
There is a Dr Gennadiy Druzenko in Ukraine issuing orders to castrate captured Russian soldiers, 27 days into conflict and medics are losing their humanity, it must be f bad on the ground out there.
In Mariople,at this point No food,power,fuel city is a bombed out shell,house to house fighting = Wild Kingdom , I've alway's said once the power is out for a week everybody turns into a animal,and that's just the power,factor in everything else and yeah I can see people losing their souls.
First world societies should not be doing what Russia is doing.
They are targeting Civilians and starving them.
I'm guessing Putin was planning on also using chemical weapons but I think he's shitting his pants now that the World is uniting against him and Russia.

It's only a matter of time before Russians get the message even with Putin controlling what they see and hear.
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That's a good point there w/conscription,which is why in my idea of it I included alternate avenues for service other than military,I'm well aware of the out of shape status of the US pop.and your damn right that not everyone is cut out for the challenge of mil. service.
America has such a strong professional military that there is no need for conscription and it is bad for several reasons, among them expense and giving military training to potential domestic terrorists. The same thing happens when there is a large conventional war and Uncle Sam needs warm bodies, standards are lowered and a lot of types that would not normally get in, do. Often they get fucked up more than most with PTSD and some drift into domestic terrorist groups, along with their training. Timothy McVeigh is an example of this and there have been others, giving such people training makes them more dangerous. On 1/6 the FBI picked out the veterans and military people in the mob for this reason, they can be more dangerous than most.
Jim you have no idea about Palestinians and Islam, they would publicly hang you and me under sharia law as we are degenerate in their minds. The Israelis would think you were a fucking legend and would open a bar in your name and make a whiskey and Guinness cocktail just for you.
Seriously don’t get your love of terrorists
i'm not a big fan of the israelis either, mostly because of the Palestenian...the Jews after WW2 campaigned ceaselessly to annex their "homeland" based on a story in a book of mythological stories...they stole half of a nation that was already full of people, and shoved them into the worse half, then started shooting those that dared venture out...i would be a fucking terrorist too, i'd kill every one of the fucking invaders i could...they're the fucking russians and the Palestinians are the Ukrainians, except that here, the US and other countries HELPED them to take over without a war, so the Palestinians supplied them one...sooo, Jews, no problem, free to believe whatever mythology works for you...Israel? criminal occupiers...
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America has such a strong professional military that there is no need for conscription and it is bad for several reasons, among them expense and giving military training to potential domestic terrorists. The same thing happens when there is a large conventional war and Uncle Sam needs warm bodies, standards are lowered and a lot of types that would not normally get in, do. Often they get fucked up more than most with PTSD and some drift into domestic terrorist groups, along with their training. Timothy McVeigh is an example of this and there have been others, giving such people training makes them more dangerous. On 1/6 the FBI picked out the veterans and military people in the mob for this reason, they can be more dangerous than most.
Ok, you've convinced me it's not a good idea for the US and wars don't require sheer numbers anymore and professional troops like the US has are def. superior,I was just thinking w/the division in the US that some kind of shared experience bringing together the young from different parts of the US and of diff. ethnicities might be beneficial in some way.
Cool attempt as gaslighting, I’m sure you were being ironic
i don't think ANC is doing what you're suggesting, at least not intentionally...many eastern Europeans do APPEAR to have Asian genetics, even though they don't. i myself had assumed some interbreeding. of course, i don't hold that as any kind of reason to suppress a people, and it would have just been an interesting fact, had it been true. i don't think ANC would hold it as a reason to supress anyone, either...Schuyler, i'm not so sure about :lol:
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I heard it mentioned that Russian officers haven't been paid in months and I don't know if it's true, I had a quick look on google, but couldn't find much on it. Anybody know more about it, or if it's true?

I also heard a retired general on TV saying the Russian army had no NCO core, no sergeants with the kind of training, awareness and motivation that western armies have. We depend heavily on the NCOs in our armies and the Germans used to do it most of all, older experienced guys chosen from the smart and motivated. They are as smart as the officers, or smarter, but not educated and career people for the most part.

In the Russian army, things are top down and officers do all the leading and not much thinking on their own, tactical doctrine is ridged and inflexible, they follow the same plan, even as conditions change on the battlefield.

It would seem to me, paying officers would be a priority with such an army, if it's true that they haven't been paid, I wonder why we haven't herd more about it.
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Conscription is a difficult subject,on one hand we see unmotivated poorly trained teenagers in Russia being used for cannon fodder and those poor kids deserve some empathy as I have posted before(poor bastards whose lives mean not a damn thing to Putin),on the other hand I look at Israel and their conscription and the high morale and esprit d'corps they have when you serve in units w/your neighbors,they have rallied multiple times against all odds attacked in multiple directions by superior numbers in the Arab wars to defend their country,I could see the benefit of 1-2 yrs. of mandantory service in the US,maybe w/ a choice of military or social or peace corps type of thing ,it could go a long way towards uniting our country as far as exposing people to others,working together,accomplishing goals etc..this could breech many divisions and open young minds as well as instilling a inner confidence in young adults that would serve them and our country well in the long term.
it's all in how you handle it. the Israelis need and value those conscripts, and train them hard, but treat them well. they also fight for the existence of their homes, and while i don't like what the israeli's did and continue to do to the palestinians, it is at least a noble goal.
the russians need those conscripts, but don't value them highly, and don't train them that well, feed them expired shit, and ask them to invade peaceful neighbors for putin's glory ...and you can see the consequences in Ukraine
There is a Dr Gennadiy Druzenko in Ukraine issuing orders to castrate captured Russian soldiers, 27 days into conflict and medics are losing their humanity, it must be f bad on the ground out there.

i sometimes say shit when i'm under pressure that i don't mean, and most people who know me know that i'm just venting....the man has a law degree and a medical degree, and has run a volunteer staffed field hospital since 2014, when the russians invaded crimea...sounds more like someone venting under an incredible amount of stress, than someone plotting the disfigurment of thousands of soldiers, many of whom gave up voluntarily when they discovered what they had been sent to do. if he had real intentions of harming russian soldiers, i doubt he would have announced it on youtube
Ok, you've convinced me it's not a good idea for the US and wars don't require sheer numbers anymore and professional troops like the US has are def. superior,I was just thinking w/the division in the US that some kind of shared experience bringing together the young from different parts of the US and of diff. ethnicities might be beneficial in some way.
after WW1, to help deal with the highest unemployment in history, the US ran the CCC, the Civilian Conservation Corps. they put returning service men and the unemployed to work, using returning military officers as leaders. they built roads, bridges, built two national parks and more than 700 smaller parks all across the country, planted 3.5 Billion trees...there were a few problems, like racially segregated camps, which i don't condone, but it was the 1930s and 40s...racial equality was just a dream then...guess it still is now, but at least we've made some progress...
but if you get rid of the racial segregation, it would be a good way to help rebuild the infrastructure of the country, build character in young people, and introduce them to working with people from all over the country, of all ethnicities
I heard it mentioned that Russian officers haven't been paid in months and I don't know if it's true, I had a quick look on google, but couldn't find much on it. Anybody know more about it, or if it's true?

I also heard a retired general on TV saying the Russian army had no NCO core, no sergeants with the kind of training, awareness and motivation that western armies have. We depend heavily on the NCOs in our armies and the Germans used to do it most of all, older experienced guys chosen from the smart and motivated. They are as smart as the officers, or smarter, but not educated and career people for the most part.

In the Russian army, things are top down and officers do all the leading and not much thinking on their own, tactical doctrine is ridged and inflexible, they follow the same plan, even as conditions change on the battlefield.

It would seem to me, paying officers would be a priority with such an army, if it's true that they haven't been paid, I wonder why we haven't herd more about it.
NCO's are the glue,any officer in the US will tell you that and freely admit that they rely on NCO's to make it all work, and are empowered to make decisions at the squad level, how baffled we are at the whole modus operandi of the Russian strategy in Ukraine when they had clear blueprints on modern warfare from prior Western operations the same goes for the structure of their forces,I imagine they are too stubborn and resistant to change, it's pretty confounding that it doesn't appear that Russia has learned much the last 30 yrs. and Ukraine has shown them to be fossilized,resulting from corruption and looking inward instead of outward.
after WW1, to help deal with the highest unemployment in history, the US ran the CCC, the Civilian Conservation Corps. they put returning service men and the unemployed to work, using returning military officers as leaders. they built roads, bridges, built two national parks and more than 700 smaller parks all across the country, planted 3.5 Billion trees...there were a few problems, like racially segregated camps, which i don't condone, but it was the 1930s and 40s...racial equality was just a dream then...guess it still is now, but at least we've made some progress...
but if you get rid of the racial segregation, it would be a good way to help rebuild the infrastructure of the country, build character in young people, and introduce them to working with people from all over the country, of all ethnicities
With the shortage of employees they are facing now, business would howl!
MSNBC says the Ukrainian Soldier are giving Russian Troops hell as those troops try to take parts of Kyiv !

I think we all know that Russia has the bigger army but I find solace in news lake that.
I believe they are driving them back from Kyiv with offensive operations, their cities are like ours, surrounded by urban sprawl, suburbs and bedroom communities that go on for many miles on all the approaches.

Russia has a big army on paper, Vlad can't concentrate enough force quickly enough to take the country. The Ukrainians will easily out number them in combat troops and probably do now. Numbers of troops will be important in this war as it will be largely an infantry army. Modern anti tank weapons have changed modern warfare and made tanks like battleships after WW2, they will use small tank hunting teams, not massed tanks to attack the Russians. Stinger AA missiles take close air support off the table and much of the Russians combat power. These two weapons systems are an equalizer for infantry and we have been supplying lot's of them. I think the Ukrainians are training and equipping soldiers faster than the Russians can call up theirs and get them ready. The Ukrainians are highly motivated and are learning from experience to become even more deadly to the Russians. Russia cannot get enough combat power into the area, even if they had it, which they don't. They have elite forces, but it would be unwise to throw the imperial guard into this fight, Vlad needs to save some.
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NCO's are the glue,any officer in the US will tell you that and freely admit that they rely on NCO's to make it all work, and are empowered to make decisions at the squad level, how baffled we are at the whole modus operandi of the Russian strategy in Ukraine when they had clear blueprints on modern warfare from prior Western operations the same goes for the structure of their forces,I imagine they are too stubborn and resistant to change, it's pretty confounding that it doesn't appear that Russia has learned much the last 30 yrs. and Ukraine has shown them to be fossilized,resulting from corruption and looking inward instead of outward.
i don't find it baffling at all, now that some facts have come out...russia is a country run by a criminal cartel, with putin as the undisputed god father...it is common practice to skim funds, sell equipment, blow off assignments...you get what you pay for, unless you have a load of oligarchs taking their piece, the commanders under them taking their piece, the men under them selling off equipment for extra money, signing off on tasks that were never begun, much less completed...makes perfect sense with that information
With the shortage of employees they are facing now, business would howl!
make it a mandatory one year stretch for everyone...give them college credit for it, and make them all eligible for low cost student loans if they complete their year of service. it would produce better people, better workers, get more people with more skills back into the habit of going to work every day
More good news. Those 18 year old Russian boys might be on their way to hell, but they can't get there by train.

Russia depends on trains enormously, this means almost all the northern forces assaulting Kyiv are cut off from resupply. If the people start pulling up the rails and hiding them in the woods, it would sure fuck things up for the Russians for awhile. They have specialized railway units though, or are suppose to. The Russians move everything they can by rail, as close to the fighting as they can, because they don't have many trucks. So trouble with the railway in Belarus would be disaster for the Russian northern front and relieve Kyiv, with large numbers of prisoners taken.
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