two fences? wtf
Fences, hmm, walls are stronger, the world needs more walls like the great wall of China !
The world would look like a maze from space with all those walls
as long as the walls come with free-wifi we good to go
Putting a border around a country is downright wrong, because the land on earth is everybodies inherently.
Yep that's who it was, that bear is evil !
Are they not all hillbillies ?
From where did this bit of wishfulness come? It sounds ... arbitrary. cn
~cannot resist~
I also note that karousing has abandoned this discussion. cn
People of the world (POW) hate what the politicians are making the US army do. pow hate the fact that the citizens of the USA are so dumb, blind, and NUMB that the vast majority of them (BUT NOT ALL) would go to war and fight their governments battles cold heartedly as they have done.
Although the actions of many politicians, people in power, soldiers, ect, have been very idiotic and moronic, that does not mean that every yank is a fucking moron.
If every yank was indeed a moron, then going to the USA would indeed not be worthwhile for anyone, but thankfully that is not the case, and the p.o.w have the right to visit the USA, more so than YANKS had any right to invade the usa and kill American Indians.
All i know is that I'd rather be able to kick ass and defend myself, over being be rich, healthy, intelligent, good looking, well respected, or getting laid , if it came down to it. Sorta how the USA can make anyone do whatever they want, and stop anyone they want from doing what they want.
First off, most of the countries the we are fighting in, we were reached out to by those nations for help and support. If were gonna help you, we might as well get something out of it. Oil, resources, military base, diplomacy, etc. It is easy to look at us getting involved and say oh there goes the usa again getting involved in other peoples affair. How do you even know how we got involved in the first place? Just because the news reports it one way, or the government releases a different reason doesn't mean that either of them are correct.
Secondly a yankee by definition is a person from the usa, so how can a person from the usa, invade the usa. Secondly, It was every country in the world but the USA that invaded the USA and killed all the American Indians, we didn't even exist yet lol
We don't have to choose. WE have it ALL in self rule.
I create my life, you create yours and still some losers will just bitch to their grave, while suckling the teat of self rule.
So when Jews were getting roasted in Poland, was it the Polish civilian populations fault?You don't understand entirely. People have a problem with the USA's conduct, lack of moral, ethics and everything else thats good, and there is too much of the bad, like SLAUGHTERING civilians just because some fellow yankies didn't make it in the gun battle; They died, Their lives got took! so the YANKS had to take back 10x as many with their war machines, regardless if its a man woman child, combatant, anyone that isn't there with the army gets a bullet to the neck.
They don't report that kind of thing on the news over where you live, do they? RT does though! (Russia today, news channel, check it out.)
And every US resident (even illegal immigrants) pays for the guns. That's the problem.
what is this "SELF RULE" thing which you have repeated 100x now?
Okay, Canni, I will bow to that King, but don't step on my blue suede shoes.And yet. cn
You don't understand entirely. People have a problem with the USA's conduct, lack of moral, ethics and everything else thats good, and there is too much of the bad, like SLAUGHTERING civilians just because some fellow yankies didn't make it in the gun battle; They died, Their lives got took! so the YANKS had to take back 10x as many with their war machines, regardless if its a man woman child, combatant, anyone that isn't there with the army gets a bullet to the neck.
They don't report that kind of thing on the news over where you live, do they? RT does though! (Russia today, news channel, check it out.)
When your buddies throw in the odd kick/dig against the person you're fighting, they don't count as involved...So only the US has been part of the war in the Iraq or Afghanistan?
When your buddies throw in the odd kick/dig against the person you're fighting, they don't count as involved...
Either way, my nation wasn't there, so the moral high-ground goes to me I suppose...
When your buddies throw in the odd kick/dig against the person you're fighting, they don't count as involved...
Either way, my nation wasn't there, so the moral high-ground goes to me I suppose...
We perform peacekeeping operations around the world, this is widely known.http://www.irishtimes.com/news/refu...ireland-s-role-in-the-war-on-terror-1.1251071
Ireland has helped with the transfer of "guests" to the CIA's 5 star hotels...
Apparently you have about 5 troops deployed in advisory roles to ISAF/NATO HQ in Kabul.