
Former Trump adviser admits to developing bioweapons in Ukraine

Trump Ally Roger Stone Sides With Putin, Claims Russia 'Acting Defensively'
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All the money that the EU and USA are giving the Ukrainians can be compensated with seized Russian money, even the gifts, much less the loans. The Russians can and will pay for it all, down to the last fucking dime and then some. They could even provide a military trust fund for future Ukrainian military funding. Because Vlad and the oligarchs robbed the country blind for decades and stashed vast sums overseas, that makes this possible, along with more than the usual number of historic ironies. It all adds up to a big loss for Russia and a bigger one for Vlad, one they will pay for almost totally.
Belarus is different, it's a bit like Ukraine, people from there speak with a distinctive accent and dialect. They are far more influenced by the west than Russians and have their own national identity. I'm sure there are holdovers and loyalists to the regime, but unlike Russia, they are probably in the minority and on their back feet now. There is a lot of political division in the country, they have a real president in exile, Lukashenko cheated and imprisoned his opponents. He needed the backing of Russian interior forces to keep a lid on things months ago. Getting pushed into a war with Ukraine could be the straw that breaks the camels back. A defeated army, or one convinced to turn around and head for Lukashenko, with Ukrainian support (not troops) would be trouble and civil war for Belarus. It would be real hard for Vlad to explain fighting, much less, losing in two Slavic neighbors that defeated him in popular nationalist uprisings. There are pipelines going through Belarus too and they might become a target, more troops would be required, because that would cut off much of Vlad's cash.
as weird as it seems, the russians are still paying the Ukraines for that oil flowing through their country...


Ukraine needs the cash, and EU needs the gas...the spice must flow...
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as weird as it seems, the russians are still paying the Ukraines for that oil flowing through their country...


Ukraine needs the cash, and oil needs the gas...the spice must flow...
Those Belarussian rebels might have other ideas, once they are let loose in Ukraine, or the Ukrainians let them loose on the Belarus railways, feeding Russians into Ukraine.
That sounds to me like not a done deal, so the “is” isn’t.
He has no character and would you want to do 20 years for Roger Stone or Donald Trump? Nobody in their right mind would sacrifice themselves for that and Julian has been in jail and holed up in an embassy for years and could get time served, or charges can be added. When they dragged him out of the embassy in London, he looked like he was taken from a solitary confinement cell or a dungeon!
Look at it like bridge financing, there is no way Vlad and his buddies will get their seized money back until damages, loans and compensation are paid to the Ukrainians first, along with a trust fund for their military to buy top notch western weapons or develop their own. A military trust fund would be a practical punitive measure against Russia and Vlad and the oligarchs can pay for it. The old soviet union paid for most of the arms that will kill the Russians in this war too, so it makes it a nice little package for Russia to swallow. They will have, or will pay for the catastrophe that has befallen them, they paid for most of the soviet weapons that will kill them and they will pay for the modern weapons that will kill them too, and the material damage they cause, when they start dividing up all that seized Russian cash and property.

So the Trust fund or loans might be repaid quickly, Ukraine suddenly has excellent credit, that future Russian money can be banked upon and will be.
If anyone is getting demilitarised, let it be Russia, they have proven they don't know how to use an army for good.
Former Trump adviser admits to developing bioweapons in Ukraine
Former Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone admitted to developing bioweapons in Ukraine. He stated that there are biolaboratories on the territory of Ukraine financed by the United States.

“Ukraine is hardly like what we are told in the media. In fact, the Ukrainians used their land to place double-launch missile units. In fact, there are biolaboratories there that are financed by our tax revenues and are preparing God knows what plague to unleash on the Russian people, ”Stone’s words are reported by RIA Novosti.

Stone believes that the actions of the Russian authorities on the special operation, which is currently being carried out in Ukraine, are defensive, not offensive. In his opinion, the citizens of America do not receive objective information about the events in Ukraine.

Journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva (Bulgaria) has previously stated that the Pentagon is searching for new genetic samples, mainly Russians and Ukrainians. They want to deliver them to one of the US military laboratories and conduct further experiments on the development of biological weapons.

Earlier, State Department spokesman Ned Price said that American experts advised Ukraine on the security of biological laboratories , but the US authorities never owned or managed them. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has already reported that laboratories in Ukraine worked with pathogens of dangerous diseases such as plague, dysentery, anthrax. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that they tried to hide this fact. The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised Ukraine to destroy dangerous pathogens to prevent leakage. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in turn, refutes the facts of the development of bioweapons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine on February 24. As he explained in an address to citizens, the Russian Federation was forced to defend itself from danger at its borders. Ukraine, according to him, under the supervision of the United States and NATO, was building up its nuclear potential and developing military biological programs.

Trump Ally Roger Stone Sides With Putin, Claims Russia 'Acting Defensively'
While polls show that the majority of Americans—Republicans, independents and Democrats—support the Ukrainians as they fight back against Russia's unprovoked aggression, some on the right have expressed views critical of Ukraine. In a Saturday interview on Real America's Voice, Stone took argued that Putin's actions were defensive.

"Ukraine is not even remotely about what they are telling us about," he said. "Ukraine is about the fact that the Ukrainians have used their soil to place dual-launch missile pads—missiles that would be aimed at the Soviet Union."

"There are, in fact, bio labs there [in Ukraine] that are funded by our tax dollars, cooking up who knows what pestilence to dump on the Russian people," Stone continued. "Putin is acting defensively, he is not acting offensively. But you won't read that in the mainstream media."

After the invasion of Ukraine went less than smoothly, Putin and other Russian leaders began promoting claims that Kyiv was working to develop bioweapons at bio-labs in the country. The Ukrainian and U.S. governments have rejected these allegations, explaining that the bio-labs are used for research to prevent and address infectious disease outbreaks.

Some have speculated that they may still contain samples of pathogens used for biological weapons when Ukraine was still part of the Soviet Union. However, experts have said that the labs are not being used to develop weapons and are not capable of doing so. The concern from experts is that the Russians could utilize pathogens in the labs on the Ukrainian population.

"There is no place that still has any of the sort of infrastructure for researching or producing biological weapons," Robert Pope, the director of the Pentagon's Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, said in a February interview with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. "Scientists being scientists, it wouldn't surprise me if some of these strain collections in some of these laboratories still have pathogen strains that go all the way back to the origins of that program."

Filippa Lentzos, an expert on biological threats at King's College London, wrote in 2018 that her and her colleagues did not see anything "out of the ordinary, or that we wouldn't expect to see in a legitimate facility of this sort" when they toured a Ukrainian bio-lab, The New York Times reported.

Stone has promoted similar claims about Ukraine and Russia through his Telegram channel as well. "Russian groups are saying they uncovered a plot by Ukrainians to release a biological weapon in the country with NATO's help," a recent post shared by the right-wing strategist said.
Stone has a massive tattoo of Nixon
He has no character and would you want to do 20 years for Roger Stone or Donald Trump? Nobody in their right mind would sacrifice themselves for that and Julian has been in jail and holed up in an embassy for years and could get time served, or charges can be added. When they dragged him out of the embassy in London, he looked like he was taken from a solitary confinement cell or a dungeon!
Nothing in here I can hang my hat on. This is one chicken I’m not counting til it is in five bags in the freezer.