UV Suppliment Lighting

Nope! With such a UVC treatments each leaf is only radiated for seconds and that's far less stressful. UVC kills spores and pathogens within seconds.
But I guess it can only be done with a handheld device?
And not with a bulb that is above the whole canopy?
Nope! With such a UVC treatments each leaf is only radiated for seconds and that's far less stressful. UVC kills spores and pathogens within seconds.
Put up some citations with your claims.


Sporulation in this group is abundant under continuous exposure to NUV though it is even more abundant when exposure is followed by darkness.

Charles M. Leach
Canadian Journal of Botany
Vol. 45: , Issue. 11, : Pages. 1999-2016
Put up some citations with your claims.


Sporulation in this group is abundant under continuous exposure to NUV though it is even more abundant when exposure is followed by darkness.

Charles M. Leach
Canadian Journal of Botany
Vol. 45: , Issue. 11, : Pages. 1999-2016

Supi! But near UV is no UV, comprende!
It's just visible 'black" light near to UVA and has no desinfective effects.
What you say proves nothing cause we talk about two complete different things.
Near UV can be used for different things but has no desinfective effects.
On MJ purple/near UV would cause for instance a stronger slightly different smell cuz of increased terpenes and a changed terpene profile. For insects it's probably no problem too as well as for fungji or their spores. UVC photons have an energy level so high that it cause damage immediately even to your skin. in your example spores react to the fluorescent light cuz it seems to have a signaling effect on fungus. But with a few seconds of UVC you could kill all those spores easily.

Before you start trolling you should use google youself to learn the differences between UV- A, B and C and near UV.
UVC photons are really dangerous, bro, and are not comparable to harmless near UVA.
Quick search ...?


Another thing is, only one step further to the lower numbers and we talk already about x-rays.
Google spits out this to show the whole electromagnetic spectrum.. Like you can see the UV range is actually wider like the visible light range. Now imagine that a royal blue photon has twice as much energy stored like red photon. And when you look at the 10–², 10–³ numbers and calculate yourself you would probably see 100 times more energy stored in UVC photons.

Supi! But near UV is no UV, comprende!
It's just visible 'black" light near to UVA and has no desinfective effects.
What you say proves nothing cause we talk about two complete different things.
Near UV can be used for different things but has no desinfective effects.
On MJ purple/near UV would cause for instance a stronger slightly different smell cuz of increased terpenes and a changed terpene profile. For insects it's probably no problem too as well as for fungji or their spores. UVC photons have an energy level so high that it cause damage immediately even to your skin. in your example spores react to the fluorescent light cuz it seems to have a signaling effect on fungus. But with a few seconds of UVC you could kill all those spores easily.

Before you start trolling you should use google youself to learn the differences between UV- A, B and C and near UV.
UVC photons are really dangerous, bro, and are not comparable to harmless near UVA.
Quick search ...?


Another thing is, only one step further to the lower numbers and we talk already about x-rays.
Google spits out this to show the whole electromagnetic spectrum.. Like you can see the UV range is actually wider like the visible light range. Now imagine that a royal blue photon has twice as much energy stored like red photon. And when you look at the 10–², 10–³ numbers and calculate yourself you would probably see 100 times more energy stored in UVC photons.

View attachment 4320207
Stooge im not trolling. Just alerting you that talking out of your ass is not helpful.

Do you have some academic or industry credential that could explain your relentless lording over these uv threads? If not just use legit citations, capisce?

Catheter biofilm ? Sounds personal and private son
  1. Suthaparan, A. & Stensvand, A. Suppression of Powdery Mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) in Greenhouse Roses by Brief Exposure to Supplemental UV-B radiation. Plant Dis. 1653–1660 (2012).

Ultraviolet (UV)-B (280 to 315 nm) irradiance from 0.1 to 1.2 W m-2 and exposure times from 2 min to 2 h significantly suppressed powdery mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) in pot rose (Rosa × hybrida 'Toril') via reduced spore germination, infection efficiency, disease severity, and sporulation of surviving colonies. Brief daily exposure to UV-B suppressed disease severity by more than 90% compared with unexposed controls, and severity was held at low levels as long as daily brief exposures continued. Selective removal of wavelengths below 290 nm from the UV lamp sources by cellulose diacetate filters resulted in significant reduction of treatment efficacy. Exposure of plants to 2 h of UV-B during night for 1 week followed by inoculation with P. pannosa did not affect subsequent pathogen development, indicating that the treatment effect was directly upon the exposed pathogen and not operated through the host. Following 20 to 30 days of exposure, chlorophyll and flavonoid content was slightly higher in plants exposed to the highest UV-B levels. Brief daily exposure to UV-B for 5 min at 1.2 W m-2 or 1 h at 0.1 W m-2 substantially reduced mildew severity without significant phytotoxicity, and may represent a useful nonchemical option for suppression of powdery mildew in greenhouse roses and, possibly, other crops.
Stooge im not trolling. Just alerting you that talking out of your ass is not helpful.

Do you have some academic or industry credential that could explain your relentless lording over these uv threads? If not just use legit citations, capisce?

Catheter biofilm ? Sounds personal and private son

LMFAO! Till now no catheter, brol I'm for sure an old fart but I still can piss far enough...
I also not trying to be an arshole, bro!

I can not store hundreds of research papers to unload them with each of my comments even if I have probably uploaded more than 100 pdf's already. Seems you're new here and have not seen many of my postings..
I'm neither a professor nor a scientiest and when I say something you don't believe feel free to search the web yourself and prove me wrong. But, believe me, I have no intension to spread false informations.
I just try to be helpful so that others do not have to repeat the same mistakes.
Sweet build! Is that 80/20 extrusion? If so how did you mount your T5’s to it? Looking to add a couple to my 80/20 frame as well

thanks! yes it is. the t5 fixtures came with these little brackets that they snap into which had a hole in it. so i just used a t-nut that i already had for my extrusions and screwed the brackets into them. had to pickup some really short (8mm) screws so that they would sit flush. so the t5 fixtures can snap on and off of the extrusion and the brackets just stay there. which is cool cause they came with 6500k bulbs also so i can snap em off and switch out the bulbs and use em as lil germination stations


you can see the brackets in the picture there. kinda pricey but i had no experience in DIY floros so i just bought those.
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Another one down the rabbit hole. Just picked up two arcadia 34" 12% UVB d3 39 watt T5s, waiting for stock for one more in the middle.

@Randomblame what would you recommend for duration and frequency of firing these bad boys up? ....on plants living out their last week or two.

Tent is 5'x5'


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3-6h per day split in 2 treaments. I would start earlier! When the plants start to form the first trichomes is a good moment. Start with a lower dose (1-2h per day) and keep that level for a week before you increase the treatments. Plants need a few days in the shade before the have fully adapted to sunlight and giving them girls UV is the same. UV stress looks like heatstress at first. Curled up leaf margins and twisted leaves are 1st signs of UV stress.
Distance should be between 12 and 18" for good intensity with such a 12% bulb. With this distance each bulb covers a 3x 2' area pretty evenly and you have some overlapping in the center.

This below is a test of the same 12% bulb like your just in 2ft length. Numbers are almost the same only the covered area increase with longer bulbs. With 12" you should have ~150μW/cm when using a reflector. Multiply that by 0,036 and you have the dose in kJ/m²/h.
Example: with 6h á 150μW you have 900μW x 0,036 thats a dose of 32,4kJ/m² per day. Pretty good and already on the high side but just about right with reptile bulbs.

Cool setup, btw! And much luck..


@Randomblame Thanks for you for being generous with your time.

Yea, next run should be better, I've got autopots to run everything in, now these arcadias, and a shipment of cutter's super blues and nUV 405nm to line the edges of the lights when they get here.
When I'm looking to buy t5 ballasts to run normal t5's,Reptisun, arcadias, and AgroMaxs line of different bulbs along with their PureUV, what ballast should I be getting? @Randomblame ?

54w HO?
There are a lot of options.