Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
Yeah foot and a half for 200w seems pretty high so definitely could be a little light stretching... but my rommies look pretty sativa with sativas a 3x stretch is not unusual at all, so 4" to overal a foot sounds about right if they're just about done stretching. My OG Kush has stretched 3-4x the height it was and it's more indica than the romulans. Never grown romulan before just offspring from crosses that don't look like my romulan so no idea i'm topping the shit out of mine to try and keep it short pre-flower. Also it wants to grow more upright and not bushy so hopefully the topping will help with that too. Mine's already close to a foot tall -- ouch. :( May have to try and LST it to help deal with stretch.


Well-Known Member
Have you looked up the history of the romulan strain? sounds like a lot of fairy tale type crap to me. There's several versions, some say it's sativa, some say indica, some say there's several versions since the original clone only cut. blah blah blah so no one probably knows the truth anymore.

Even the ones that I had cropped with multiple colas in flower grew pretty vertical. Multiple colas grew vertical and are pretty much all touching.


Well-Known Member
yea the romulan sounds sketchy, but from smoke reports and such i hear and read its a killer must try stain.


Well-Known Member
Well the stuff I harvested 4 weeks + early still blows my mind but I'm a lightweight. I'd really like Sensei to try what I got and see what he says. I'm sure taste, smell and smoothness are effected poorly. couple hits and don't feel shit, then all of a sudden i'm blown. ha


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I know all the other stuff will be lacking. I'm just wondering what the high would be like to someone that has a pretty good tolerance. Two more weeks to cut down the rest of the stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I bought longer ducting and now have the carbon filter laying on top. Cab is only 3-4 degrees over room temp. Sadly, room temp is ungodly hot. Waiting for led and AC parts to come in.

Tonight I've been a clumsy idiot and knocked over two glasses of water. I got my camera and external hard drive. Fml


Well-Known Member
You need a guinea pig?

I'll be your huckleberry.

Somehow that comes off better in a movie than online. Still I don't get many opportunities to use it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I want a seasoned guinea pig to try this stuff. Problem is I dont know when I'll be back to town. Was in college station today. Forgot my pain pills and good god so much pain.


Well-Known Member
We should meet in college station for the ron paul rally ;) i think this apollo is gonna be good stuff for pain it gives a real good body buzz almost vicodin like.


Well-Known Member
I forgot which rom is male and also have one rom that lost it's number. Its one of the females but not sure which it is


Well-Known Member
Ah. Well I have very low tolerance. I'm curious as to what a high tolerance person would say to this romulan. It dried out at week 4 and is still more potent than the "hydro" they're selling around here. They call whatever the best they have hydro and everything around here is like $20 a gram


Well-Known Member
hydro aint as good as bomb..hydro as in beasters aka beastas aka b.c bud.....looks good smells like hay, mild high?


Well-Known Member
high depends on tolerance... lightweights get pretty damn high on beasters :) if they didn't my ex dealer would be out of business BOOM

It probably is better than the local commercial shit... i checked out some stuff I bought under my microscope and more than half the trichs were still CLEAR!!!! Whoever grew that shit was either in a rush or didn't know what the fuck they were doing and cost themself potency and yield. commercial growers are trying to sell as much as they can, not get you as high as they can... most anyway.