Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
That is the bad part of putting plants outside and bringing them back in. They bring back bugs with them. Eventually you will infect your whole grow when you miss a bug.

Ladybugs rule. I had aphids, bought ladybugs, problem solved :) And that was for an indoor grow! Had ladybugs in a room in my house :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, these were just veggie plants and have not taken them back to the cab. I had to move them from one location to another in order to repot them. The pot plants have only gone outside long enough to get photos taken in the sun as the construction site is lacking enough light. the lights in the cab give the weird banding on photos. The veggie plants will stay outside from this point forward. I will grow one ghost chili indoors so I can collect seeds that aren't cross pollinated.

I have 7? kinds of squash I'm planting so don't know how to save seeds without getting odd crosses. Several kinds of peppers.

Now I think about it, I want to see what a ghost chili crossed with a tomato would turn out when planted. If I could get one that looked mostly like a tomato but had part of the ghost chili heat I'd have some fun.

I'll get some ladybugs and preying mantids out and about the outdoor areas. Probably any other beneficial insect I can get as well.

Need to get a vacuum cleaner over to the other cab and suck the catapillars out.


Well-Known Member
I gave a small bud to a guy I know. Said I got it when I was in town. It was pulled around 4weeks flower. Guy told me it was better than the expensive "hydro" that had gone around lately. How sad


Well-Known Member
Commercial is SHIT no doubt. Unless you are lucky and have a hookup who grows like me for quality not quantity you're not getting great stuff. Most commercial growers go for yield first... and in texas most people don't have a lot of hookup options so no incentive to grow the best shit. Commercial grade is a great deal for the sellers. Great yields and since it's not top notch usually you smoke through it faster and have to come back and buy more sooner. I got a bag from my old hookup and am not even interested in getting more from him. One nice high and after that just the same old shit.


Well-Known Member
I apparently made a test folder for encryption back in January. I have no idea what is in it or what the password is. I've tried all the normal passwords and variations and still a no go :(

Turns out it was January of 2011. I can't think of any passwords I used then that I haven't tried now :(


Well-Known Member
Small for what? Size is all relative, some people grow in pc cases which are like less than 1/4 of what I got.

Still have heat issues. Got an led coming in that'll cut down the heat issues a lot. Need to buy a new duct run to move the exhaust from it's current location


Well-Known Member
I found a brute force attack for that TrueCrypt container that I don't remember making, the password to, or what is inside it. If my password was only 7 letters using upper, lower and numbers, it says it'll take 2345 years to crack, if it has to go through all combinations of course. Sadly, I don't even know how long the password was to start with. I need a big bot net on this

And just spent the last 8 hours formating a blank hard drive to be encrypted and now can't get into it. In order to start it you have to type the password twice the same and it's all astrisked out. Now I can't get into it. How did I incorrectly type it twice and now cant figure out how to get in. Doh

derp, realized my mistake. Need to water these girls and go to bed


Well-Known Member
I can't believe people grow in PCs. I'd have to have like 50 PCs to grow the amount I smoke ;) Not interested in autoflowers either. When's the LED coming?

Like I said, stoner's curse :)


Well-Known Member
I wasn't smoking back then. I use the same passwords now as I did then I believe. I had to use something weird. Driving me nuts. Guess I might as 2ell delete it.

No idea. I'll ask for an update.


Well-Known Member
Well my room is 20 degrees hotter than outside. AC system has been froze up good. Took me several hours to realize it.

Hoping my led gets shipped on the 15th. Apparently they don't sell from stock even though they say they're the manufacturer.

The lower leaves of my youngest flowering plants. 2-3 weeks flowering


Well-Known Member
u cab pull a qp outta a micro grow just as easy as if u had a 400w hps with a little less watts!

advantage... multiple cabs!


Well-Known Member
I have a 400w hps but having to run it at 200w. Got the ac thawed out tonight to keep the room cooled for a while. Hope it doesn't freeze up again. I should grow in the utility room, that should keep the coil from freezing up, ha


Well-Known Member
key thing to me is how many lumens are u running in how big of a space with 200w of a 400, which if i remember right, you didnt want to say?.?.?


Well-Known Member
no idea how many lumens are coming out at 200w. I'm assuming that half the power does not equal half the lumens