Under A Cabin In The Woods of AK - AUH#2, White Rhino, Carolina, and MTU.


Active Member
looks great!I lost this thread for a bit!im happy that i found it but sad bc i have noe smoke.
Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Looking good. subscribed. Keep up the good work. always nice to have a comparison. My next run will be 4 Blue Kush clones. Should be starting them in a few weeks when the mango finishes up.


Well-Known Member
  • Third Dimension from TGA
  • Vortex from TGA
  • Pandoras Box (subcool) X White Rhino (GHS)
  • Chocolope AKA D-line from DNA
  • Pure Power Plant
As some of you may know, Subcool is not a fem seed guy.

As for the Pandoras Box X White Rhino, not sexed. (home breed) One of a few seedlings

Chocolope is Fem.

PPP is not.

First Set is of 3D. I will give the stats on each strain after the photos are all up. This 3D will be making its way to a DWC run if this turns out to be a female plant. If not I will take clones from a friend who has more of these seedlings all at the same age.

Followed by Vortex. Vortex seems to be a bit slower growing. I have given each plant different soil applications based on what I plan for each and what they require. Which could be the result. Vortex is in a smaller pot as it will not be flowering for a while, and there is not need for clones right away. I will sex this plant at some point soon however and may need to make a move at that point with what I do with the plant...

Pandora's X Rhino (Calling it Taboo)
Sub X Arjans
Pandoras Mother X Rhino pure male.
This plant grows like a Rhino however is not as speedy. Nothing else is known...

Chocolope AKA D-Line WOW
What a potent little Fem seedling.
This little plant has the whole room over powered with a fantastic smell.
This will be competing for next place in the SCROG, dependant on sex of the Taboo cross.

Pure Power Plant.
Typical so far. A bit slow however.
Mostly how I plan to keep it for some time. Will sex and may take a clone of this from another seedling if mine is male. HUGE scrog coming up for this run. Plans are to run this with a single 1000 HPS on a mover. Stay tuned for more planing of this one.


Active Member
i hope you dont mind me posting this/asking.this is 1 of 3 bagseed plants i have almost 8 weeks old. i just took 2 clones the other day off it. topped at 3 1/2 weeks.
the question is should i flower this plant out or flower the clones after rooting? ive been thinking about it all week and figured i could ask the woodsman(i trust your opinion)i know each have their own bennefits, not sure whitch is better/if any are?
my sad 400 watter feeling neglected.


Well-Known Member
i hope you dont mind me posting this/asking.this is 1 of 3 bagseed plants i have almost 8 weeks old. "

Not sure what your asking. I think the question is more or less should you flower clones vs. seed plant. If you think the strain might be something you want to keep or you are looking for a nice mommy plant, then keep the seed plant and only flower the clones. If you see only using the plant for stash and on to the next ventue once done, flower what ever you like. :) Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Looks great as always.. I will be updating my current journal this weekend.. about 3.5 weeks into flower. Hope all is well up in the beautiful untamed country.


Active Member
i hope you dont mind me posting this/asking.this is 1 of 3 bagseed plants i have almost 8 weeks old. "

Not sure what your asking. I think the question is more or less should you flower clones vs. seed plant. If you think the strain might be something you want to keep or you are looking for a nice mommy plant, then keep the seed plant and only flower the clones. If you see only using the plant for stash and on to the next ventue once done, flower what ever you like. :) Hope that helps.
I worded that horribly... i was prettymuch asking a question that i found the answer too while re-typing.
i realized a clone is "as old as" the plant it is off of. meaning my question was a waste of time...lol
im going to flower her out if both her clones survive 2 weeks(if not ill take 4 off it and try again)(btw this is prettymuch a practise mother)
I know its female becouse she stinks alot for vegging. im not going to seed anyplants unless there auto-flowering.
thanks for your time!


Well-Known Member
Do as much reading as you can 400. Smell has little to do with sex. Just because your plants smell good does not mean female....

I would suggest you take a clone and place it in a 12 l12 light cycle. Thats your sure way of seeing sex without budding.


Well-Known Member
Pocket transporting dixie cups works quite well. I drove 25 miles at -10 degrees today to drop off a few clones. They stayed inside my shirt pockets under my coat. They look just fine tonight....

