guns, oppressive government, the flag, his ancestors' role in Texan independence, and what flag Morgan would have on his tights if they wrestled".[50] The event drew widespread coverage,[50] and according to The Huffington Post, Morgan and others such as Glenn Beck "agreed that Jones was a terrible spokesman for gun rights".[51] Jones's appearance on the show was a top trending Twitter topic the following morning.[52]
On June 9, 2013, Jones appeared as a guest on the BBC's television show Sunday Politics. After a discussion about conspiracy theories surrounding the Bilderberg Group meetings with presenter Andrew Neil and journalist David Aaronovitch, a critic of such theories, which was dominated by Jones's shouting and regular interruptions, Andrew Neil ended the item, describing Jones as "an idiot"[53] and "the worst person I've ever interviewed".[54][55] Jones was still shouting, according to Neil on Twitter, until he knew he was off-air.[53][54]
There are proven documents and facts that's back them up. I saw him on Morgan show he shut him down, didn't know what to say. Morgan is a supporter of not letting American citizens bear arms. Jessie Ventura a person who despises the government supports everything that Alex Jones tries to get out to the people. There are people that used to work for many administrations that have high security clearances that have backed up what he's trying to tell people. I'm not trying to convince you at all bro I've done my research on many issues of this country.

Yes he made the movie and is continually making the movie as he finds more things about Obama. If you don't believe 9/11 was inside your really asleep. Watch Zeitgiest that's not made by him and I'm sure you will learn some things about how the people who run the world behind the scenes.