Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
Yeah but at 4 weeks I bet it was all clear for whatever trichs there were. No idea what they got are calling "hydro" I haven't had any of it. I'm a lightweight cause I wouldn't buy it. I don't know people around here and wouldn't know how to find it if I wanted to buy it, at least until recently.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but as long as it works it's a better deal than ordering from within the US.

How you doing owl? I haven't seen you posting much. Turns out caterpillars are eating everything around here. Destroyed half my tomatoes and lots of native grapes. No wine making this year either :'( how are the nutes going for you?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, doing well. The nycd is PLUMP! The nutes I like.
I think someone else has my email acct now. Since I got my new phone, it says wrong acct or password.
Even on the computer. Got a new email, but still trying to get ahold of google to recover it.
Life is keeping me pretty busy ATM, but I still try and keep up with y'alls threads


Well-Known Member
Yeah but we can't keep up with you. Good to hear on the nycd. I have so many seeds and so little room. I think the roms and haze x c99 take up half my big veg cab. Shouldn't pop any seeds until I can narrow the roms down to a single female. And maybe even after slimming down the haze x c99 selection.

Wish I could remember which plant is male :/


Well-Known Member
Well after harvest there will be a ton of romulan seeds. They were open pollinated so yeah... but since they're and ibl rather than f1 cross it shouldn't matter too much


Well-Known Member
Yeah, 4 fully seeded plants. Small plants mind you but all of it pollinated.

There's an engagement party tonight. I've known both for at least 3 years and wasn't invited. They've only known each other couple months.people I've seen post about said party haven't known either all that long. Sigh. Just more reinforcement of what I've always believed


Well-Known Member
yea what b.s but hey fuck it. better of home, safe, no worries about d.u.i's or car crahses, giving a long unprepared speech for some reason, more cops.. and countless other shit. smoke and take care of the ladies that never gives anyone any problems.


Well-Known Member
lol it is how i seen it now since ive been arrested twice. and i can remember when i was growing thats all i wanted to do, didnt care about any partys, school, nothing. i know someone who got in trouble once drinking and driving, after that, he built a bar in his basement and its like a ligit bar. he hasnt been in trouble since LoL


Well-Known Member
i meant what is it void believed that this party thing confirmed to him. i used to drive around and smoke all the time. Now I only drive after smoking and just smoke at home :) I get paranoid now on the couple of occasions in the past year i have hit it in a car - no fun


Well-Known Member
No one contacts me unless I contact them first. Then majority of the time they don't reply.

Had what had been a good friend go into the hospital. I didn't find out for a week and only then cause I went to a social gathering. No one bothered to tell me. Engagement party for people I've known longer than most of the people around, no one tells or invites me


Well-Known Member
That's weird... I know you have your medical issues but you seem like a pretty normal guy from meeting you and what you write here... of course we mainly talk about plants here so not like we know you THAT well :) wonder why that is - have a theory?

i thought you were going to say something you had been thinking about the guys new fiance or something.


Well-Known Member
Nah I've known her for 3+ years. I say they're jumping to far to fast in my opinion.

I think it's just today's society and out of sight out of mind.