USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth

So only the US has been part of the war in the Iraq or Afghanistan?

Well USA is the ONLY country on earth so OF COURSE!!! Like DUUUH!!! what are you? Un-American or something!? :o

Why bother? I am up for all conversation with adults. And even kids that can act like adults for conversation.

Do we think there is any use in trying the help the understanding of a butt troll? No. It just opening the pants. You see?

Vampire Butt Trolls have to be invited in.

Don't invite the Vampire Butt Trolls. :)

You're smart.

go try smoking a joint in indonesia. While amsterdam is cracking down on pot shops, USA is building more.

People that hate this country? WHY NOT GET THE FUCK OUT? be like snowden, and go to russia.


Well-Known Member
We welcome the voice of reason but beware the slippery butt trolls around here, that just want to argue you in circles as they dance around their ignorance they will not acknowledge or address.

So, welcome.


Active Member
america is low down on all lists for freedom and prosperity

the biggest heroes america has ever had are manning and snowden and you all hate them because the machine tells you so

anyway its super hard to take the USA seriously after all 911 was a false flag operation, by by civil liberties hello fema death camps

only joking , america is home of the brave and land of the free, you thought i cared about truth and evidence , i dont america number 1 yeeeha

Lol man, Don't go to the dark side! It doesn't matter if they have lots of light, Just don't go there!

We welcome the voice of reason but beware the slippery butt trolls around here, that just want to argue you in circles as they dance around their ignorance they will not acknowledge or address.

So, welcome.

Why is Doer talking about him self like that? Is he on meds or something? did he miss a day?

Ah, so. Just a meaningless post. Good job.

well I thought it made more sense than 98% of your posts, and it was definitely more meaningful!

Here are just 5 food additives that aren't illegal in the USA. If you're American, then its possible that you don't give a shit what you eat, probably just like our American friend "doer" over here.
And my guess would be that so much damage has already been done to your brain, that this alone is part of the reason why you probably don't care, because you're probably too mentally stunted to care about anything.
Right guys!? Right? I'm right aren't I? Come ooon say yes! You know you want to!! ;)
No you didn't. You're American, You're brainwashed, and you love your country more than your mother.

The only thing you thought is that you MIGHT be able to make me look ignorant by asking if I thought USA was the only country participating in USA's war activities, and then pointing out the fact that it isn't. (yes, unfortunately the evil people are everywhere)
I assume that whether you're able to interpret relevant points, really depends on whether or not the relevance of your agenda is met, and since this thread bashes the USA, thus damaging your obnoxious sense of pride, I doubt that you have any interest in actually interpreting anything which I have to say; OH, Of course, unless you actually think you might be able to make me look stupid. Try again.

OH, U think simple? Would you mind if I threw the British Dictionary in your face, because apparently USA thought it would invent its own English! and change words like Colour, to "color".


Well-Known Member
No you didn't. You're American, You're brainwashed, and you love your country more than your mother.

The only thing you thought is that you MIGHT be able to make me look ignorant by asking if I thought USA was the only country participating in USA's war activities, and then pointing out the fact that it isn't. (yes, unfortunately the evil people are everywhere)
I assume that whether you're able to interpret relevant points, really depends on whether or not the relevance of your agenda is met, and since this thread bashes the USA, thus damaging your obnoxious sense of pride, I doubt that you have any interest in actually interpreting anything which I have to say; OH, Of course, unless you actually think you might be able to make me look stupid. Try again.

OH, U think simple? Would you mind if I threw the British Dictionary in your face, because apparently USA thought it would invent its own English! and change words like Colour, to "color".
No, I was pointing out that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were both backed by multiple countries. So please direct your anger in some way that resembles the facts. The US is fucked up, we do have our problems. The fact that you get so upset by the fact that I pointed out that troops from 43 other countries were involved in these actions is telling. Clearly you're the one with agenda-based issues regarding relevance.

I can admit that the invasion of Iraq was initiated under (At best) shaky pretenses. Afghanistan, on the other hand, was entirely legitimate; though I do feel we have overstayed our welcome at this point.

As far as English of the US and British sorts; what does that have to do with either war in the Middle-East?


Active Member
No, I was pointing out that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were both backed by multiple countries. So please direct your anger in some way that resembles the facts. The US is fucked up, we do have our problems. The fact that you get so upset by the fact that I pointed out that troops from 43 other countries were involved in these actions is telling. Clearly you're the one with agenda-based issues regarding relevance.

I can admit that the invasion of Iraq was initiated under (At best) shaky pretenses. Afghanistan, on the other hand, was entirely legitimate; though I do feel we have overstayed our welcome at this point.

As far as English of the US and British sorts; what does that have to do with either war in the Middle-East?
no sorry that's just untrue, there was and is no legal logical reason for either Afghanistan or Iraq, made up fictitious ones perhaps but certainly nothing to justify the murder in cold blood of over a million people and counting.

how was it entirely legitimate ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No, I was pointing out that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were both backed by multiple countries. So please direct your anger in some way that resembles the facts. The US is fucked up, we do have our problems. The fact that you get so upset by the fact that I pointed out that troops from 43 other countries were involved in these actions is telling. Clearly you're the one with agenda-based issues regarding relevance.

I can admit that the invasion of Iraq was initiated under (At best) shaky pretenses. Afghanistan, on the other hand, was entirely legitimate; though I do feel we have overstayed our welcome at this point.

As far as English of the US and British sorts; what does that have to do with either war in the Middle-East?

Gang rape is backed by many people too. A thing that is wrong is not made right by a majority of participants calling it right.

The United States has its minions, often bullies have an entourage, so its not surprising that other countries stood in line for sloppy seconds.

Invading a country that hasn't attacked is not a defensive action, it is heinous. Killing innocent people is wrong, NOTHING can "legitimize" that.


Well-Known Member
no sorry that's just untrue, there was and is no legal logical reason for either Afghanistan or Iraq, made up fictitious ones perhaps but certainly nothing to justify the murder in cold blood of over a million people and counting.

how was it entirely legitimate ?
Just means you are guessing from an ignorant closed mind. WE the People did this and will do it again. There can be no justifications but it was a UN sanctioned effort with a coalition of forces, including UK, Aus, and Poland.
It is REAL and you are not being.

Plenty of reasons but, not in you fantasy morality play. You so lack the basic facts I can't explain it to you.


Well-Known Member
Gang rape is backed by many people too. A thing that is wrong is not made right by a majority of participants calling it right.

The United States has its minions, often bullies have an entourage, so its not surprising that other countries stood in line for sloppy seconds.

Invading a country that hasn't attacked is not a defensive action, it is heinous. Killing innocent people is wrong, NOTHING can "legitimize" that.
Why do you listen to reality for a second? There was an attempt to assassinate HW Bush, while in office. That alone sanctions the UN hit.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why do you listen to reality for a second? There was an attempt to assassinate HW Bush, while in office. That alone sanctions the UN hit.

So a group of individuals in a rival gang tried to put a hit on Bush? Why then do ALL of the innocent people that occupy the territory that the rival gang operates in have to be subject to harm? Even the mafia is kind enough to leave the disinterested public out of most of their gang wars.

You think because something occurs regularly and is "normal", that it somehow makes it correct ethically and morally. Why don't YOU do a reality check? You support killing people that haven't harmed you? Why do you do this? A bunch of pieces of paper drawn up by pompous assholes can sanction murder? That's fucking preposterous.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who thinks the US is the most fucked up country in the world has not been to many countries.

Take into account that freedom of the press is non-existent in most of the world.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Anyone who thinks the US is the most fucked up country in the world has not been to many countries.

Take into account that freedom of the press is non-existent in most of the world.
The USA is a combination of some remaining vestigial freedoms and an active bureaucracy bent on extinguishing all of them. Anyone who thinks Amerika is free should explain why it has the highest prison population in the world. Also the "free press" can be bought. I recommend turning off your television.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Just means you are guessing from an ignorant closed mind. WE the People did this and will do it again. There can be no justifications but it was a UN sanctioned effort with a coalition of forces, including UK, Aus, and Poland.
It is REAL and you are not being.

Plenty of reasons but, not in you fantasy morality play. You so lack the basic facts I can't explain it to you.

Actually, NO. There are NO, NONE, NADA, "good reasons" for killing innocent people. Your belief that the nation state or government has some supernatural self granted power to do things that would be murder if individual people did the same things are actually proof that YOU have bought their immoral fantasy.

If there are lots of'd be able to explain it....that's why you can't unless we first accept the same rationalization myths that you have accepted. You think government actions should be exempt from the same moral standards we hold individuals to. That speaks to how well you've been indoctrinated. MURDER is murder, pretty flags and fancy pieces of paper "authorizing" it don't make it "not murder".