
They are living in the past, but it is emblematic of a people occupying a vast country with few natural defenses or much cultural unity. National unity was enforced by the secret police for centuries and it is how imperial power was maintained among the many nations making up Russia/ Soviet Union at various times. It's the major impediment to democratization, European Russia's sense of imperial entitlement over other ethnicities. This is just part of a historical trend, and the ideas are deeply embedded in Russian society at all levels. Even at home they are trying to defend more territory than they can hold in today's world, as central Asian cultures discover their roots and own nationalism, just like everybody else is doing around the world when free to do so.
Maybe she is, I don't know what she knows. But Putin and his staff know. They claim that the US, NATO and Ukraine broke agreements that NATO would never expand west of Eastern Germany. There was no formal agreement but some discussions along those lines in 1990. Putin and his cronies are like Trump in that they don't even try to keep their lies straight. They justified their invasion in two ways that contradict each other. First they say it was always a part of Russia, they they fall back on treaty talks that involved their agreement to honor Ukraine's borders and sovereignty. At some point one must stop listening to them and judging them by what they do.

Check this out where Candace Owens, a Trump toady and Fox "News" commentator says the war in Ukraine is the US's fault:
Fox "News" commentator says the war in Ukraine is the US's fault:
Maybe she is, I don't know what she knows. But Putin and his staff know. They claim that the US, NATO and Ukraine broke agreements that NATO would never expand west of Eastern Germany. There was no formal agreement but some discussions along those lines in 1990. Putin and his cronies are like Trump in that they don't even try to keep their lies straight. They justified their invasion in two ways that contradict each other. First they say it was always a part of Russia, they they fall back on treaty talks that involved their agreement to honor Ukraine's borders and sovereignty. At some point one must stop listening to them and judging them by what they do.

Check this out where Candace Owens, a Trump toady and Fox "News" commentator says the war in Ukraine is the US's fault:
They are allied with some republicans, that much is obvious, birds of a feather I suppose a look on Twitter reveals a lot, they are in lock step with Moscow. They have broken multiple agreements guaranteeing Ukrainian security and have had another nefarious agenda since Putin. They sound a lot like Trump, act like him and apparently blunder like him too, Xi appears to be displaying the same behavior, none can admit they made a mistake.
Some examples of Russian/Republican propaganda, it is hard to tell which is which, because so many magats repost Russian propaganda and there are other useful idiots and false accounts pumping it out, mostly on Twitter. One day Twitter is full of it on the #Ukraine search and the next day it is mostly gone, there are many Russian bots. It is interesting to see the alliance of American fascists and Russian imperialists so openly displayed, they are united by their opposition to liberal democracy. They don't believe in votes and elections yet are running in elections and trying to gather enough suckers to fuck themselves and everybody else too. The main theme with them is trying to cut off support for Ukraine by implying scandal, kickbacks, FTX, and anything else they can find, Ukrainian Nazis are another theme constantly pounded with memes.

Here is a sampling of bullshit from the #Ukraine thread on twitter:

Of course, what would bullshit and treason be without Ted! Ted has concerns about corruption in the administration...

How about the money the elites connected to Trump got from pandemic funds? Cutting funding and auditing are themes too. Trying to convince morons that the geopolitical and military bargain of the century is somehow a bad deal, corrupt or a waste of money. That the fight for liberal democracy and human rights is a bad thing or not worth pursuing, because an invasion of the southern border is happening.

If you wonder why western governments including Canada are shifting their stance on China and moving shit out of there, here is a reason why, the story summary in the tweet should be enough. Since the war in Ukraine there has been a shift in liberal democratic foreign policies, a trend that has been slowly building came to fruition. We support liberal democracies and will unite with them to oppose authoritarian governments, despots and strongmen globally. If it takes cold war 2, so be it, but we hang together or we hang separately, since they will attack us and the global system of governance, online or in the real world. Countries who live under the rule of law with accountable governments can be trusted far more than half mad despots with imperial dreams. In an interconnected world, countries no longer have just interests, they have friends and enemies too, because public opinion and shared values counts for a lot today.

Not directly war related, but an example of modern liberal democratic leadership, just like the ladies in Europe are doing. Some people resent successful responsible liberal democratic government by the rule of law. They want something else and are rather fuzzyheaded about what it is and about a lot of other things too. Sounds like the gossip reporter might not have understood the answer.

This will turn into sabotage like in Russia, if you can't protest in the streets, you blow things up and set them on fire, while targeting authorities and police leaders. You go underground and wage civil war by tearing down the country and create chaos until the government goes.

Renewed clashes in China as authorities try to quell protests | DW News

99,708 views Nov 30, 2022
Riot police and protesters clashed anew in the southern Chinese city Guangzhou, online videos showed on Wednesday, as rallies against strict lockdown regulations continue in China. Protesters' demands quickly escalated from anger over lockdown policies into calls for political freedom. China's top security body issued a warning late on Tuesday proclaiming that authorities would not shy away from a "crackdown" on "the infiltration and sabotage activities of hostile forces", while civilian authorities stated that "illegal and criminal acts that disrupt social order" would not be accepted. The movement is the biggest wave of civil disobedience China has seen since Tiananmen in 1989.

Videos of clashes posted on social media
A video published on Twitter showed dozens of riot police in hazard suits advancing in formation with shields over their heads. The video also showed objects being thrown at them as they step over what appears to be torn-down lockdown barriers. Several people in handcuffs were apparently taken by police to an unknown location. A second video also showed people throwing objects at the police. In another clip, a tear gas canister lands among a small crowd in a narrow street, with people running away from the fumes. Despite its draconian anti-pandemic policies, China has been posting record numbers of COVID-19 cases daily when the clashes erupted in Shanghai, Beijing and elsewhere. Currently, China Dissent Monitor, run by US government-funded Freedom House, estimated that 27 rallies took place between Saturday and Monday, while Australian ASPI think tank recorded 43 protests in 22 cities. Due to China's harsh control of information and isolation, the verification of protester numbers has been challenging.

Anger over China's COVID-19 lockdowns, which subsequently strangled the economy, has been the main motivation behind the protests. China has been enforcing lockdowns of hundreds of millions of people alongside uncompromising testing and drawn-out isolation policies. For now, infections and death numbers are low by international standards, but experts warn that a reopening could lead to widespread illness and deaths, potentially overwhelming hospitals due to China's low vaccination rate.
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Note the number of Russian troops killed in today's report, it's been like that for the Russians for a while. They are constantly attacking dug in Ukrainian positions in the east that have excellent artillery support with untrained infantry in stupid human wave attacks. 500 dead a day and the Ukrainians are taking a small fraction of these loses, they are taking them, but not in these morale busting numbers. When the Russians exhaust themselves and their supplies, they will counterattack and take even more turf back. Meanwhile the Russians are losing men, small arms and equipment they cannot replace on futile and militarily useless attacks. The Ukrainians and the allies are training more high-quality motivated volunteers and the allies are equipping and arming them as well when they go back to Ukraine. Almost all the equipment they are using comes with a warranty of sorts and can be returned for repair or barrel relining and if it's from Uncle Sam a replacement can be dropped in.

oh stfu....your not gonna go against Nato...that would be the worst mistake you've ever done......

Since when did we let these assholes tell us what to do? Patriots are defensive systems, go fuck yourself. Blinken just said, we are gonna repair the Ukrainian power grid and defend it from further attack. Their infrastructure destruction strategy just failed after the NATO meeting in Romania and the announcements made by allies.
Since when did we let these assholes tell us what to do? Patriots are defensive systems, go fuck yourself. Blinken just said, we are gonna repair the Ukrainian power grid and defend it from further attack. Their infrastructure destruction strategy just failed after the NATO meeting in Romania and the announcements made by allies.

Demitri was prolly drunk when he said it too.....
Makes ya wonder about those Russians when compared to what the Chinese are facing. Stalin's ghost casts a long shadow over the former Soviet Union and Putin is his true heir. He tried to resurrect the zombie from the grave but will end up getting pulled in himself. The Chinese however seem to be more socially sensible than the Russians and apprehend the danger of despotic one-man rule, Putin I think helped with this and those blank pieces of paper the protesters hold are a Russian idea.

oh stfu....your not gonna go against Nato...that would be the worst mistake you've ever done......

Uncle Sam isn't alone on this one, the cause is just and there are allies who are even more enthusiastic about crushing Russia than America! Moving forward liberal democracies can united to oppose despotism and learned a lesson about getting too much into their power. There is also the fact that they use the instruments of peace, like the international economic system and internet as instruments of war and aggression and block international justice by the UN and world court.