Voter ID Laws

I know many states with conservative governments had put in place voter id laws. I have heard the "reasons" for these and have a hard time believing their need. More important, why are these same states making it harder to gain the needed ID?

I live in a voter ID state, WI. I had to renew my DL this week. So there is ONE DMV in 40 mile radius, 3 in a 75 mile radius. The one that is closest is open 8-5 Tue & Th. Other two are same hours, M-F.

So if you work a normal job with 8-5 hours, how are you going to get this done?
I suppose "on your lunch hour" is reasonable. Or is it?
I went to the closest.
Just to RENEW my DL took 90 min. Paperwork was ready, had everything I needed. I asked the guy at the counter if this was normal. He said that it was actually very fast because they were having a good day. Said to get an Id from scratch takes several hours IF the person has the proper paperwork, which he said is unusual. So it takes some people MORE than one trip to gain this id.
And my area is by far one of the better ones in the state. Some places to the west and north have dmvs that are only open 1 or 2 days a month.

The only voter fraud I know for a fact that has occurred in this state has happened in the legislature. Several times our lawmakers have been caught voting for other members who are absent. This was documented by John Oliver awhile back.

Explain to me the real reason for voter id. If it is really to "protect" our elections, then show me the fraud.
Shouldn't we want as many as possible to participate in our elections?

And if you agree with Paul Weyrich, and you don't think everyone should be able to vote, have the balls to say it and explain.
Your experience might be more Germain if you were getting just ID and not a DL. You only need to appear one time in person to get ID in most states. Voter fraud is almost never prosecuted because lack of ID requirements make it difficult. Several elections have had more votes submitted than there were registered voters, but lack of ID laws made it impossible to determine the culprits. I would like you to answer the question why you wish to make it easy to commit voter fraud?
It kinda interesting that 90% of the pics are very similar or the same like pin pointed out.

A failed attempt maybe by the new Blacks ?
New Black Panthers. It was broadcast only on some networks, if you are a follower of MSNBC, you would never know

oh, red. you are just such a liar, even by the lowered standards i hold dumb racists to.

here's the thing about "voter intimidation", redtard. you actually need to have someone who says they would have voted, but were intimidated and thus didn't.

bush and obama both had their DOJs look for one of those unicorns. neither administration found one.

thus there is nothing to even talk about, except for the fact that you are clearly frightened of black people.

i would have more respect for MSNBC had they just ignored this racist shitpile of a non-story.

don't burn any more families alive, red.
Yup, I did that. You tried to stretch out Hillary`s bid that America is just fine. You are still pissed, I can see.
I was raised not to make fun of senile old men, so I won't, but you do have a hard time remembering stuff I see.

You do have the perfect name you are one hell of an oddball.

I was raised not to make fun of senile old men, so I won't, but you do have a hard time remembering stuff I see.

You do have the perfect name you are one hell of an oddball.


You selected not to include badass.......perfect.......

Really though, don`t retreat.
You didn't grow up. So, you begin your missive with a bad start.

You worry about a handful of examples where the fraud went against you. Yet voter suppression, which affected tens of thousands, you don't care. Also, why do almost half of all states use such archaic systems? My guess is because they are easily hacked with no paper trails. But you cite one case of fraud as if that's the whole enchilada. You are a tool.

Most countries have voter ID laws. Most countries actually want elections that represent the will of their people. Democrats are adamantly opposed to free and fair elections.

Requiring an ID is not voter suppression, except in the fascist minds of Democrats. I have to provide ID to buy a gun, buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, board an airplane, apply for welfare, ad infinitum.

Why is it that Democrats are hell bent on allowing dead people and illegals to vote? Why is it that Democrats are so heavily courting the illegal alien population? The answer to both questions is self evident.

Anybody that is too stupid to get identification is too stupid to vote. It's not hard and it costs nothing.

Anybody who bothers to investigate voting finds dead people voting. I am quite convinced that non-citizens vote as well. There is pretty convincing evidence that Al Frankin (D, Minnesota) was fraudulently elected to the US Senate, for example.

Just to clarify for Fogdog and other progressives, dead people and non-citizens should not vote in the US.

New Black Panthers. It was broadcast only on some networks, if you are a follower of MSNBC, you would never know
I'm aware of the New Black Panthers. The question posed to me, however, was about the guys with "the big sticks". I'm unfamiliar with that group.
Democrats are adamantly opposed to free and fair elections.

Requiring an ID is not voter suppression, except in the fascist minds of Democrats.

maybe if you and your fellow neo-nazi buddies over at threaten to assassinate the federal judges who determined that the voter ID laws you favor "targeted african americans with surgical precision", they will consider rescinding their findings.

probably not though.

There is pretty convincing evidence that Al Frankin (D, Minnesota) was fraudulently elected to the US Senate

are you still trying to reference that same minnesota group who thinks school children are being indoctrinated into homosexuality?

even by the low, low standards that i hold white supremacist cops to, you are beyond pathetic.

second amendment yourself, george.
Poor Buck. References sources he knows are shitpiles of Democrat lies and calls everyone a racist. I can only assume he's paid to lie, he can't possibly act the way he does and believe there is any virtue in it. I guess employment opportunities are few and far between for those with an incontenance affliction