
Who do you think that amongst all the Nations on the fucking Earth & supposedly our best friend whom we have fucking given over 80 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS!!!!! in aid & has refused to aid Ukraine in any manner/shape/form like even doing such a simple thing as joining the embargo on Russia or sell Ukraine weapons and by not doing so, giving support to Putin, at least that's the way I see it.

What Nation has had American troops die for it, while not shedding a single drop of blood in helping the US fight it's battles for it.

What Nation could be so fucking selfish & self-serving & callous not to help Ukraine?

Tough one, eh?

Not at all actually and you know it,

This one is a no-brainer.

It's fucking Israel

Ukraine urges Israel for help, war ravages Mariupol (yahoo.com)

Our buddies, right?

We're fucking suckers

U.S. Aid to Israel 1948-Present – Congress & U.S. Aid to Israel - WRMEA

Fucking useless POS's that we shouldn't give a fucking nickel to, especially now.

View attachment 5105709

BDS now & forever
Free Palistine!

I don't think the 9/11 attackers Saudi Arabia are helping Ukraine much either. But then they are in the middle of doing some oil deals with China.
It struck me, the thing with the hypersonic missiles... the reason they not only used them but very publicly advertised it is a political move to say.
"vee not be caring about your no-fly-zone".
Is the bad to think that? I'm talking about migration of peoples and where they came from. You can see by the change in facial features. I'm looking at it as a cool scientific thing. So I really don't know what you mean. I included my own grandparents as part of the conversation.
I don't think a pretty obvious observation should turn into a value judgment.
Free Palistine!

I don't think the 9/11 attackers Saudi Arabia are helping Ukraine much either. But then they are in the middle of doing some oil deals with China.
I don't give a fuck about what other countries have done & but seeing Israel pointing fingers & using the excuse that others are worse.
So that's a fucking excuse used to justify their criminal actions against the Palestinian people?
They won't do a fucking thing to help anyone but themselves
Prove me wrong
Good luck :)
Is the bad to think that? I'm talking about migration of peoples and where they came from. You can see by the change in facial features. I'm looking at it as a cool scientific thing. So I really don't know what you mean. I included my own grandparents as part of the conversation.
Is it bad to classify Slavs as Asiatic based on facial features? Is it bad to consider nazi pseudoscience that has been disproven in large scale dna research as a cool scientifc thing? Slavs are not the result of migrated Asians. Not han chinese, not mongolians either. Genetically they can be traced back to some of the oldest indiguous europeans and have changed relatively little since. Slavs are about as Asian as half the Germans. Slavs being Asiatic is nonsense Hitler told to separate the Slavs from the Germans so they could treat them, including your grandparents, as subhumans. Is it bad to “think” that? Well, could be worse, could double down on it after it’s been pointed out it’s nazi nonsense.

Nestle is a example of the worst in capitalism. They pump so much ground water into their bottled water plant that it's dropping the ground water level in the area and peoples wells have and are going dry. They pay the state of michigan a $200 fee to pump groundwater per year, that's it, for 400 gallons per minute. They make millions and the locals pay the cost of the damage. They somehow believe that natural resources should be free to them but everyone else should pay. Nestle is hated in Michigan, they are the Exxon of bottled water.
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Who do you think that amongst all the Nations on the fucking Earth & supposedly our best friend whom we have fucking given over 80 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS!!!!! in aid & has refused to aid Ukraine in any manner/shape/form like even doing such a simple thing as joining the embargo on Russia or sell Ukraine weapons and by not doing so, giving support to Putin, at least that's the way I see it.

What Nation has had American troops die for it, while not shedding a single drop of blood in helping the US fight it's battles for it.

What Nation could be so fucking selfish & self-serving & callous not to help Ukraine?

Tough one, eh?

Not at all actually and you know it,

This one is a no-brainer.

It's fucking Israel

Ukraine urges Israel for help, war ravages Mariupol (yahoo.com)

Our buddies, right?

We're fucking suckers

U.S. Aid to Israel 1948-Present – Congress & U.S. Aid to Israel - WRMEA

Fucking useless POS's that we shouldn't give a fucking nickel to, especially now.

View attachment 5105709

BDS now & forever
Jim you have no idea about Palestinians and Islam, they would publicly hang you and me under sharia law as we are degenerate in their minds. The Israelis would think you were a fucking legend and would open a bar in your name and make a whiskey and Guinness cocktail just for you.
Seriously don’t get your love of terrorists
I don't think anyone is trying to do that... They are merely stating the obvious about appearances. Anything else you read into it is all internal stuff.
Cool attempt as gaslighting, I’m sure you were being ironic
I think we could see something historic with Russian army morale in Ukraine, it will make the American Vietnam moral experience look like no problem at all. Most people under 30 hate Putin and had the means to find out the truth using the internet, but for most that has been largely cut off, but it took a little while. However the BBC does still broadcast in Russian language and until recently they did have some alternative media. If it is true the Russia's are secretly trying to mobilize reserves and are meeting resistance, then the morale problems for the Russians in Ukraine are about to explode, when these boys arrive there, God help their officers!

Conscription is a difficult subject,on one hand we see unmotivated poorly trained teenagers in Russia being used for cannon fodder and those poor kids deserve some empathy as I have posted before(poor bastards whose lives mean not a damn thing to Putin),on the other hand I look at Israel and their conscription and the high morale and esprit d'corps they have when you serve in units w/your neighbors,they have rallied multiple times against all odds attacked in multiple directions by superior numbers in the Arab wars to defend their country,I could see the benefit of 1-2 yrs. of mandantory service in the US,maybe w/ a choice of military or social or peace corps type of thing ,it could go a long way towards uniting our country as far as exposing people to others,working together,accomplishing goals etc..this could breech many divisions and open young minds as well as instilling a inner confidence in young adults that would serve them and our country well in the long term.
Conscription is a difficult subject,on one hand we see unmotivated poorly trained teenagers in Russia being used for cannon fodder and those poor kids deserve some empathy as I have posted before(poor bastards whose lives mean not a damn thing to Putin),on the other hand I look at Israel and their conscription and the high morale and esprit d'corps they have when you serve in units w/your neighbors,they have rallied multiple times against all odds attacked in multiple directions by superior numbers in the Arab wars to defend their country,I could see the benefit of 1-2 yrs. of mandantory service in the US,maybe w/ a choice of military or social or peace corps type of thing ,it could go a long way towards uniting our country as far as exposing people to others,working together,accomplishing goals etc..this could breech many divisions and open young minds as well as instilling a inner confidence in young adults that would serve them and our country well in the long term.
Conscription works if the population is motivated and feels it's under threat, it makes the call for some who don't hear it. However when this happens the army usually screens them for the fit and motivated, if they are modern and professional. In Israel and Ukraine, like Britain before them, faced an existential threat and there was no alternative but to fight to the death. Conscription would be largely a waste of money and professional soldiers generally don't want to serve with them, except when they are motivated and in a war of national survival or liberation, then they fight well. In Ukraine, those that need to be drafted to serve would be considered useless as soldiers, only people with courage are wanted.
Conscription is a difficult subject,on one hand we see unmotivated poorly trained teenagers in Russia being used for cannon fodder and those poor kids deserve some empathy as I have posted before(poor bastards whose lives mean not a damn thing to Putin),on the other hand I look at Israel and their conscription and the high morale and esprit d'corps they have when you serve in units w/your neighbors,they have rallied multiple times against all odds attacked in multiple directions by superior numbers in the Arab wars to defend their country,I could see the benefit of 1-2 yrs. of mandantory service in the US,maybe w/ a choice of military or social or peace corps type of thing ,it could go a long way towards uniting our country as far as exposing people to others,working together,accomplishing goals etc..this could breech many divisions and open young minds as well as instilling a inner confidence in young adults that would serve them and our country well in the long term.
There is a Dr Gennadiy Druzenko in Ukraine issuing orders to castrate captured Russian soldiers, 27 days into conflict and medics are losing their humanity, it must be f bad on the ground out there.
Conscription works if the population is motivated and feels it's under threat, it makes the call for some who don't hear it. However when this happens the army usually screens them for the fit and motivated, if they are modern and professional. In Israel and Ukraine, like Britain before them, faced an existential threat and there was no alternative but to fight to the death. Conscription would be largely a waste of money and professional soldiers generally don't want to serve with them, except when they are motivated and in a war of national survival or liberation, then they fight well. In Ukraine, those that need to be drafted to serve would be considered useless as soldiers, only people with courage are wanted.
That's a good point there w/conscription,which is why in my idea of it I included alternate avenues for service other than military,I'm well aware of the out of shape status of the US pop.and your damn right that not everyone is cut out for the challenge of mil. service.