
So much for international travel... Xi is meeting with him in Moscow soon, so this should be interesting and a loss of face for Xi.

BREAKING: International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Russian President Putin
I cannot imagine who might perform such an arrest. Does ICC have or use a designated detention facility for naughty autocrats?
Morale building... Russia is fucked IMHO, let's see what these guys can do this summer with all the shit we've been giving them and the state the Russian army is in. When they can use maneuver and combined arms in their offensive, they should go through the mobiks pretty quick. It should end up saving far more lives than it costs, with many mobik prisoners. The purpose of armor is to take ground with combined arms, usually in a blitzkrieg attack that breaks through and encircles or cuts off large numbers of enemy troops. Mass surrenders at battalion levels are the usual outcome.

Ukraine is renaming Russia to Muscovy and Moscow is not happy, it is more than a taunt, but a historic reference to Kyiv's primacy and cultural leadership in the Slavic world and culture, by those terms Muscovy is an upstart. It signals a shift in the cultural center of gravity, Russia may be bigger, but Ukraine will be free and prosperous, a part of the European community and militarily strong.

Naturally if culture is repressed in one place it will flourish and grow in the other, if free to do so and with a thriving economy supporting it. Ukrainian democracy and prosperity are what Putin and this crowd fear the most, it would represent a cultural threat to them and alternate center of power in the Slavic world and it would infect them with freedom, liberal democracy and the ultimate dissolution as a vast empire. Ukraine would naturally become the center of Slavic culture, news and entertainment that will spill into Russia. Ukraine and Belarus will change Russia for us, if Ukraine wins this war and Belarus becomes liberated too and it will be almost automatic, unless an iron curtain goes up through the middle of the Slavic world.
I cannot imagine who might perform such an arrest.
If the drone is above a few hundred feet, it is difficult to hear and with thermal vision the enemy glows brightly in the cold of night. If they have no EW defenses, one can see how useful and economical a way to kill Russians this is. With a few drones they could eliminate all the defenders of this small island before anybody crossed over in a boat to take it and when they did, they would know where all the enemy was, with few surprises.

They are available in large numbers commercially and can be modified for war with kits to secure communications, shield them more and fit them out with 3d printed parts for bomb racks. You don't even need thermal vision in many cases, cheap starlight FPV cameras work pretty good in minimal lighting conditions.
