USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth

No I didn't. I came here to talk about the death and destruction that is being caused, and which HAS been caused by the USA for centuries now.
Your country deploys drones to kill suspects who aren't even terrorists. And even if they were "Terrorists" they are in other countries on the other side of the world.

Your country has, and IS committing genocide (Do you know what Genocide is? Look it the fuck up you fucking ignorant, naive cunt), so don't fucking come in here and say I am trolling when you don't know jack SHIT about your very own country.
Don't fucking come in here and tell me shit when I know more about the country you live in than you do, even though I have never even been to your country.

The whole world despises your country because so many people are fucking retards who are hungry for war. End of fucking story you sad excuse of a human, you, You and your friends here.

Ok first of all, change your pad, then give the gerbil in your azz a nice gulp of air cause it must be driving you nuts.

You are a child, grow up and stop trolling you poor uneducated child.

Seriously, how old are you?
Add the warsaw ghetto, ww1 ww2, etc etc etc.
The op has to be 16 years old or something.

oh yea yea, because murder is the same as being murdered... Its somebodies fault for being attacked and not being able to defend a border. You guys are geniuses! real Einstein's.


How many people killed in Auschwitz cos you couldn't defend your borders?

Killed? By whom?

Ok first of all, change your pad, then give the gerbil in your azz a nice gulp of air cause it must be driving you nuts.

You are a child, grow up and stop trolling you poor uneducated child.

Seriously, how old are you?

what makes you say I am a child? is it just the plain fact that I have something against your country? is it too hard for you to believe that your country is anything bit perfect? oh sorry my bad, how immature of me to say otherwise!

Just so everyone knows: Echelon is a second Generation Australian (only 2 generations and the results speak for them selves!).

And Doer is from the USA.

My self, I was born in a country which no one here even know's of. I'm very multicultural minded, fair minded, and I try my best to be a good person who takes important things into consideration!
I'v lived in Poland for ONLY 5% of my life, and these guys think that talking shit about Poland will hurt my feelings as much as their feelings and PRIDE have obviously been hurt by the posting of this topic.

What does me being a second generation Australian have to do with the price of fish? I'm damn proud of it :D Oh and mr. educated, 2nd generation, would only be one generation away, keep on a failing...

bro poles are so fucking dumb you don't realise racism is a big problem in Poland, more so than Australia. I mean all the examples of football hooliganism are only isolated incidents here, whereas in Poland it would seem all football fanatics are Nazis... I don't need to post proof of this, it's quite well know... So is the Sieg Heil, in Poland of all places....

pro tip - stop reiterating you're an "educated" and "good" person, the results unfortunately, speak for themselves...
It was this crap on steroids, think East German women's weightlifting team. It was hot, fast, and furious. There is a reason they killed it. This forum takes me back. Not sure I want to go back.
What does me being a second generation Australian have to do with the price of fish? I'm damn proud of it :D Oh and mr. educated, 2nd generation, would only be one generation away, keep on a failing...

bro poles are so fucking dumb you don't realise racism is a big problem in Poland, more so than Australia. I mean all the examples of football hooliganism are only isolated incidents here, whereas in Poland it would seem all football fanatics are Nazis... I don't need to post proof of this, it's quite well know... So is the Sieg Heil, in Poland of all places....

pro tip - stop reiterating you're an "educated" and "good" person, the results unfortunately, speak for themselves...

Well considering that I have lived in both Poland and Australia it would seem to make perfect sense that Id know a hell of a lot better than you!!! It is my sincerest opinion that Polaks are generally smarter and more intelligent than Australians.
There are also biological and geographical factors which I could point out if I wanted to, that back up my claim that Polaks are smarter.

Also, considering that you are 2nd gen Australian and your mentality is most likely warped like that of the Average Australian (who thinks that Australia has the best weather in the world and is the best country in the world) your word is nothing to go by!
You may as well believe everything they say on American Television!!!

Don't worry though, I will be honest! I have probably met more racist people in Poland than I did in Australia. Although in Australia there are many more stories of racism and racist incidents reported on the tv, where Australians (often police) have been violent.
Not so much in Poland. Now, this isn't conclusive evidence of anything. and in fact it is a complicated comparison to make, and I do not care to go into a debate of Poland VS Australia. Your immature mind will now jump to this conclusion: (*snotty voice*) THAT'S BECAUSE ASTRALYA WILL WIN!. And you are obviously going to make a comment about this validating your positive opinion on that matter. (because that's how much you lack in maturity ;)

Sure, there are football hooligans, But why are you telling me about it????!!!????? What have football hooligans got to do with this topic, Echelon? huh wise guy?

Remember the first hotmail chat rooms?

Used to troll the fuck out of them...

Once a troll, always a troll, eh?
Hasbeen , im gonna put you on ignore along with uncle schmuck

You surprisingly have even less to say and do not answer questions, just sling bs, life is to short to let oxogen thieves like you take up any part of my day, grow up,let life beat the piss out of you some more, enjoy some free hand out, im out, you are a complete waste of time.
Remember the first hotmail chat rooms?

Used to troll the fuck out of them...

Yeah and long before the web, we had an internal mail, called. sun.junk. I worked at Sun Microsystems almost from the begining. I started in 1988.

Can't leave out the UUNET groups that Yahoo aggregated much later. :)

And before that the bulletin board on 300 baud. No trolls. No complt sentc.

We didn't make the troll, we make the troll better.
Well considering that I have lived in both Poland and Australia it would seem to make perfect sense that Id know a hell of a lot better than you!!! It is my sincerest opinion that Polaks are generally smarter and more intelligent than Australians.

You claim to have lived in Australia, no one here actually believes you. You can have all the sincerest opinions in the world, none of which are based on fact or reality, just warped infant “opnions”... Here’s what your “sincerest opinions” amount to - Education stats: Australia vs Poland I don’t have to have lived in Poland to know it’s a shithole, Russias shithole actually – isn’t the internet wonderful

There are also biological and geographical factors which I could point out if I wanted to, that back up my claim that Polaks are smarter.

If the Polish were indeed smarter, you’d have a higher standard of living, more disposable income, better education system (not that you’d know) and a country that doesn’t resemble 1960’s Russia, in 2013 and lower unemployment...
For someone who claims to be “smart” you haven’t been able to demonstrate it in a single post you also seem to be confused between 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] and 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] generation...

(only 2 generations and the results speak for them selves!)

Also, considering that you are 2nd gen Australian and your mentality is most likely warped like that of the Average Australian (who thinks that Australia has the best weather in the world and is the best country in the world) your word is nothing to go by!You may as well believe everything they say on American Television!!!

Like you? I never said Australia has the best weather in the world, another fail for the salami smoker!
Unlike you i don’t watch propaganda TV like today/tonight or come up with these ridiculous ideas on how “politics” should work...

Don't worry though, I will be honest! I have probably met more racist people in Poland than I did in Australia. Although in Australia there are many more stories of racism and racist incidents reported on the tv, where Australians (often police) have been violent.
Not so much in Poland. Now, this isn't conclusive evidence of anything. and in fact it is a complicated comparison to make, and I do not care to go into a debate of Poland VS Australia. Your immature mind will now jump to this conclusion: (*snotty voice*) THAT'S BECAUSE ASTRALYA WILL WIN!. And you are obviously going to make a comment about this validating your positive opinion on that matter. (because that's how much you lack in maturity

Maturity hey? I’m surprised you can use that word in a sentence. And I think the police here done a service to the community by laying you out... If you didn’t run your smart mouth you would’ve been fine, there’s a lesson there moron...

Sure, there are football hooligans, But why are you telling me about it????!!!????? What have football hooligans got to do with this topic, Echelon? huh wise guy?

If you don’t know you’ll never know and i CBF explaining it to you...
1. (for the millionth time echelone you Australian, I wasn't educated in Poland)

2. you know what they say about stats! ;) Especially those Australians stats.. they're all lies, I have no doubt about that in my mind!

3. Smarter doesn't mean you're immune to war and genocide. DUH!

4. You wouldn't know what smart is if it hit you plain in the face. So uh? yea mate, that's all I have to say to you about smarts.

5. I never even once said you said Aus has the best weather.

6. So according to you, no one believes Iv lived in Australia (you must be no one), yet according to you Iv watched the Australian propaganda tv. Hmm.. Troll much? or too much weed?

7. Oh you're still trying to upset me with the police comments lol... How do you think you're going to upset me if I was willing to share the police brutality stories in the first place?

8. run my mouth? LMAO OMG, YES, DEFINITELY TOO MUCH WEED! Run my mouth? wtf are you even talking about? lmao. The cops went after me because they're Australian buffoons and I had no helmet! remember???? (no, you don't)

9. na actually you're just a big old dummie and that's a fact, and i'm calling you out on that fact, and because I'm making you hella pissed off right now, chances are that you're going to want to smoke some more weed, but weed costs money, and while you're reading this, you're proving that you'd rather read all this shit than spend 5 seconds to explain a simple little thing, except that there is no simple little thing because you're just wrong.

1. (for the millionth time echelone you Australian, I wasn't educated in Poland)

2. you know what they say about stats! ;) Especially those Australians stats.. they're all lies, I have no doubt about that in my mind!

3. Smarter doesn't mean you're immune to war and genocide. DUH!

4. You wouldn't know what smart is if it hit you plain in the face. So uh? yea mate, that's all I have to say to you about smarts.

5. I never even once said you said Aus has the best weather.

6. So according to you, no one believes Iv lived in Australia (you must be no one), yet according to you Iv watched the Australian propaganda tv. Hmm.. Troll much? or too much weed?

7. Oh you're still trying to upset me with the police comments lol... How do you think you're going to upset me if I was willing to share the police brutality stories in the first place?

8. run my mouth? LMAO OMG, YES, DEFINITELY TOO MUCH WEED! Run my mouth? wtf are you even talking about? lmao. The cops went after me because they're Australian buffoons and I had no helmet! remember???? (no, you don't)

9. na actually you're just a big old dummie and that's a fact, and i'm calling you out on that fact, and because I'm making you hella pissed off right now, chances are that you're going to want to smoke some more weed, but weed costs money, and while you're reading this, you're proving that you'd rather read all this shit than spend 5 seconds to explain a simple little thing, except that there is no simple little thing because you're just wrong.


stats mean nothing to you because your uneducated "opinions" don't jive with reality or FACT. As for the coppers, if you had just given them your name, you'd have be fine... BTW where did that happen - being caught without a helmet on?

Like I've said before gypsy, I feel sorry for you and cannot believe some people can go through life knowing as little as you do... It's a shame common sense isn't so common...
You didn't insult me, you insulted uncle buck... that's his pig wife... I guess that would be more of that polish intelligence shining through!

First of all I didn't insult the lady ;)
second, how was I to know the women in your profile was someone else's wife?

intelligence? Making a mistake as to who`s wife that is, has nothing to do with intelligence Echelon!... Don't worry echelon, One day I may teach you how to use your brain.. Maybe one day, on my death bed. na fuck that.

btw... Do you remember what I told you (countless times now) about me not wanting to talk with you? Come on man!!! Your insults are just simple name callings! you don't ever say anything smart, all you do is make claims that you can't even backup in the next post.

like: "you contradicted your self" "you're a gyspy. your mother smoked crack". Dude, I know the type of person you are, and that's ok, but you're a dickhead, so make like a used condom and fuck off already.

If I am an idiot, it is because I have validated your posts with responses for so long. I think it's time to use the ignore function ......

any last words?
