Voidlings First Cab

I don't know man, maybe dry ice in there somewhere? It'd add co2.

Is there a fan on the intake vent down there?

The cab looks great btw.

Once the weather comes and you're using a/c again it may help.
But if you're like me, then the a/c won't run much, and that won't help.

I wish I could help better.
The room is 75 degrees, ac won't be ran colder than that.

No dry ice around here plus that's not addressing the issue.

No fan on intake. Its 18" x 4" passive intake. Way more than 2x the exhaust

Any ideas bbyy?
Yea that dry ice idea wont make it far LOL Be way to expensive even if you did find a place..

I need to be refreshed on your supplies on hand and what your using in the cab? I sumwhat remember you saying you couldnt get a cool tube to fit eh?? And you have just the one intake right? My memory is bad dude!!!

edit,, Im on my Windows Live messenger and also Sitting on RIU while I eat n smoke soIll be here for a bit to type.
400w hps on a dimmable ballast. Ballast is external of cab.

4in inline fan with air filter.

Just the large passive intake
That cool tube will surprise you, Should be about 10 degrees right there!

I would take down walls are refit the cab if it didnt fit. TBH Everything that is on a micro level if its outside of LED's and CFL's it needs direct cooling and direct exhaust off that light.

Now that reflector you have now its an open bat wing one?

Do you have a outtake fan put up above the light? (Hot air Rises) Then you can put an intake at the bottom...and a fan inside pointed up....Bringing fresh air in the bottom, Pushing it up an removing the hot air up above....Still on the side having your other fan runnin that filter. Totaling 3 fans...Or you get a cool tube, 1 fan for that, 1 fan for intake at the bottom and 1 fan for the filter....

Whats your biggest obstacle with getting a cool tube to fit?
Just a moment and I'll get a pic up. You still on? I don't have msn messenger, shoot I rarely chat with any one anymore
Open batwing reflector

The ducting on top right is hanging down to show you where the exhaust is on the back wall. It's about even with the bulb, maybe a little higher

the intake is the wide black thing along the bottom left. 18in x 4in which is 72 square inches minus the louvres and spacers for passive intake. They say minimum should be 2 times the area of the exhaust which would be only 12.57 square inches.

Can't take down walls. two are exterior walls, one is the door, and the one internal wall is the divider for veg/mother/clone, plus build in really good.

Biggest issue with cool tube was the one in the kit was too long. Need to find the shortest one possible that will handle a 400w bulb

crud looks like i missed you
Ok, marked up dimensions and such, highlighting and what not.
Repositioned the ducting to the end of the bulb and at 70% fan speed it's already gotten up to 90 degrees in 10 minutes

Oh and the fan is 190cfm and the cab itself is only 18.27 cubic feet
Oh and all temps before now had been directly under the bulb with no shade. Not sure how you're supposed to take temp. I've heard not to have thermometer in direct light.
I'm giving it some thought Voidman.

And the temp you want to be looking at is the ambient heat temperature...try placing your thermometer about half way up the wall. To test the light temp put your hand at the top of the canopy for 60 seconds, if your hand feels too hot your plants will be too and visa versa
What size fan do you have running into the carbon filter?

Dude there is deff a cooltube that can fit inside 28in - If not I would cut some off the ends til it did lol- or box in your light with a piece of glass (without the filters)

Get a router bit and some wood to build in a frame slide the glass in, install it. Might have to make the top of the cab hinged LOL so you can access your reflectors and light bulb, but it can be your make shift "cool box" . Would just have to hook up an exhaust/intake for the top, and would need additional down below.

Your gonna figure some shit out dude, Illk keep my eye out on good cab journals to see what others have did.
Should the thermometer be in the direct light? Because that's how I had it but what I can find says to have the thermometer shaded from the light to avoid messing up temp readings.

I put my hand in and doesn't feel hot with my hand right under the bulb. Put the thermometer sitting on the batwing and it's saying 89 degrees after 15 minutes.

There is one, but not with kit I ordered. Cheapest I can find is going to run me another $70, plus will be next week before I get it. Need to get my plants back under light tomorrow.

The box is built solid. No way I can hinge the top of that now.

The fan is a 4in 190cfm inline fan blowing into the carbon filter

Thank you for help with this. I have no where to but my roms until this is fixed
Oh and all temps before now had been directly under the bulb with no shade. Not sure how you're supposed to take temp. I've heard not to have thermometer in direct light.
I have one set in the middle of my lights and plants, off attached to the wall, and Like HC said I usually do the hand test, I get my sativas sometimes withing 5 inch of my reflector at times, off to the side and not directly under the bulb - w/ a air cooled hood.

Also if you can somehow lower your ambient temperature you will lower that cab temp too. During the summer I pull my air directly from outside and push it threw my reflectors.
Set that thermostat at about canopy level off on the side of the cab and wait about 15 minute and get a reading, Then also after that 15 minutes open it up, and what kinda air do you smell and feel;...Is it hot humid air and when you open it up is it kinda like breaking a seal?
I can put my hand above the bottom of the reflector without feeling hot. A little warm but not hot. quite comfortable.

My room temp is down to 77 degrees. Windows wide open
87 degrees when left out of direct sun. That's 10 degrees difference between bedroom and cab temps. when i open it's warm compared to the bedroom air but that's it.