Supi! But near UV is no UV, comprende!
It's just visible 'black" light near to UVA and has no desinfective effects.
What you say proves nothing cause we talk about two complete different things.
Near UV can be used for different things but has no desinfective effects.
On MJ purple/near UV would cause for instance a stronger slightly different smell cuz of increased terpenes and a changed terpene profile. For insects it's probably no problem too as well as for fungji or their spores. UVC photons have an energy level so high that it cause damage immediately even to your skin. in your example spores react to the fluorescent light cuz it seems to have a signaling effect on fungus. But with a few seconds of UVC you could kill all those spores easily.
Before you start trolling you should use google youself to learn the differences between UV- A, B and C and near UV.
UVC photons are really dangerous, bro, and are not comparable to harmless near UVA.
Quick search ...?
Another thing is, only one step further to the lower numbers and we talk already about x-rays.
Google spits out this to show the whole electromagnetic spectrum.. Like you can see the UV range is actually wider like the visible light range. Now imagine that a royal blue photon has twice as much energy stored like red photon. And when you look at the 10–², 10–³ numbers and calculate yourself you would probably see 100 times more energy stored in UVC photons.
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