Voter ID Laws

So google is your source. Ok. By that logic, anyone can prove anything if ONE person EVER said it anywhere on the net. If you can find it stated on the google, it must be true. Lol. Starting to understand why you righties believe such dumb shit. Anybody else want to chime in with any facts?

Here`s a fact, Non citizens cannot vote.

Since dead people voting aint a big deal to you, What method do you suggest they use to tell who is who ? A pinky swear wont do for obvious reasons.
Depending on where you read, the numbers are different. But all discuss dead people voting. Which aint a big deal to some.
There is no valid study that found what you say happened. There is no "depending on which numbers I read" because there isn't a problem due to that kind of voter fraud. The problems with voter fraud are due to ballot box manipulations, such as faulty equipment that happens to be in a strongly democratic precinct or too few machines that slow down voting and leave people standing in line when polls close down. Also fraudulent record keeping that causes valid voters to be struck from voter lists.

You worry about a problem that doesn't happen when the real fraud that takes place prevents people from voting.

You don't really want an honest vote, do you?
There is no valid study that found what you say happened. There is no "depending on which numbers I read" because there isn't a problem due to that kind of voter fraud. The problems with voter fraud are due to ballot box manipulations, such as faulty equipment that happens to be in a strongly democratic precinct or too few machines that slow down voting and leave people standing in line when polls close down. Also fraudulent record keeping that causes valid voters to be struck from voter lists.

You worry about a problem that doesn't happen when the real fraud that takes place prevents people from voting.

You don't really want an honest vote, do you?

So all the links are lies ?
I grew up in Chicago. It's spooky with all the zombies in the polling places every November, all of them Democrats too. Not surprising, really. You need to be brain-dead to vote Democrat.

"It remains unclear how the dead voters voted but 86 were registered Republicans, 146 were Democrats, including Cenkner.

“He’s a diehard Democrat, and I was thinking that if somebody was voting under his name, he’s probably rolling in his grave if they were voting Republican,” Givans said.

She said her dad always voted at the polls, only now records show someone else may be casting his vote.

“It just astounds me. I don’t understand how anybody can get away with that,” she said."

Zombies get away with it because the Democratic party wants the votes of the dead.
"our ideas aren't good enough to win so we need to stop black people from voting rather than changing our shitty, racist platform" - desert dude, the guy who spent months lying to us about his membership in a white supremacy and holocaust denial group

"we disagree" - the federal courts, comprised of judges appointed by both democrat and republican presidents

sorry, skinhead. you lose yet again. but you should be used to it, since you are a fucking loser.

you are 64 years old and can't come up with $800 to keep your "shoot the minority" gun event going. you are goddamn pathetic.
"our ideas aren't good enough to win so we need to stop black people from voting rather than changing our shitty, racist platform" - desert dude, the guy who spent months lying to us about his membership in a white supremacy and holocaust denial group

"we disagree" - the federal courts, comprised of judges appointed by both democrat and republican presidents

sorry, skinhead. you lose yet again. but you should be used to it, since you are a fucking loser.

you are 64 years old and can't come up with $800 to keep your "shoot the minority" gun event going. you are goddamn pathetic.

Are eunuchs allowed to vote? Can you cast a vote for all of your failed fetuses?
Why do you Democrats court the dead? Is it hard to convince a dead person to vote Democratic?

"And then there’s Julita Abutin.

Records show she voted in Norwalk in 2014, 2012, 2010 and 2008 though she died in 2006."
Why do you Democrats court the dead? Is it hard to convince a dead person to vote Democratic?

"And then there’s Julita Abutin.

Records show she voted in Norwalk in 2014, 2012, 2010 and 2008 though she died in 2006."

yeah, losers like you trot out this "dead people voting" bullshit year after year after year.

the names (or just initials) may match but the social security numbers never do.

doesn't stop you trotting it out anyway.

nazis like you learned from goebbels very well. just keep repeating the lie until enough other idiotic racist shitheads like yourself believe it.

once you can actually prove it with matching social security numbers, post the evidence very clearly. until then, just shut the fuck up.

and don't spend months lying to us about your membership in a white supremacy and holocaust denial group.
I know many states with conservative governments had put in place voter id laws. I have heard the "reasons" for these and have a hard time believing their need. More important, why are these same states making it harder to gain the needed ID?

I live in a voter ID state, WI. I had to renew my DL this week. So there is ONE DMV in 40 mile radius, 3 in a 75 mile radius. The one that is closest is open 8-5 Tue & Th. Other two are same hours, M-F.

So if you work a normal job with 8-5 hours, how are you going to get this done?
I suppose "on your lunch hour" is reasonable. Or is it?
I went to the closest.
Just to RENEW my DL took 90 min. Paperwork was ready, had everything I needed. I asked the guy at the counter if this was normal. He said that it was actually very fast because they were having a good day. Said to get an Id from scratch takes several hours IF the person has the proper paperwork, which he said is unusual. So it takes some people MORE than one trip to gain this id.
And my area is by far one of the better ones in the state. Some places to the west and north have dmvs that are only open 1 or 2 days a month.

The only voter fraud I know for a fact that has occurred in this state has happened in the legislature. Several times our lawmakers have been caught voting for other members who are absent. This was documented by John Oliver awhile back.

Explain to me the real reason for voter id. If it is really to "protect" our elections, then show me the fraud.
Shouldn't we want as many as possible to participate in our elections?

And if you agree with Paul Weyrich, and you don't think everyone should be able to vote, have the balls to say it and explain.
Dont you need your driving licence to drive anyway?

So what's the problem?

You "had to do something to vote" you were going to have to do anyway?


Voter suppression!
There is no valid study that found what you say happened. There is no "depending on which numbers I read" because there isn't a problem due to that kind of voter fraud. The problems with voter fraud are due to ballot box manipulations, such as faulty equipment that happens to be in a strongly democratic precinct or too few machines that slow down voting and leave people standing in line when polls close down. Also fraudulent record keeping that causes valid voters to be struck from voter lists.

You worry about a problem that doesn't happen when the real fraud that takes place prevents people from voting.

You don't really want an honest vote, do you?

It`d be nice.

Voter Id laws makes knowing who you are easy to do. It shouldn`t cost anything for them in my opinion though. Handling of the cast votes is a different thing.
There is no valid study that found what you say happened. There is no "depending on which numbers I read" because there isn't a problem due to that kind of voter fraud. The problems with voter fraud are due to ballot box manipulations, such as faulty equipment that happens to be in a strongly democratic precinct or too few machines that slow down voting and leave people standing in line when polls close down. Also fraudulent record keeping that causes valid voters to be struck from voter lists.

You worry about a problem that doesn't happen when the real fraud that takes place prevents people from voting.

You don't really want an honest vote, do you?

Why would anyone not want to know who`s voting ?
It`d be nice.

Voter Id laws makes knowing who you are easy to do. It shouldn`t cost anything for them in my opinion though. Handling of the cast votes is a different thing.
So there we have it. You don't want an honest vote and are willing to lie and cheat to deprive others of the right you take for granted.

You attack a straw man -- the false claim: fraudulent casting the votes dead people --1.5 million, is it? Too outlandish and funny that claim is. Yet you willfully ignore the truth that almost all fraud committed is on minorities and low income voters who mostly support Democratic candidates with the intend of depriving them of their vote. What liar and a cheat you have revealed yourself to be.
I know many states with conservative governments had put in place voter id laws. I have heard the "reasons" for these and have a hard time believing their need. More important, why are these same states making it harder to gain the needed ID?

I live in a voter ID state, WI. I had to renew my DL this week. So there is ONE DMV in 40 mile radius, 3 in a 75 mile radius. The one that is closest is open 8-5 Tue & Th. Other two are same hours, M-F.

So if you work a normal job with 8-5 hours, how are you going to get this done?
I suppose "on your lunch hour" is reasonable. Or is it?
I went to the closest.
Just to RENEW my DL took 90 min. Paperwork was ready, had everything I needed. I asked the guy at the counter if this was normal. He said that it was actually very fast because they were having a good day. Said to get an Id from scratch takes several hours IF the person has the proper paperwork, which he said is unusual. So it takes some people MORE than one trip to gain this id.
And my area is by far one of the better ones in the state. Some places to the west and north have dmvs that are only open 1 or 2 days a month.

The only voter fraud I know for a fact that has occurred in this state has happened in the legislature. Several times our lawmakers have been caught voting for other members who are absent. This was documented by John Oliver awhile back.

Explain to me the real reason for voter id. If it is really to "protect" our elections, then show me the fraud.
Shouldn't we want as many as possible to participate in our elections?

And if you agree with Paul Weyrich, and you don't think everyone should be able to vote, have the balls to say it and explain.
That sucks. The part of me that assumes the worst about people makes me agree, in principal, with requiring ID to vote. We require ID to do many, many things that are less important (Taking a plane, buying booze, driving a car, etc.) so I don't see why we wouldn't also require it for voting. However, that is just in principal, and is informed by my personal experience of living very close to a DMV that is open 5 days a week and the fact that I have never had to physically visit the DMV to renew my drivers license, I just mail in the payment and it shows up. When you add in the factor of dramatically increased difficulty of acquiring ID, it changes things a bit. I think ID should be required, but I also think easy access to acquiring ID is something the government should be required to provide. So from a pragmatic standpoint, I believe that if they are not providing the access, they should not require the ID. To do one without the other would clearly seem to be a directed effort at disenfranchisement.
Google is the source to FIND your source.
What level of education did you complete
As usual, @OddBall1st has it wrong. 1.5 million deceased did not have their votes placed fraudulently by somebody else.
Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote

Democrats and Republicans don't agree on much. But they do agree that voter registration lists across the country are a mess.

A new report by the Pew Center on the States finds that more than 1.8 million dead people are currently registered to vote. And 24 million registrations are either invalid or inaccurate.

There's little evidence that this has led to widespread voter fraud, but it has raised concerns that the system is vulnerable.

County registration rolls contain lots of errors. When cross-checked against who actually voted, there are very few times where fraud occurred. When an election is very close, this can flip an election. Which is why recounts are done. And fraudulent votes are thrown out.

The real fraud is voter suppression such as voter ID. Barriers are put up that affect the economically disadvantaged. Other examples of suppression are faulty equipment that just happens to be set up in Democratic neighborhoods and too few voting machines for a large electorate just happening in neighborhoods that typically vote Democratic. This was how the presidency was stolen in 2000. But right wingers aren't talking about that.
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