USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth

Closet homo? lol, still angry about those comments I made LAST month about the people of your country? (well OBVIOUSLY!)

hey you're the one who said you like seeing gay men kiss in public, you said it "floats your boat"... Why do you keep replying considering;

btw... Do you remember what I told you (countless times now) about me not wanting to talk with you?

I think you just like the sound of your own voice as I pointed out in post #126 your contradiction
@ EVERYONEE (except for Echelon and doer, of course)

Click this link and see what an X American soldier has to say about his experience in the latest series of violent U.S militarised invasions.
Lol, people on this board don't support the wars.

BUT your country is like a cheap slut... the Nazis got their "cook on" there, the Russians used it as a toilet and now it's full of pretend Russians/Nazi wannabes.

Must be retarded Stockholm syndrome or something.
Ah yes, Harrekin talks shit all the time too. Screw that mother fucker he can go on ignore too. Its not like he's ever said a single thing worth reading. I mean, Pretend Russians? wtf is that supposed to even mean?
I try not to ignore for instance. :)

Well thanks !
I would never ignore you
you are one of the more interesting hillbillies , i only have brick top on ignore i have tried to ignore others, but you cant ignore mods lol

can mods ignore mods, if so , can i be a mod ?
If you ignore those guys, who you gonna speak with :)

Somebody else! :) lol, just not those guys, I'm sick of their bull shit.

don't forget me, I suck at growing, I am gay, I am racist, I live in a shithole Australia, I'm a homophobe and I'm very stupid.

you're gay and a homophobe? wow, ill let you off then, I don't want to put too much on your plate.

Well thanks !
I would never ignore you
you are one of the more interesting hillbillies , i only have brick top on ignore i have tried to ignore others, but you cant ignore mods lol

can mods ignore mods, if so , can i be a mod ?

Ah so doer is a hillbilly?.. Hmmm, yea that could make sense.

can mods ignore mods, if so , can i be a mod ?

which mod pisses you off? its not CN is it?
which mod pisses you off? its not CN is it?

Yep that's who it was, that bear is evil !

Are they not all hillbillies ?

Hey echelon....

The new avatar you are sporting around , whats up with that?...Is that somebody you are proud of?....

IMO it's time the US had a real conversation on terrorism. Putting that picture on RS is a start.

Let's be honest, you cannot fight terrorists while supporting terrorism. It's not working. Afghanistan is failing and we are seeing a resurgence of jihadists as we prepare to pull out. Pakistan has been providing safe haven, arms, training and most importantly; command & control via the ISI to these groups.

I mean Pakistan for example is a supposed ally of the US, but time and time again we see the opposite. From a Paki general funding mohammed atta, to the pak army letting UBL escape tora bora and finally the icing on the cake, UBL found living in a military cantonment in a million dollar plus compound in what can only be described as a police state.

Supporting sunni takfirs, under the Obama administration, such as Jabhat al-Nusra, Free Syria Army, AQ, AQIM, Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Syria and Libya cannot continue in its present state. Providing arms, funding, training and logistics has backfired, the most public of which since 9/11/01 was Benghazi.

Supporting them abroad is only one side of the coin; the other side is the ineptness of the FBI and the Homeland Security apparatus in general. With its massive budgets, federalisation of local and state law to serve as its eyes and ears, the fusion centres and PRISM; how is it conceivable that boston could happen?

Literally all major domestic terror incidents foiled in the US since 9/11 was a direct result of a concerned citizen/citizens, reporting something they thought was strange to either US embassies or domestic law enforcement.

I suppose the fundamental question is do you feel safer?
Obama, being totally against pouring water in a terrorist's face, has no issue with droning to death hundreds of people with an admitted 25% collateral loss rate.

We need to get out of all of those countries, start respecting sovereignty of countries, stop the drone war, etc.

Take all the money we save to improve border controls and security back in the USA and maybe pay back some of the MASSIVE debt we are racking up.

But that isnt as sexy...
what the really burning topic of the day is is what does the link in your sig prove as far as buck being a snitch. Im searching googles to support my worldview as he would say, but i dont see how that link proves anything. in fact its pretty much a retarded jump you make to him not answering = hes a snitch.
love ya though ;)
Obama, being totally against pouring water in a terrorist's face, has no issue with droning to death hundreds of people with an admitted 25% collateral loss rate.

We need to get out of all of those countries, start respecting sovereignty of countries, stop the drone war, etc.

Take all the money we save to improve border controls and security back in the USA and maybe pay back some of the MASSIVE debt we are racking up.

But that isnt as sexy...

Obama was never against it, he has built upon and expanded EVERY program started by bush.

He expanded "COPPER GREEN" & "MATCHBOX" - covert JSOC/CIA "enhanced interrogation program" he also embraced "GREYSTONE" (post 9/11 kill/capture doctrine) started by bush and this is the kicker - linked in the above programs to what was known as "STELLAR WIND" now known as "RAGTIME-P". The domestic NSA capability that monitors the US.

But I would agree how much money has been wasted on the bloated domestic capabilities that 9/11 gave birth to.
Obama was never against it, he has built upon and expanded EVERY program started by bush.

He expanded "COPPER GREEN" & "MATCHBOX" - covert JSOC/CIA "enhanced interrogation program" he also embraced "GREYSTONE" (post 9/11 kill/capture doctrine) started by bush and this is the kicker - linked in the above programs to what was known as "STELLAR WIND" now known as "RAGTIME-P". The domestic NSA capability that monitors the US.

But I would agree how much money has been wasted on the bloated domestic capabilities that 9/11 gave birth to.
More people killed by toddler/police domestically in the US than terrorists.

Maybe they should start the "War on Pigs" or the "War on Toddlers" instead of the "War of Terror".