Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm trying. Got to keep going for my babies. They're waiting I'm darkness for their new home


Well-Known Member
Hey man, sorry to hear it. I got a call letting me know someone in my family is passing as well.

Crossing fingers for your rom cuts to take!


Well-Known Member
I'm especially hoping your Rom cuts take :) And that mine do when it's time as well. I'd settle for just all my plants growing healthily with no issues first ;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear you got the same news.


I had to give up general organics line bc it was too much for me as a bigginner. And that was still bottled ferts. So I can't give you help on that and I understand the difficulty.
. Hopefully plant number 3 is a good female since that is the one rooted clone I have
Any extras that root will either go straight to flower or trade it


Well-Known Member
Going to try and get all mine up to preflowering before cloning so I can pick out the males. Don't want to waste space on them at this point :)


Well-Known Member
I've been vegging forever and can't tell sex. First born male will die. Everything else will pollinate.


Well-Known Member
Turned on hps at 50% the door leaks some light and need to seal the ventilation on the back better.

Intake temp is 76 degrees, up to 82 at floor of cab already


Well-Known Member
I've had some that just wouldn't sex until they were waaaaaayyyy old or I flipped the lighting.
Not too uncommon, but suck if you don't want to make seed.

Can't be helped, what will be will be, but thanks and condolences again.

Let me know if you do get anymore roms to root, I'll trade a clone from my stock(once they get big enough to clone, that is).

What light cycle are you running again? 18/6?


Well-Known Member
So thats what it looks like inside. I pulled the cord up through the ceiling and there is duct sticking through where the fan is in the pic. I'd bought the stiff aluminum duct to go between fan and into the cab and bought the cheaper flexible stuff for fan to filter. I got them backwards as I installed fan to cab and then caulked it up before realizing my mistake. Doh.

Cab got up to 86 already at the floor with the fan set at half speed and the light at 200w. I'm beginning to think the fan speed controller was a waste of money. This time i'm going to start at full speed and slowly dial it back until temps begin to rise rather than the start at the bottom approach I started with.

Might have to pull ducting to the front of the cab for better circulation


Well-Known Member
just flip the lighting on them if possible, your males will ALWAYS show first. when they show sex up pot them and continue veg if you please.


Well-Known Member
I was running veg under 16/8 as didn't need big growth. Was having to to them multiple times as was just to keep them from overgrowing to badly.

If they are showing sex then I don't know what I'm looking for. I also don't have and magnification.

In my case I plan to have seeds so I don't care to weed out males this round. Need the seeds in case I can't get any cuttings to take to make into mothers.

Sadly the walmart here no longer has the ball jars which I had planned to get for curing in. Now I've got to find something else.


Well-Known Member
Thanks T, THey're getting ready to get flipped. I had them sitting in a closet for 36 hours dark period. Forgot about them and flung the door open to get tools to work on my cab. Doh.

As soon as temp tests are stabilized I'll be putting them on 12-12. Forgot to get another timer :( doh another trip to the store


Well-Known Member
The intake is 18" x 4" with 4in exhaust

Tried holding the thermometer by the exhaust duct and sucked it out my hand into the fan. Shocked me

Any ideas on what to do for lowering temps?