Well-Known Member
You didn't grow up. So, you begin your missive with a bad start.I grew up in Chicago. It's spooky with all the zombies in the polling places every November, all of them Democrats too. Not surprising, really. You need to be brain-dead to vote Democrat.
"It remains unclear how the dead voters voted but 86 were registered Republicans, 146 were Democrats, including Cenkner.
“He’s a diehard Democrat, and I was thinking that if somebody was voting under his name, he’s probably rolling in his grave if they were voting Republican,” Givans said.
She said her dad always voted at the polls, only now records show someone else may be casting his vote.
“It just astounds me. I don’t understand how anybody can get away with that,” she said."
Zombies get away with it because the Democratic party wants the votes of the dead.
You worry about a handful of examples where the fraud went against you. Yet voter suppression, which affected tens of thousands, you don't care. Also, why do almost half of all states use such archaic systems? My guess is because they are easily hacked with no paper trails. But you cite one case of fraud as if that's the whole enchilada. You are a tool.