
Modern genocide. How Ukrainian children are “re-educated” in Russia

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putin must have gotten some xmas cards from republican senators....
THIS^ is just as much a war crime as anything else the russians have done...It's fucking worse...They're monsters, and have to be stopped. Forever.
Someone will be by shortly to explain that it isn't the fault of the people for living like animals...actually worse than animals, animals at least go to the far end of their pen to shit...but the fault of their leaders...who they continue to tolerate...apparently one of the side effects of being brainwashed by state media 24/7 is that you lose all personal pride and quit caring about public health issues.
5 Points neighborhood "Gangs of New York",circa 1850-60's,people throwing their filled up potty's out the window = 2023 30 miles outside of Russia,no progress. Horrifying that like India,Pakistan,and apparently Russia now have base living standards bordering on primitive yet have the ability to unleash nuclear annililation,WTF,nukes were once viewed as a status symbol of a sovereign states tech prowess and today some of these states can't keep the whole country electrified,dispose trash properly,or dispose of flushed toilets in a sanitary manner.
well of course it was intentional...
I don't understand why putin wants to provoke us, unless he wants full scale war with NATO, which doesn't seem like something he would want.
The first thing that pops to mind is that he has a deal with Xi, for chinese military support in the case of an invasion by NATO.
That would be very bad indeed...
The only other possibility that i can think of is he's trying to provoke his way into a nuclear exchange, which he has to know won't go well for him either.
Nothing putin does seems to make any sense, which concerns me...he either has something up his sleeve, or he's just fucking insane.
Neither is a good thing.
i think it has to be the later,fucking insane!
War is a waste of life and money and always the last option for reasonable compassionate people. It is an utter waste of lives and resources, both in war and preparing for its necessity. The trillions we spend on readiness for it could vastly improve the lives of everybody on the planet and give us a sustainable future. How many trillions has America spent in the past 70 years to defend against Russia?

No doubt about that,well maintained infrastructure,all American's granted free healthcare,more generous Soc.Sec. and a 60 yo retirement age are just a few things that would be possible w/a 50% reduction in the US defense budget the last 70 years. And 50% of the US def. budget still fields a pretty robust ability to project power.
No doubt about that,well maintained infrastructure,all American's granted free healthcare,more generous Soc.Sec. and a 60 yo retirement age are just a few things that would be possible w/a 50% reduction in the US defense budget the last 70 years. And 50% of the US def. budget still fields a pretty robust ability to project power.
So, getting rid of the Russians as a threat and allowing Europe to secure itself moving forward would save money, no need for America and Canada to maintain a presence in Europe and that will save money. If we cut a deal with China and they stick to it, then we can get along, but not interdependent economically. An alliance with allies in the region is the smartest move, they buy American weapons that way too and multiply American power with military might, bases and sanction power. All those Asian tiger economies are gonna benefit from trade moving away from China and towards them, places like the Philippines are seeing American bases again and business investment.

Russian elite piles on Putin ally leading Russian mercenary group

260,610 views Mar 15, 2023
Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the private Russian army Wagner Group, is lashing out at the Russian Defense Ministry while some in the Russian elite are levying heavy criticism on the one-time Putin ally. CNN's Melissa Bell reports.

Russian elite piles on Putin ally leading Russian mercenary group

260,610 views Mar 15, 2023
Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the private Russian army Wagner Group, is lashing out at the Russian Defense Ministry while some in the Russian elite are levying heavy criticism on the one-time Putin ally. CNN's Melissa Bell reports.
and Hitler took a machete to the SA once he didn’t need them.
The perspective makes me laugh, since the camera is a big monstrosity they wear on the top of their head it feels like you are a 7ft tall giant. I kept trying to move around and look at stuff in the room "so...this is what houses in the San Fernando valley are like."

you see some of the apartments in Seoul :shock:

Russian elite piles on Putin ally leading Russian mercenary group

260,610 views Mar 15, 2023
Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the private Russian army Wagner Group, is lashing out at the Russian Defense Ministry while some in the Russian elite are levying heavy criticism on the one-time Putin ally. CNN's Melissa Bell reports.
They need a case of this...They've started to eat each other :lol: