
Man,and they even shaved the poor little girls head,reeks of con. camp memories,Russia has now earned itself comparison to the Nazi's in trying to erase Ukranian culture and brainwash children's minds. Who'd have thought? Day one predictions precision strikes,surgical operation,combatant vs. combatant wrapped up in 30 days,1 yr.later WW1 style artillery war w/static fronts,indiscriminate civilian targeting,torture,rapes,executions,and a Nazi style repatriation campaign to the fringes of Russia,including stealing these Ukranian children(how terrified these poor kids must be).How will Russia ever restore itself to respectability post war?
Man,and they even shaved the poor little girls head,reeks of con. camp memories,Russia has now earned itself comparison to the Nazi's in trying to erase Ukranian culture and brainwash children's minds. Who'd have thought? Day one predictions precision strikes,surgical operation,combatant vs. combatant wrapped up in 30 days,1 yr.later WW1 style artillery war w/static fronts,indiscriminate civilian targeting,torture,rapes,executions,and a Nazi style repatriation campaign to the fringes of Russia,including stealing these Ukranian children(how terrified these poor kids must be).How will Russia ever restore itself to respectability post war?
They won't. They're a pariah nation, and will be shunned by everyone with any sense of justice. The only people who will continue to do business with them are as evil as they are.
If the Ukrainians drive south in their offensive to the coast of the sea of Azov, then immediately destroy the Kerch bridge, the Russians will be cut off in southern Ukraine and driven back into Crimea and cut off there too. Vlad will be faced with a nightmare, panic as civilians scrambling to get out and a significant amount of his military equipment trapped there and unable to participate in the battles on the mainland after being bottled up and cut off in Ukraine. The Muscovy's could evacuate the troops, but much of the equipment, ammo and fuel would be left behind, there are air and naval bases there too and a lot of shit would have to be moved or destroyed. Once the Ukrainians reach the south of Ukraine, they can destroy the critical rail junction supplying western Crimea by rail with HIMARS. Strategically it looks very bad for Vlad and should get a lot worse in the coming months.

If the Ukrainians drive south in their offensive to the coast of the sea of Azov, then immediately destroy the Kerch bridge, the Russians will be cut off in southern Ukraine and driven back into Crimea and cut off there too. Vlad will be faced with a nightmare, panic as civilians scrambling to get out and a significant amount of his military equipment trapped there and unable to participate in the battles on the mainland after being bottled up and cut off in Ukraine. The Muscovy's could evacuate the troops, but much of the equipment, ammo and fuel would be left behind, there are air and naval bases there too and a lot of shit would have to be moved or destroyed. Once the Ukrainians reach the south of Ukraine, they can destroy the critical rail junction supplying western Crimea by rail with HIMARS. Strategically it looks very bad for Vlad and should get a lot worse in the coming months.

He's going to be replaced soon; quite apparent Trump win will never be, therefore doesn't have the West like he anticipated holding off for, as he was telling his inner circle.
Why would any country go old school and send troops out when you have drones?
This is just a temporary situation, in future wars commercial drones and others won't work with effective EW, it's just that the Russians are so poorly equipped and trained that they cannot deal with them. There are a host of electronic and kinetic solutions to drones being developed and they need to be cheap enough per kill.
This is just a temporary situation, in future wars commercial drones and others won't work with effective EW, it's just that the Russians are so poorly equipped and trained that they cannot deal with them. There are a host of electronic and kinetic solutions to drones being developed and they need to be cheap enough per kill.
Yes, but they'll keep improving the drones as they come up with countermeasures...EW is only good when you can set it up, step one foot past that perimeter and they'll turn you into bloody pulp, literally.
We still issue soldiers Bayonets...once we use a weapon, we don't like to give it up. They'll harden drone hardware, encrypt programming, scramble communications, find better, lighter armor, improve payloads...and find ways to shut down EW measures, like unprogrammed munitions that can't be interfered with, or small simple drones filled with HE that are attracted to the radiation the EW systems emit.
They aren't dumping money into drone development because they're planning on not being able to use them.