
Who do you think that amongst all the Nations on the fucking Earth & supposedly our best friend whom we have fucking given over 80 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS!!!!! in aid & has refused to aid Ukraine in any manner/shape/form like even doing such a simple thing as joining the embargo on Russia or sell Ukraine weapons and by not doing so, giving support to Putin, at least that's the way I see it.

What Nation has had American troops die for it, while not shedding a single drop of blood in helping the US fight it's battles for it.

What Nation could be so fucking selfish & self-serving & callous not to help Ukraine?

Tough one, eh?

Not at all actually and you know it,

This one is a no-brainer.

It's fucking Israel

Ukraine urges Israel for help, war ravages Mariupol (yahoo.com)

Our buddies, right?

We're fucking suckers

U.S. Aid to Israel 1948-Present – Congress & U.S. Aid to Israel - WRMEA

Fucking useless POS's that we shouldn't give a fucking nickel to, especially now.


BDS now & forever
What's that bowtie flappy bit? How you going hypersonic with a whistlemaker on the side?
i think that's a sandbag someone laid on it, probably to set a tool box on...?
or do you mean the X shaped unit? assuming it's an access panel, probably with another on the other side to balance it out?
or maybe a mount to attach it to a plane?
i got the brain surgery covered, you take care of the rocket science.
So, what has Tucker been saying about Russia lately? Or has he gone to ground, taking a much needed vacation, so he can get his foot out of his mouth. Same stupid look, like he was hit in the forehead with a pan shovel and stunned.

Tucker Carlson has been doing the "Why are we against Russia" gag.

In truth his point of view has it's moments but right now it's as popular as running Hitler for President would have been during WWII
My advice to Tucker Carlson is get solidly on Team USA or die.
Now is not the time to give aid and comfort to the Enemy of Democracy and Freedom.
i think that's a sandbag someone laid on it, probably to set a tool box on...?
or do you mean the X shaped unit? assuming it's an access panel, probably with another on the other side to balance it out?
or maybe a mount to attach it to a plane?
i got the brain surgery covered, you take care of the rocket science.
I am on it. Trust me!
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, now there's a cold war relic that will spring back to life with new funding!
Ukrainian Anti-War Activists Block Trucks At Polish-Belarus Border

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

488K subscribers
Tucker Carlson has been doing the "Why are we against Russia" gag.

In truth his point of view has it's moments but right now it's as popular as running Hitler for President would have been during WWII
My advice to Tucker Carlson is get solidly on Team USA or die.
Now is not the time to give aid and comfort to the Enemy of Democracy and Freedom.
He's gonna get death threats from the right, you know how those people are...
So what is this with Putin putting his military leaders under arrest and purging 1000 of his support staff?

It sounds like Paranoid Stalin.

Also it sound desperate and very much like the Trump White House. Hey could Trump and Putin be talking?
I did catch Volodymyr Zelenskyy's speech to Israel to get on the Kicking Putin's Butt train.
I get it with Israel and their position with the Middle East but sometimes they have to take a stand on occupation like they know from history and Hitler.

I hope they change their minds.
He's Jewish and can get away with saying things and rubbing their noses in it that no one else could get away with it. He put the heat on them pretty good with his speech and knows how to push the buttons of people where ever he speaks. Israel too had a struggle for existence, on several occasions, at war with much larger numbers of people and multiple nations.
He's Jewish and can get away with saying things and rubbing their noses in it that no one else could get away with it. He put the heat on them pretty good with his speech and knows how to push the buttons of people where ever he speaks. Israel too had a struggle for existence, on several occasions, at war with much larger numbers of people and multiple nations.

I'm not able to follow everything in real time buI you have a good grasp on it as far as I know.

I'm curious how Israel plays their hand.
that is MIGHTY brave of Taiwan. will definitely irritate China, but to what end, who can say?
it also will generate a lot of good will towards Taiwan, and hopefully stave off any ideas Xi may have gestating.
This war has caused Xi to step back and reevaluate things, he can work both sides of the fence, give Russia groceries, clothes and consumer goods for oil and minerals, no Military stuff. It will benefit the people and hurt the government by bleeding money they don't have buying lot's of shit they don't need, like we do! The USA and EU alone does ten times the trade with China than Russia, we can cut a deal with China. Iran is opening up again and so will Venezuela, people are talking and the government there is desperate for cash, Uncle Sam and everybody else, with notable exceptions, wants to keep the price of oil as low as they can.

This will screw Russia even more by stealing their markets and dropping the price. By the time Russian oil is online again the damage will be done. How much oil will the west need in 10 years if half the cars in America and most in Europe are EVs? Trains are electrified and electric pantograph systems to recharge electric truck batteries on the move. Electric trucks are much easier to make driverless for long hauling, no 18 gears to go through. You don't need to string the wires continuously, just along sections of highway over designated lanes and up long hills, the truck uses battery power most of the time and uses the system to recharge. There are several systems under test in Europe and this war should speed things up.

So what is this with Putin putting his military leaders under arrest and purging 1000 of his support staff?

It sounds like Paranoid Stalin.

Also it sound desperate and very much like the Trump White House. Hey could Trump and Putin be talking?
well, i believe in this case, most of it is in response to finding out his entire motor pool has been so shoddily maintained, that tires shredded for almost no reason, money had been diverted into the pockets of commanders, sub commanders, even squad leaders sold off equipment for cash and kept stuff that should have been retired years ago...men were given badly outdated rations, just so many acts of sabotage committed by his own generals, and their staffs.
then there is his growing sense of paranoia, at least according to several articles and interviews i've seen, firing household staff, cooks, minor functionaries. really, who can blame him for being paranoid, his conscience can't possibly be clear.
and, he has to have someone to blame. he can't possibly be at fault, so he has to find people to blame for his failures
East Europeans and Russians, aka Slavs, looking like Asians… where have I heard that before…

Is the bad to think that? I'm talking about migration of peoples and where they came from. You can see by the change in facial features. I'm looking at it as a cool scientific thing. So I really don't know what you mean. I included my own grandparents as part of the conversation.